PRINTED FOR BALDWIN, CRADOCK, AND JOY; J. OTRIDGE; J. CUTHELL; LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, AND BROWN; 1819. PREFACE. THE most important circumstance of the present year was, the entire liberation of the territory of France from the chains under which it had been hitherto held by the occupation of a large part of its domains by the great Powers who had taken possession of it. In November 1818, these sovereigns, having now completed the three years during which France had been considered as in a foreign possession, entered into a resolution of withdrawing their respective forces from the common territory, and leaving it entirely and absolutely free. This state of affairs was fully made known to France, by the change which in the ensuing month took place, announcing an entire alteration of the ministry, in consequence of a royal nomination. The state of Spain appears to have undergone a process of deterioration, in which the financial system has been gradually more and more involved, so that it has at length sunk into almost total ruin. Among other projects, that of establishing ports of deposit, as a means of commercial encouragement, has been thought of; in the mean time the fluctuation of ministers has kept pace with the other plans of misgovern ment. In the kingdom of Portugal, the territory of Montevideo still remains attached to the national dominion. The king, who is at present at Rio Janeiro, whence there is no prospect of his return to Portugal, has published a royal alvara, or law |