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is in most cases similar to that required in other teachers' courses and no special effort is made to adapt the work to the special needs of the agricultural teacher. In fact, the teachers' course is nothing but a course in agriculture plus a few uncorrelated courses in education. Naturally,

such a course did not produce the best results, nor could it be expected, for as Storm has stated it:

"Have we been satisfied to give the embryonic teacher a little fozzilized history of education, a little petrified psychology, and perhaps a small portion of dessicated methods, hoping that by some sort of mental legerdemain and without further human assistance the man with agricultural knowledge will be transformed into a properly equipped and efficient teacher?" (1)

In colleges where the field was limited to the preparation of agricultural teachers the work was usually better correlated. Since the instructor can devote his entire energy to the special needs of students preparing the become agricultural teachers, it was easier to bring about a closer union between the technical and the professional.

Equally good results have been obtained there the department of education provided the fundamental training in pedagogy and the department of agricultural education made the connection between the technical and the professional, but this has not always been the case. With this plan three lines of work have to be correlated. The success of the plan depends largely on the department of agricultural education.

If the separate colleges have at times employed men as instructors in agricultural education who were strong in education but weak in agriculture, the colleges connected with universities have employed men who had been successful teach

1,Storm. Courses for preparing agricultural teachers. p.34-5.

ers of secondary agriculture with only a meager training in education. To them the problem of teaching was chiefly to transmit their own experience to their students with little or no attempt to utilize what training they had received in the fundamentals of education. Moreover, in many instances

their instructional duties were rather light, since their chief duty was extension work with the high schools of the state. Under such conditions the department of general education dominated the professional training.

But the situation in some cases took a different

turn of development.

tion expanded.

The department of agricultural educa

In case of a single course in special methods,

a number of courses were offered and gradually such courses began to replace the work in general education until the professional training was chiefly in the hands of the department of agricultural education.. Such is now the case in California, Minnesota, and Cornell. Since this movement is in a way a reaction against uncorrelated work in education, it is here that the greatest opposition against the traditional courses is found.

The report of the committee of seventeen on the professional training of high school teachers (1) has commonly been accepted as the highest authority on professional training. Courses of study, perhaps also the professional requirements for teachers' certificates, have been based on their recommendations. Hence, the following courses are offered in practically every teachers college: psychology,

1, This report was published in Proc.N.E.A. 1907, p.523-47.

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