Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, Količina 4

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Chapman & Hall, limited, 1888

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Stran 70 - being used as a dactyl,' will the generality of mortals detect any puzzle there? Or again, where poor Boswell writes: ' I always ' remember a remark made to me by a Turkish lady, educated ' in France: "Ma foi, monsieur, notre bonheur dépend de la 'façon que notre sang
Stran 59 - !—Boswell relates this in itself smallest and poorest of occurrences : 'As we ' walked along the Strand tonight, arm in arm, a woman of ' the town accosted us in the usual enticing manner. " No, ' no, my girl," said Johnson; "it won't do.
Stran 60 - come and gone, has a meaning for us. Do but consider that it is true; that it did in very deed occur ! That unhappy Outcast, with all her sins and woes, her lawless desires, too complex mischances, her waitings and her riotings, has departed utterly; alas! her siren finery
Stran 9 - he is; first becomes what he can be. In Society an altogether new set of spiritual activities are evolved in him, and the old immeasurably quickened and strengthened. Society is the genial element wherein his nature first lives and grows ; the solitary man were but a small portion
Stran 58 - old pair of shoes,' with his landlord ; and so, as worthy Bunyan has it, ' goes on his way, and sees him no more.' Singular enough, if we will think of it ! This, then, was a genuine flesh-and-blood Rustic of the year 1651 : he did actually swallow bread and
Stran 21 - way of being, could the many-coloured picture of our Life paint itself and shine. Thus if our eldest system of Metaphysics is as old as the Book of Genesis, our latest is that of Mr. Thomas Hope, published only within the current year. It is a chronic malady that
Stran 20 - Evil, Freedom and Necessity, must, under new forms, anew make their appearance; ever, from time to time, must the attempt to shape for ourselves some Theorem of the Universe be repeated. And ever unsuccessfully : for what Theorem of the Infinite can the Finite render complete? We, the whole species of Mankind, and our whole existence and history, are but a
Stran 10 - the darkness, which is the first step to attainment of light, will be welcome. This once understood, let it not seem idle if we remark that here too our old Aphorism holds ; that again in the Body Politic, as in the animal body, the sign of right performance is Unconsciousness. Such indeed is virtually the meaning
Stran 102 - (waxing old) had wellnigh ceased her singing, and empty wearisome Cuckoos, and doleful monotonous Owls, innumerable Jays also, and twittering Sparrows on the housetop, pretended they were repeating her. It was wholly a divided age, that of Johnson ; Unity existed nowhere, in its Heaven, or in its Earth. Society, through every
Stran 209 - PP Clerk of this Parish,' member of ' our Alehouse Club' (instituted for what ' Psalmody' is in request there) puts together,—in such sort as his fellow-members will praise. Of the thing now gone silent, named Past, which was once Present, and loud enough, how much do we know? Our

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