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Looking downstream at easterly end of St. Lawrence Power and Seaway Projects near Massena, New York. Long Sault Dam is at lower left and
Moses Saunders Power Dam at opposite end of Bornhort Island with Cornwall, Ontario, beyond. The Seaway with Eisenhower (foreground) and
Snell Locks is at right,

Range of lake level variations from observed monthly mean elevations, IGLD

[blocks in formation]

Comparison of present lake levels with long-term average values and with

[blocks in formation]

Effects of diversions and of the 25-foot and 27-foot navigation improvements in the St. Clair River

[blocks in formation]

Senator HART. Colonel, this gives me a chance to thank you and your staff for the acceleration of this program by way of dredging and.


Colonel PINNELL. We are happy we could do it, sir.

Senator HART. I think I know more about the flows and the levels. than I did before, and this is really what I hope our hearings can develop. A clearer understanding in Congress and the country of what is involved in terms of our economy. You mentioned the diversion into Superior from Ogoki-Long Lake.

Colonel PINNELL. Yes, sir.

Senator HART. What arrangement was made with Canada, or is that a diversion by Canada?

Colonel PINNELL. It is a diversion by Canada, sir. It is entirely in Canadian territory. It was handled unilaterally by the Canadian Government we understand.

Senator HART. The International Joint Commission would or would not have jurisdiction over that?

Colonel PINNELL. I can't answer that question, sir. Apparently it was not referred to them in this instance, although normally they do have jurisdiction.

Senator HART. I think it would be helpful if, after checking, we had inserted in the record a statement of explanation; either it is not and why it is not, or it is and under what circumstances.

Colonel PINNELL. We will be happy to do that, sir.

Senator HART. You mentioned the hope that your lake level study in an interim form will be available to us by the end of this year, is that right?

Colonel PINNELL. It is due to be completed by the field office, that is the district, this calendar year, sir. It still must be reviewed by the division office, and by the Office of the Chief of Engineers.

Senator HART. It will not be available for congressional guidance until those two added steps have been taken?

Colonel PINNELL. This is correct, sir. I stand corrected, sir. It is being prepared by the division so the district does not enter into the chain, so it is being prepared by the division engineer. It then goes to the Office of the Chief of Engineers.

Senator HART. One additional step to follow after the end of this year?

Colonel PINNELL. Yes, sir.

Senator HART. When would you estimate the final step would be taken and the study released?

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