Healthful schoolsHoughton Mifflin Company, 1918 - 292 strani |
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acetylene arranged asphaltum athletic automatic flush basement bathing become blackboards boys calisthenics carried ceiling cement chairs child classroom clean Cleveland closet cold Collinwood contagious diseases danger defects desirable desk door Dresslar dust educational equipment experiments feet fire escapes fireproof floor flush toilet frequently furniture girls glass grade ground gymnasium heating and ventilating hookworm inches installed Ipswich janitor larvæ latrine light located medical inspection metal nurses old buildings open-air classes outdoor physical training pipes placed play playground playground games porcelain probably public schools pupils recess recreation rural schools Russell Sage Foundation sanitary school board school buildings school children school hygiene school lunches schoolhouse schoolroom seat secured septic tank shower space stairs stairways supervision supplied surface tank teachers temperature tion toilet toilet-rooms tuberculosis urinals usually vacuum cleaner walls washed wood wooden York
Priljubljeni odlomki
Stran 195 - Postpaid. HEALTHFUL SCHOOLS: HOW TO BUILD, EQUIP, AND MAINTAIN THEM. By MAY AYRES, JESSE F. WILLIAMS, MD, Professor of Hygiene and Physical Education, University of Cincinnati, and THOMAS D.
Stran 195 - THE TEACHING OF ENGLISH IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL. By Charles Swain Thomas. PRINCIPLES OF SECONDARY EDUCATION. By Alexander Inglis, Harvard University.
Stran 76 - ... On the other hand the heat control of the body is influenced by the condition of the atmosphere in which the body is immersed. This is exceedingly variable and it is to bring about the best conditions of air to which ventilation should address itself. To repeat; this fundamental change of standards. Ventilation seeks to control the conditions of the atmosphere in which the body is immersed rather than to control its composition...
Stran 145 - If we are ever to really have athletics for girls generally we must settle at least the following points: 1. What exercises are likely to be injurious internally to matured girls? 2. What exercises are mechanically suited to the build of the average girl? 3. What are suited to her muscular strength and endurance? 4. What will contribute to her health and vitality and help to fit her for a normal woman's life? 5. What form of physical activity comes nearest to containing for her the primitive appeal...
Stran 195 - Instructor in Science, State Normal School, Mankato, Minnesota. $1.30 net. Postpaid. Secondary Education Division PRINCIPLES OF SECONDARY EDUCATION. By ALEXANDER INGLIS, Assistant Professor of Education, Harvard University. $2.75. PROBLEMS OF SECONDARY EDUCATION. By DAVID SNEDDEN, Professor of Education, Teachers College, Columbia University.
Stran 195 - MONROE, Professor of School Administration, and Director of the Bureau of Educational Measurements and Standards, Kansas State Normal School ; JC...
Stran 138 - Dance Did You Ever See a Lassie Other simple singing games and folk dances Valuable and desirable as the indoor play periods may be, they are not a complete substitute for outdoor play during the school session. When the recreational activities of children are transferred from outdoors to indoors their value is lessened through: 1. Loss of fresh air 2. Lack of sunshine 3. Restriction of space and full freedom of activity 4. Diminished pleasure 5. Narrowed range of activities 6. Extreme brevity of...
Stran 153 - The apparatus should be taken from storage and the school playgrounds made inviting to pupils out of school hours. This will necessitate additional supervision, which should be provided. 5. The swimming pools that have been begun should be completed and both swimming pools and gymnasiums should be justified by the use made of them. 6. Far more attention should be paid in the elementary grades to hardy, organized games. There both numbers and needs (even the adolescent needs) predominate, as compared...
Stran 147 - Running (in moderation) Skating Swimming Walking 5. Best loved, most commonly practiced, and with greatest primitive appeal : Dancing (greatest unanimity of opinion in this answer) * From Healthful Schools, by Ayres, Williams, and Wood.
Stran 154 - Opportunities that came as a matter of course to children a generation ago do not come to many children now unless they are specifically planned for by some agency other than the home. Met wisely by the community, this seeming 'handicap may, in the end, result in a great and new-found social strength. 10. Play is more than recreation. If its educational significance is real in the kindergarten period, it is real in every subsequent stage of growth and development. Rightly conceived, play is a most...