Welfare reform proposals: hearings before the Subcommittee on Public Assistance of the Committee on Finance, United States Senate, Ninety-fifth Congress, second session ...U.S. Government Printing Office, 1978 |
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administration Administration's AFDC AFL-CIO aged amount average Baker-Bellmon benefit levels bill blind and disabled Carter cash assistance program CETA Chairman child Committee Congress costs County day care differences earned income tax effect eligibility employer employment experience federal government Finance fiscal relief food stamp program foster care funds Governor groups household incentives income maintenance income tax credit increase individuals jobs program labor force legislation living marital Medicaid ment million minimum wage negative income tax parent payments percent persons poor population poverty level poverty line private sector problem public assistance public noncontributory transfers public service jobs Puerto Rico receive reduce result Senator DANFORTH Senator LONG Senator MOYNIHAN Social Security social services Subcommittee Supplemental Security Income supplementation tax credit tax rate tion Title two-parent families unemployed wage gap welfare programs welfare reform proposal welfare system workers
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Stran 1200 - ... has been deprived of parental support or care by reason of the death, continued absence from the home, or physical or mental incapacity of a parent, and who is living with his father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister, stepfather, stepmother, stepbrother, stepsister, uncle, or aunt, in a place of residence maintained by one or more of such relatives as his or their own home; (b) The term aid to dependent children means money payments with respect to a dependent child or dependent...
Stran 706 - Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) , Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Food Stamps, Section 8 Subsidized Housing, and state and local General Assistance.
Stran 1233 - XVI, the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Program for the aged, blind, and disabled. In general, receipt of a welfare payment under one of these programs means automatic eligibility for Medicaid (ie, categorically needy). In addition, States may provide Medicaid to the "medically needy...
Stran 691 - This category is for patients who are addicted to or dependent on drugs other than alcohol, tobacco, and ordinary caffeine-containing beverages. Dependence on medically prescribed drugs is also excluded so long as the drug is medically indicated and the intake is proportionate to the medical need. The diagnosis requires evidence of habitual use or a clear sense of need for the drug.
Stran 708 - The federal categorical grant-in-aid programs known as old age assistance, aid to the blind and aid to the permanently and totally disabled were replaced with SSI.
Stran 858 - The disturbing truth is that the basis of recommendations by an American Cabinet officer on whether to begin, eliminate or expand vast social programs more nearly resembles the intuitive judgment of a benevolent tribal chief in remote Africa than the elaborate sophisticated data with which the Secretary of Defense supports a major new weapons system.
Stran 1133 - Tenth : the services that will help people move out of poverty must be brought to the people — where and when they need them : "Family planning services, visiting-nurse services, day-care services for the children of working mothers, community action programs and consumer and legal aid must be available where, needed. City Hall — and Washington — must be closer to the people they govern.
Stran 1158 - Under aid to families with dependent children the Federal Government assists states to make payments to families with the father unemployed. In the 29 states that do not take advantage of this Federal offer and continue to provide aid only if the father is dead, disabled or absent from the home, the assistance program is correctly criticized on the grounds that it sets up an incentive for the unemployed worker to leave home. Support for an assistance program that applies to all in need and that pays...
Stran 1253 - Hu of the University of Pennsylvania has confirmed a significant difference In the way elder vs. younger persons spend their money. Using data from the University of Michigan Panel Study of Income Dynamics, as well as the Consumer Expenditure Survey of 1963, Dr. Hu's research Indicates that there Is a clear and significant difference in the spending patterns of older and younger persons. The elderly spend significantly less on clothing, alcohol, tobacco, autos and recreation but spend significantly...
Stran 1253 - Current Population Reports. Series P-23, No. 59. Demographic aspects of aging and the older population in the United States.