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deducting also for all charges and expences payable upon the sale of such cargoes, including commission of sale; and fifthly, for all other regular charges in such cases of total loss; and in all other cases not of total loss, the claimant or claimants shall be indemnified; first, for all special damages and expences occasioned to the ship by the detention, and for loss of freight when due or payable; secondly, a demurrage when due, according to the Schedule annexed to the present Article; thirdly, a daily allowance for the subsistence of slaves, of one shilling, or four rials and a half V". for each person, without distinction of sex or age, for so many days as it shall appear to the Commission that the voyage has been or may be delayed by reason of such detention; as likewise, fourthly, for any deterioration of cargo or slaves; fifthly, for any diminution in the value of the cargo of slaves, proceeding from an increased mortality beyond the average amount of the voyage, or from sickness occasioned by detention; this value to be ascertained by their computed price at the place of destination, as in the above case of total loss; sixthly, an allowance of five per cent. on the amount of the capital employed in the purchase and maintenance of cargo for the period of delay occasioned by the detention; and seventhly, for all premium of insurance on additional risks.

The claimant or claimants shall likewise be entitled to interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum, on the sum awarded until paid by the Government to which the capturing ship belongs: the whole amount of such indemnifications being calculated in the money of the country to which the captured ship belongs, and to be liquidated at the exchange current at the time of award; excepting the sum for the subsistence of slaves, which shall be paid at par, as above stipulated.

The two high Contracting Parties wishing to avoid as much as possible every species of fraud in the execution of the Treaty of this date, have agreed that if it should be proved, in a manner evident to the conviction of the Commissary Judges of the two

de las dos naciones, y sin necesidad de recurrir á la decision de un Comisionado de arbitracion, que el apresador ha sido inducido en error por culpa voluntaria y reprehensible del Capitan del buque detenido, solo en tal caso no tendrá derecho este último de recibir, durante los dias de su detencion, los gastos de demora estipulados por el presente Artículo.

Nota del estipendio diaro para gastos de demora por un buque de 100 toneladas á 120 inclusive, £5 est.

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IX. Cuando el propietario de un buque que se hiciere sospechoso de traficar ilicitamente en esclavos, y fuere puesto en libertad en consecuencia de una sentencia de una de las dos Comisiones Mixtas (ó en el caso ya referido de pérdida total) reclamase indemnizacion por la pérdida de esclavos que hubiese sufrido, en ningun caso tendrá derecho de pedir mayor número de esclavos que el que su buque era autorizado para llevar segun las leyes Españolas, el cual número deberá siempre expresarse en su Pasaporte.

X. No será permitido á los jueces ni á los árbitros, ni al secretario de las Comisiones Mixtas, pedir ó recibir emolumentos de ninguna de las partes interesadas en las sentencias que pronuncien, bajo ningun pretexto, por el desempeño de las obligaciones que se les imponen por el presente reglamento.

XI. Cuando las partes interesadas juzguen que tienen razon para quejarse de alguna injusticia manifiesta de parte de las Comisiones Mixtas, lo representarán asi á sus respectivos gobiernos, quienes se reservan el derecho de communicarse mutuamente, con el objeto de mudar los individuos que componen estas Comisiones cuando lo estimen conveniente.

nations, and without having recourse to the decision of a Commissioner of Arbitration, that the captor has been led into error by a voluntary and reprehensible fault on the part of the Captain of the detained ship; in that case only the detained ship shall not have the right of receiving, during the days of her detention, the demurrage stipulated by the present Article.

Schedule of Demurrage or daily allowance for a Vessel of

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IX. When the proprietor of a ship, suspected of carrying on an illicit trade in slaves, released in consequence of a sentence of one of the Mixed Commissions (or in the case, as above-mentioned, of total loss) shall claim indemnification for the loss of slaves. which he may have suffered, he shall in no case be entitled to claim for more than the number of slaves which his vessel, by the Spanish laws, was authorized to carry, which number shall always be stated in his Passport.

X. Neither the judges, nor the arbitrators, nor the secretary of the Mixed Commissions shall be permitted to demand or receive, from any of the parties concerned in the sentences which they shall pronounce, any emolument, under any pretext whatsoever, for the performance of the duties which are imposed upon them by the present regulation.

XI. When the parties interested shall imagine they have cause to complain of any evident injustice on the part of the Mixed Commissions, they may represent it to their respective governments, who reserve to themselves the right of mutual correspondence, for the purpose of removing, when they think fit, the individuals who may compose these Commissions.

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XII. En caso de ser detenido impropiamente un buque bajo el pretexto de las estipulaciones del Tratado de esta fecha, y no pudiéndose justificar el apresador ó con el tenor de dicho Tratado, ó el de las instrucciones anexas á él, el gobierno á que pertenezca el buque detenido tendrá derecho para pedir reparacion, y en tal caso el gobierno á que pertenezca el apresador se obliga á que se haga averiguacion sobre el motivo de la queja, y á que se imponga al apresador, en el caso de que se pruebe haberlo merecido, un castigo proporcionado á la infraccion cometida.

XIII. Las dos altas Partes Contratantes estipulan que en el caso de morir uno ó mas de los jueces Comisionados, ó los Comisionados de arbitracion, que componen las susodichas Comisiones Mixtas, serán suplidas sus plazas interinamente del siguiente modo.

Por parte del Gobierno Británico se llenarán sucesivamente las vacantes de la Comision que se establezca en las Posesiones de Su Magestad Británica, por el Gobernador o Teniente Gobernador residente de aquella colonia, por el principal magistrado de la misma, y por el secretario; y en la que se establezca en las Posesiones de Su Magestad Católica se estipula, que si muere alli el juez ó árbitro Británico, los restantes individuos de dicha Comision procederán igualmente á sentenciar los barcos negreros cuyas causas se presenten ante ellos, y á executar la sentencia. Sin embargo, solo en este caso tendrán las partes interesadas derecho para apelar de la sentencia, si lo tuvieren por conveniente, á la Comision residente en la costa de Africa; y el gobierno á que pertenezca el apresador estará obligado á abonar del modo mas completo la compensacion que les fuere debida en caso de que se decida la apelacion en favor de los reclamantes; pero el barco y el cargamento permanecerán durante la apelacion en el lugar de la residencia de la primera Comision ante la cual hayan sido llevados.

Por parte de la España, las vacantes que hubiere en la Posesion de Su Magestad Católica se llenarán por las personas de confianza que eligiere la autoridad superior del pais; y en la costa de Africa, ocurriendo la muerte de algun juez ó árbitro Español, la Comision procederá á sentenciar del mismo modo que se especifica

XII. In case of a vessel being improperly detained, under pretence of the stipulations of the Treaty of this date, and the captor not being enabled to justify himself, either by the tenor of the said Treaty, or of the instructions annexed to it, the government to which the detained vessel may belong, shall be entitled to demand reparation; and in such case the government to which the captor may belong, binds itself to cause enquiry to be made into the subject of the complaint, and to inflict upon the captor, if he be found to have deserved it, a punishment proportioned to the transgression which may have been committed.

XIII. The two high Contracting Parties have agreed, that in the event of the death of one or more of the Commissary judges, or the Commissioners of arbitration, composing the above-mentioned Mixed Commissions, their posts shall be supplied, ad interim, in the following manner.

On the part of the British Government, the vacancies shall be filled successively, in the Commission which shall sit within the Possessions of His Britannic Majesty, by the Governor or Lieutenant Governor resident in that colony, by the principal magistrate of the same, and by the secretary; and in that which shall sit within the Possessions of His Catholic Majesty, it is agreed, that in case of the death of the British judge or arbitrator there, the remaining individuals of the said Commission shall proceed equally to the judgment of such slave-ships as may be brought before them, and to the execution of their sentence. In this case alone, however, the parties interested shall have the right of appealing from the sentence, if they think fit, to the Commission resident upon the coast of Africa; and the government to which the captor shall belong, shall be bound fully to make good the compensation which shall be due to them, in case the appeal be decided in favour of the claimants; but the vessel and cargo shall remain, during such appeal, in the place of residence of the first Commission before which they shall have been carried.

On the part of Spain, the vacancies shall be supplied, in the Possession of His Catholic Majesty, by such persons of trust as the principal authority or the country shall appoint; and upon the coast of Africa, in case of the death of any Spanish judge or arbitrator, the Commission shall proceed to judgment, in the same

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