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desiring to enter as Special Students or as Limited Students are advised to correspond with the Professor of Agriculture.

To students unable to give more than two years to their studies, the following course is suggested:

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Agriculture and Horticulture

Stock-breeding and Dairying

Agricultural Elective (including Botany and Ento


Free Electives

Military Science.

Physical Culture.


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Opportunities Afforded by the Experiment Station. The peculiar conditions of California with regard to soil, climate, and situation, have rendered useless, for farmers here, much of the experience of older regions, and have made imperative a new study of the bearing of these conditions upon the agriculture of the State and of the Pacific Slope. The College of Agriculture has for twenty-five years conducted an experiment station, where questions of this nature have been investigated and determined, and where data for a full knowledge and description of the agricultural features of the State are collected and organized. In recent years, aid from the Government of the United States has greatly extended the scope of such investigation by the establishment of four outlying culture sub-stations, and by making possible a more comprehensive plan of experimentation in the central station at Berkeley. Here the results of work at all the sub-stations are elaborated, discussed, and published in the form of occasional bulletins, or in the annual reports. Advanced students have the opportunity of taking such part in this work as their qualifications permit.

For a description of the Experiment Stations and the Agricultural Laboratories, see under Library, Museums, and Laboratories.


The degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy are granted under the general conditions stated in the Graduate Department of this REGISTER. Intending Graduate Students in Agriculture are advised to correspond with the Professor of Agriculture, and arrange with him a course of study and of practical laboratory work.



The Faculty of each College consists of the President of the University and the resident Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, and Lecturers giving instruction in the College.

The College of Mechanics includes the courses of instruction both in Mechanical and in Electrical Engineering. These courses are designed for students who wish to become professional engineers, or to engage in any of the lines of manufacture and construction allied to the mechanical and electrical industries.


The requirements for admission are: (A) Oral and Written Expression, (1) English, (3) Algebra, (4) Plane Geometry, (5) History and Government of the United States, (11) Physics, either (6) Latin or (8) Greek or (14) English or (15a2) French or (15b2) German, (12a1) Solid and Spherical Geometry, (12a2) Plane Trigonometry, (126) Chemistry, and (16) Free-hand Drawing. See page 64 for requirements to be added in 1905.

The requirements for graduation from this college, with the degree of B.S., are set forth in the following scheme.* The studies are explained in detail in the description of the Courses of Instruction.

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(3) Laboratory Experiments and (4)
Qualitative Analysis....

DRAWING (1) Instrumental, and (2A) Descriptive

*In the scheme as here tabulated, alternative electives are indicated by means of parentheses inclosing the figures in the columns headed "Units."

Freshmen who are not proficient in the elements of Free-hand Drawing will also

be required to take Course la in Drawing.

Sophomore Year.

MATHEMATICS-(3B) Elements of Analysis, with


(10) Problems in the Calculus...

PHYSICS (2A) General Course

(3) Physical Measurement

DRAWING (2B) Descriptive Geometry and (3)

Mechanical Drawing ...

CIVIL ENGINEERING-(1A) Lectures with (1B) Field

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Practice and Mapping

MILITARY SCIENCE-(1) Two exercises each week

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(10A) (10B) Electrical


MINING (5) Structural Metals, Fuels


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PHYSICS (5) Analytic Mechanics

(7) Electrical Measurements..
*(10) Electricity...

CIVIL ENGINEERING-(8A) Strength of Materials..
DRAWING (5) Graphostatics, (4) Mechanical Drawing
MILITARY SCIENCE-(1) Two exercises each week


Senior Year.



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(3) Hydraulics..

(5A) (5B) Thermody-

(4A) (4B) Kinematics........

MILITARY SCIENCE-(2A) (2B) Theoretical Course

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* Physics 10 is prescribed only for students taking Electrical Engineering.

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ELECTIVES-Either of the subjoined groups:

(2B) Hydrodynamics: Problems..
(3B) Hydraulics: Problems.....

(7) Mechanical Laboratory

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The Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Laboratories are designed to offer facilities for tests and experimental inquiry, such as (1) submitting to actual test, and verifying directly, principles developed in the lecture-room; (2) building and testing machines designed by the students; (3) investigating such subjects and engineering problems as are calculated to impart training in methods of investigation, and to yield results which may prove of value in engineering science; (4) ascertaining the character and proper treatment of materials, and acquiring familiarity with the appliances and processes necessary for the construction of designs. Opportunity is afforded the student to acquire skill, under the instruction of an able mechanician, in the working of metals by hand and machine tools; in wood-turning, planing, and carpentry; in moulding and pattern-making; in forging and tempering tools. These processes are well illustrated in the construction of machines for experimental work. After the student has become sufficiently acquainted with these processes, and is able to recognize differences in appliances and methods, visits of inspection are made to manufacturing establishments and power stations in San Francisco and vicinity, in order to give him familiarity with engineering operations on a large scale.

For a description of the Mechanical and Electrical Laboratories, see under Library, Museums, and Laboratories.

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