A General Abridgment and Digest of American Law: With Occasional Notes and Comments, Količina 7Cummings, Hilliard & Company, 1824 |
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action aforesaid alleged answer appear arrest bill burglary capture cargo cause chancery charge Circuit Court cited committed common law Congress convicted Cooper's Pl Court of Chancery court of equity Cranch crime decree deed deft deft's demurrer district dwelling-house East's C. L. enacted English equity evidence execution executor fact fee simple felony forfeited forfeiture fraud guilty held imprisonment indictable offence indictment intent issue judges judgment jurisdiction juror jury justice kill land larceny liable libel manslaughter Massachusetts matter ment murder neutral nusance oath offence officer outlawry owner party peace penalty perjury person plea plead plt's possession principles prisoner prize proved punished revivor rule Salk scire facias se defendendo Sect seized seizin seizure shew ship statute Stra tenant tion trespass trial United verdict Vern Vesey jun vessel Virginia warrant witnesses writ of right Сн