Slike strani
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Sec. 10, N.

The area involved in this order is 242,158 acres, which will make a total area of petroleum withdrawals outstanding in California of 2,677,782 acres.

[blocks in formation]




[Notification to Register and Receiver, Visalia, January 30, 1911.]


JANUARY 27, 1911.

The Honorable,



Information received from the field indicates that the following lands are valuable for oil, and I therefore recommend the submission of the following order of withdrawal to the President for appropriate action:

[blocks in formation]


It is hereby ordered that the following described lands be, and the same are hereby withdrawn from settlement, location, sale or entry, and reserved for classification and in aid of legislation affecting the use and disposal of petroleum lands belonging to the United States, subject to all of the provisions, limitations, exceptions, and conditions contained in the Act of Congress entitled "An Act to authorize the President of the United States to make withdrawals of public lands in certain cases," approved June 25, 1910:

Sixth Principal Meridian.

T. 32 N., R. 81 W., Sec. 5, Lots 2, 3, and 4; S. of N. 1; S. 1;

[blocks in formation]

Sec. 28, N. of NE., NW. };

Sec. 29, N.; SW. 1, W. of SE. 1;

Sec. 30, N., 'NE. of SW. 1, N. of SE. †, SE. 1 of SE. };

Sec. 4, W. of SW. 1, SE. † of SW. 1.

[ocr errors]

T. 33 N., R. 81 W., Sec. 30, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, SE. of NW., E. † of SW. †, W. †

[blocks in formation]

T. 32 N., R. 82 W., Sec. 3, N. §, N. † of SW. 1, SE. † of SW. }, SE. };
Sec. 4, lots 1 and 2, SE. of NE. 1;

Sec. 10, NE. 1, NE. † of SE. 4,

Sec. 11, all;

Sec. 12, all;

Sec. 13, all

Sec. 14, NE. 1, NE. of NW. 1, NE. 1 of SE. };

Sec. 24, NE. 1, NE. † of NW. †, E. 1⁄2 of SE. };

T. 33 N., R. 82 W., Sec. 4, Lot 4, S. of NW. }, SW. }, W. } of SE. 1, SE. † of

[blocks in formation]

Sec. 24, W. of NW., SE. of NW. 1, SW. 1, W. of SE. 1;

SE. of SE. 1;

Sec. 25, all;

Sec. 26, all;

Sec. 27, all;

Sec. 28, all;

Sec. 29, N., NE. of SW. 1, SE 1;

Sec. 33, NE. 1, E. of NW., NW. of NW. 4, N. of SE. 1,

SE. of SE.;

Sec. 34, all;

Sec. 35, all;

Sec. 36, all;

Sec. 30, NE. of NE. .

T. 34 N., R. 82 W., Sec. 30, Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, SE. † of NW. †, E. † of SW. 1,

W. of SE., SE. 1 of SE. };

Sec. 31, all;

Sec. 32, W., SW. † of NE. 1, SE. 1;

Sec. 29, SW. of SW }.

T. 33 N., R. 83 W., Sec. 1, all;

Sec. 2, all;

Sec. 3, N., N. of SW. 1, SE. 1 of SW. 1, SE. 1;

Sec. 4, lots 1 and 2, SE. of NE. };

Sec. 10, N. of NE. 1;

Sec. 11, N., NE. † of SW. †, SE. 1;
Sec. 12, all;

T. 33 N., R. 83 W., Sec. 13, N., NE. † of SW. †, SE. };

Sec. 24, NE. of NE. 1.

Sec. 14, NE. } of NE. }.

T. 34 N., R. 83 W., Sec. 4, Lot 4, S. of NW. 1, SW. 4, W. of SE., SE. of


Sec. 5, all;

Sec. 6, all;

Sec. 7, all;

Sec. 8, all;

Sec. 9, all;

Sec. 10, SW. † of NW. †, SW. †, SW. † of SE. };

Sec. 14, SW. of NW. †, SW. †, SW. † of SE. };

Sec. 15, all;

Sec. 16, all;

Sec. 17, all;

Sec. 18, all;

Sec. 19, N., NE. of SW. 1, SE. 1;

Sec. 20, all;

Sec. 21, all;

Sec. 22, all;

Sec. 23, all;

Sec. 24, SW. of NW. 1, SW. 1, SW. of SE. };

Sec. 25, all;

Sec. 26, all;

Sec. 27, all;

Sec. 28, all;

Sec. 29, N., N. † of SW. 1, SE. † of SW. 1, SE. };

Sec. 30, E. of NE. };

Sec. 32, N. of NE. 1, SE. † of NE. };

Sec. 33, N., N. of SW. 1, SE. of SW. 1, SE. };

Sec. 34, all;

Sec. 35, all;

Sec. 36, all.

T. 35 N., R. 83 W., Sec. 19, Lots 2, 3, and 4, SE. † of SW. 1;

Sec. 30, W. of NE. 1, SE. † of NE. 1, W. 1,

[blocks in formation]
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