The Legal Observer, Or, Journal of Jurisprudence, Količina 23

Sprednja platnica
J. Richards, 1842

Iz vsebine knjige

Druge izdaje - Prikaži vse

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Stran 384 - On the trial of any issue joined, or of any matter or question, or on any inquiry arising in any suit, action, or other proceeding in any Court of justice, or before any person having by law, or by consent of parties, authority to hear, receive, and examine evidence...
Stran 70 - ... or defendants of the paper charged to be a libel, and of the sense ascribed to the same in such indictment or information.
Stran 35 - Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, by and with the advice and assistance of the Right Honourable...
Stran 93 - ... such execution or attachment shall have issued, had not at the time of such contract, dealing, or transaction, or at the time of executing or levying such execution or attachment, notice of any prior act of bankruptcy by him committed ; provided also that nothing herein contained shall be deemed or taken to give validity to any payment made by any bankrupt being a fraudulent preference of any creditor or creditors of such bankrupt, or to any execution founded on a ^judgment on a warrant of attorney,...
Stran 70 - ... or information for the making or publishing any libel, where an issue or issues are joined between the King and the defendant or defendants, on the plea of not guilty pleaded, it be competent to the jury impanelled to try the same to give their verdict upon the whole matter in issue...
Stran 404 - And be it further enacted, that every will shall be construed, with reference to the real estate and personal estate comprised in it, to speak and take effect as if it had been executed immediately before the death of the testator, unless a contrary intention shall appear by the will.
Stran 494 - ... of an Act passed in the fourth and fifth years of the reign of Queen Anne, intituled " An Act for the amendment of the Law and the better advancement of Justice...
Stran 160 - ... hereby given to the judges of the superior courts of common law with respect to matters depending in the same courts, shall and may be exercised by courts of equity with respect to matters therein depending, and...
Stran 287 - CD on the said day of or, at any time afterwards had any disposing power which he might without the assent of any other person exercise for his own benefit...
Stran 288 - ... of or to which such person shall at the time of entering up such judgment, or at any time afterwards, be seised, possessed, or entitled for any estate or interest whatever, at law or in equity, whether in possession, reversion, remainder, or expectancy...

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