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commerce, fo long as the real intention of the English court shall be unknown, there fhall be laid a fequeftration upon all property belonging to the English; and that it be observed, in the strictest manner, that none thereof be transported out of Ruffia without permiffion of his Majefty; that, however, no part of the property be taken away from them, nor themfelves be disturbed in their bufinefs; according to all which, every one is to govern himfelt in the most particular manner.


Given at Riga Senate-house, the 29th August 1800.

SCHWART, Secretary.

Decree of the 1st September.

THE Confuls of the republic, on the report of the Minister of Marine and the Colonies, having heard the Council of State, decree,

Art. 1. All foreign feafaring men, refident in the territory of the republic, who have married French women, and failed on board merchant-veffels, are liable to ferve in the vessels belonging to the state.

2. The faid feafaring men are bound to prefent themselves to the Committee of Maritime Infcription, of the quarter where they refide, and to infcribe themselves there.

3. After their infcription, they fhall be confidered as French failors, and thall enjoy as fuch, promotions, increase of pay, fhare of prizes, and penfions, granted by the laws to the failors of the republic.

4. The prefects fhall make known, by the fub-prefects, mayors, and all other depofitaries of the regifters of the civil eftate, the account of marriages contracted with French women fince 1792, by foreign failors, actually refident in the territory of the republic. They shall fend thefe ftatements, in the month fubfequent to the publication of the prefent arreté, to the officers of the adminif tration, and cause them to be placed on the maritime inscription of each quarter.

5. In future the aforefaid mayors, and their colleagues, fhall cause to be tranfmitted, at the commencement of each month, to the administrators charged with the maritime inscription, a like ftatement of marriages contracted in the preceding month.

6. The faid adminiftrators fhall produce, on the registers of the maritime infcription of their quarter, the names of the aforefaid foreign failors, whofe eftablishment in France fhall be verified by the conditions above expreffed, and they fhall likewise contain the number of months fervice fixed by the law of the 20th of October, year 4, concerning maritime inscription.

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7. The

7. The Minister of the Marine and the Colonies is charged with the execution of the prefent arreté, which shall be inferted in the bulletin of the laws.

The First Conful, BONAPARTE.

The Secretary of State, H. B. MARET.

Orders iffued by the Emperor of Ruffia, Sept. 1...

THERE fhall be two armies formed; one under the command of Count Pahlen, in Lithuania; the other under the General of infantry, Golenifchtfchew Kukufow, in Volhynia :-the first to confift of thirteen regiments of cavalry, twenty-five of infantry, five of chaffeurs, thirteen battalions of grenadiers, two regiments of artillery, two companies of flying artillery, three companies of pioneers, with fappers and miners, and fifteen regiments of Coffacks. The army in Volhynia is to confift of fourteen regiments of cavalry, twenty-four of infantry, fix of chaffeurs, eleven battalions of grenadiers, one regiment and one battalion of artillery, with two companies of flying artillery, three companies of pioneers, with miners and fappers, and fixteen regiments of Coffacks. With the army under Count Pahlen are the Generals Prince Alexander of Wirtemberg, Prince Charles of Mecklenberg, De Gervais, Baron Gerfdorf, Baron Drechiel, &c. and with the army under General Kukufow, the Generals Bowr, Effen, Count Witgenftein, Sprengtporten, Count Longeron, Forfter, Count Rofen, Mannteufel, &c.

His Imperial Highness the Grand Duke Conftantine is appointed infpector of the cavalry of St. Petersburgh; Lieutenant-general Swetfchin to be general of infantry and military governor of St. Petersburgh; and Prince Alexander of Wirtemberg to be a general of cavalry.

Extract of a Difpatch from C. Alquier, Ambaffudor of the French Republic at Madrid.

Citizen Minifter,

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St. Ildephonfo, 14 Fructidor, Sept. 12 I TAKE the earliest opportunity of tranfmitting to you_official difpatches refpecting the fplendid victory gained by the Spanish troops over 15,000 British, who landed between Corunna and Ferrol. This affait is exceedingly brilliant, for it is certain that the Spaniards opposed to the enemy only 4000 men, confifting of foldiers and failors who were at hand, and of a few of the militia of that part of the country. The gun-boats performed wonders. A floating battery of eight twenty-four pounders was begun and finished in five hours. The British, notwithstanding


the great fuperiority of their force, were obliged to reimbark in diforder, after having had a great number killed and wounded, befides fuftaining a confiderable lofs in prifoners. They intended to furprise and burn Ferrol, to feize on fix fhips armed and equipped, which are ready to fail from that port, and to destroy those which are not yet in a state to put to fea. The bravery of the Spaniards has proved to them, that even with fuperior forces fuch an enterprise was an act of temerity.

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Madrid Gazette Extraordinary.

By extraordinary couriers difpatched by Don Francisco Melgarejo, commandant-general, per interim, of the marine department at Ferrol, dated the 25th, 26th, and 27th of this month (August), the King has been informed of the following details reTpecting the defcent made by the British at a place called Doninos, in the environs of the faid department.

In the morning of the 25th, the Vigie of Monte Ventofo deferied, at the diftance of four or five leagues, a squadron and a convoy fteering along the coaft, in order to double Cape de Priotro. Soon after they were defcried, the people on guard could count fixty-feven veffels, but it was not poffible to determine with certainty what were their metal and force, on account of the calm and fog which covered the horizon. The fquadron and the Convoy proceeded towards the fouth with a light north wind, until one in the afternoon, when being at the diftance of two or three miles to the north-weft they took an eaftern direction, tacking from north to fouth between Doninos and Los Rios, indicating by their manoeuvres that their intention was to make a landing on the coaft at Doninos.

The enemy's fquadron was then feen to confift of ten (hips, four of which were three-deckers, feven frigates, seven floops, and the rest transports.

At four in the afternoon the enemy's fquadron and convoy caft anchor in the bay: their firft difpofition was to detach ten boats' with troops to effect a landing, in which they fucceeded without oppofition, being protected by two floops and a frigate, the fire of which reached the battery fituated in that place, while the fmall detachment pofted there had no other refource than to retire with all fpeed. The enemy then carried on fhore two field-pieces, as well as the rest of the troops, who immediately marched forwards to get poffeffion of the heights.

The Commandant-general of the department being informed of these circumstances by different meffages, which he received the fame day from the Vigie of Monte Ventofo, and it being impoffible for him to doubt of the enemy's intention, he immediately tranfmitted a report to the Commandant-general of the kingdom of Gallicia, Count de Donadio, commander of the flying camps,

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and to the governor of the place, in order that they might concur with efficacy in its defence, and in that of the arfenal, which was evidently the object against which the enemy's enterprise was directed.

The commandant, in confequence of this intelligence, made every exertion to furnish all the affiftance which he had at his dif posal, after having fecured the marine pòfts, and made those difpofitions which fuch a critical fituation required, and which were determined in the plan of defence adopted by the miniftry, agreeably to the opinion of a council of war, held in 1797, the prefident of which was Don Felix de Tejada, captain-general of the faid department.

The fquadron commanded by Lieutenant-general Don Joachim Moreno, first landed 500 men, endeavouring at the fame time to take as favourable a pofition as poffible.

After having pursued all these measures to check the enemy, and having given orders that all the workmen and labourers fhould af femble at the arsenal to be armed, and hold themselves in readinefs to advance wherever their affiftance might be necessary, and after having taken other proper measures, in concert with the 'commandant-general of the fquadron, Don Francisco Melgarejo, commandant, per interim, of the department, he difpatched, at nine in the evening, a courier extraordinary to inform his Majesty of every thing which had taken place till that moment.

The first movement of the enemy was to take poffeffion of the heights of Brion, and Balon, which command the port and the town, but the detachment of 500 men from the squadron arrived in fufficient time to difpute their paffage. They combated with fury and fuccefs, fo as to check the march of the British, notwithftanding their fmall number, and the confiderable force of the ene my. While engaged, they effected a junction with the other corps of the army and marine, which had taken a pofition on the heights of Brion, under the command of Marshal Count de Donadio, that point being the most advantageous for repulfing the enemy.

In the night of the 25th, the workmen and labourers were employed in equipping floops and other veffels furnished by the fquadron, and which conveyed to all the forts the most neceffary articles taken from the naval magazines and the fquadron, in order that all the posts on shore, as well as the gun-boats, might be fupplied with provifions. The commandant-general ordered alfo that as great a quantity of provifions, as circumstances would admit, thould be taken from La Grana, and dispatched to the arfenal. The quantity taken thence was fufficient for the fubfiftence of the naval and land forces, and every thing necessary was at the fame time fent to the governor of the place, and the comsandant of the flying camps.


The night of the 25th paffed without any remarkable event till the morning of the following day, when the heights of Brion, occupied by our troops, were attacked by the enemy, very fuperior in number. We could not hope to retain that poft, but it was of importance that we should difguft the enemy with their enterprife, by rendering it neceffary for them to difpute every inch of ground. The engagement was conducted with as much fpirit as obftinacy. The enemy accumulated their forces in that point, where they had already 8000 men. We fought foot to foot, and gave time to General Melgarejo to prepare at the arsenal a floating battery of eight 24-pounders, the unexpected fire of which did the most hurt to the enemy.

Don Antonio de Pilos, captain of a frigate, commanded this battery, as well as the brigantine Vivo. The gun-boats played with the greatest fuccefs. While the commandant of the marine was giving these orders, fo proper for defeating the object of the enemy, he was at the fame time taking other measures to procure to Government different fuccours of artillery, taken from the fhip St. Ferdinand, and to caufe to be tranfported on the opposite fide all the gunpowder, after diftributing fuch a quantity of it as was neceffary for the fervice of the moment. The Commandantgeneral, per interim, of the kingdom of Gallicia, Don Francis de Negrete, reinforced the garrifon of the place with a battalion of the regiment of Africa, and another of the volunteers of Arragon, by which means the garrifon was augmented to 3000 men, fup, plied with provifions and cartouches.

The fame day another confiderable corps of the enemy began its march to attack St. Philip, but this attempt was alfo unfuccefsful. The enemy, fatigued with fo much refiftance, renounced their projects, and about four in the afternoon we faw them retire towards the place of difembarkation. Count de Donadio paffed the whole night before the gate of Canido, a point where it was prefumed an attack might be made, though it was confirmed by the intelligence received, that all the enemy's troops reimbarked about one o'clock in the morning. They fet fire to the wood, and the houses on the coaft, comprehending the Vigie of Monte Ventofe, and carried with them all the cattle they could: confining all their fuccefs to this diforder, the fquadron and the convoy fet fail.

By the declaration of a French failor who was a prifoner on board the enemy's fleet, and who found means to make his escape, we learned that the expedition confifted of fix fhips of war, three of them three-deckers, five frigates, and seventy transports, hav ing on board 15,000 troops.

The fame prifoner adds, that the cause of the unexpected retreat of the enemy, notwithstanding their great fuperiority, was the vigorous refiftance they had experienced contrary to their ex


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