The Jurist, Količina 18 ,2. delS. Sweet, 1855 |
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April April 25 assignee baker Barrister at Law Bell-yard Birmingham Bristol builder Cause Chancery Chancery-lane Cheshire CHIEF COMMISSIONER Commissioner PHILLIPS common law County Court Court of Bank Court of Bankruptcy Court of Gloucestershire Court of Lancashire Court of Yorkshire dealer and chapman dealt with according Debtors Prison District Court dlesex draper Edward equity examined and dealt following Prisoners Gaol Gaol of Lancaster George grocer half-past 12 Henry Interim Order James John judge June June 14 June 27 Lancashire Leeds licensed victualler Lincoln's-inn Liverpool London.-Petition filed Lord Manchester manufacturer March March 24 merchant Middlesex Newcastle-upon-Tyne Order for Protection Parish of St person Petition filed Portugal-street Prison for London Prisoners are ordered Protection from Process published Queen's ruptcy Saturday Sept Sheffield shire Sols Staffordshire Statute Stevens & Norton Surrey tailor Thomas Vict Warwickshire William Worcestershire Yorkshire
Priljubljeni odlomki
Stran 316 - ... the circumstances of the supposed statement, sufficient to designate the particular occasion, must be mentioned to the witness, and he must be asked whether or not he has made such statement.
Stran 316 - ... a certificate containing the substance and effect only (omitting the formal part) of the indictment and conviction for such offence, purporting to be signed by the clerk of the Court, or other officer...
Stran 296 - Any summons or notice, or any writ, or other proceeding, at law or in equity, requiring to be served upon the company, may be served by the same being left at or transmitted through the post directed to the principal office of the company, or one of their principal offices where there shall be more than one, or being given personally to the secretary...
Stran 320 - Act, whether there is anything in Writing to amend by or not, and whether the Defect or Error be that of the Party applying to amend or not ; and all such Amendments may be made with or without Costs, and upon such Terms as to the...
Stran 247 - It is impossible for her Majesty to forego the exercise of her right of seizing articles contraband of war, and of preventing neutrals from bearing the enemy's despatches ; and she must maintain the right of a belligerent to prevent neutrals from breaking any effective blockade which may be established with an adequate force against the enemy's forts, harbors or coasts. " But her Majesty will waive the right of seizing enemy's property laden on board a neutral vessel, unless it be contraband of war.
Stran 296 - Viet. c. 31), s. 2, it is provided that " every railway company, canal company, and railway and canal company, shall, according to their respective powers, afford all reasonable facilities for the receiving and forwarding and delivering of traffic...
Stran 297 - Courts in Dublin, or any nine of the judges thereof, of whom the Lord Chancellor, the Master of the Rolls, the Lords Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench and Common Pleas, and the Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, shall be five, from time to time to make...
Stran 297 - ... for every day, after a day to be named in the order, that such carrier or other person shall fail to obey such injunction or other proper process, mandatory or otherwise; and such...
Stran 332 - ... shall mean the railway and works, of whatever description, by the special act authorized to be executed. 3. The following words and expressions, both in this and the special act, shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them, unless there be something in the subject or context repugnant to such construction...
Stran 316 - ... upon being satisfied of the sincerity of such objection, to permit such person, instead of being sworn, to make his or her solemn affirmation or declaration in the words following: videlicet— I, AB, do solemnly, sincerely and truly affirm and declare...