GEOLOGY. ANDREW C. LAWSON, Ph.D., Professor of Geology and Mineralogy. JOHN C. MERRIAM, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Palæontology and Historical Geology. VANCE C. OSMONT, B.S., Assistant in Geology. There are no laboratory deposits in this department. 1A. General Geology: Dynamical and Structural. Lectures. Professor LAWSON. 3 hrs., first half-year. M W F, 10. Prerequisite: Elementary Chemistry and Physics. Prescribed, Junior year, in the Course in Sanitary Engineering, and Senior year, in the Course in Railroad Engineering, College of Civil Engineering; and Junior year, in the College of Mining. 1B. General Geology: Historical. Lectures. (G.E.) Assistant Professor MERRIAM. 2 hrs., second half-year. Tu Th, 10. Prerequisite: Course la or 5. 12. Physical Geology of North America. (G.E.) Lectures. Professor LAWSON. M W, 3. Prerequisite: Course la in 2 hrs., first half-year. 2. Field Geology. (G.E.) Professor LAWSON. An inquiry by the student into the geological conditions which obtain in the region around the Bay of San Francisco, with occasional more extended excursions to points of especial interest; training in methods of field-observation and in interpretation of results. 1 unit, first half-year; 2 units, second half-year. Year Course. fifteen field-days during the year. Prerequisite: Senior standing; Course la in Geology; Course 1 in Mineralogy. Prescribed, Senior year, in the College of Mining. Students taking this course may be called upon to make excursions entailing an outlay for traveling expenses of $20.00. 2A. Economic Geology. (G.E.) Lectures. Professor LAWSON. 3 hrs., second half-year. M W F, 10. Prerequisite: Geology la and Mineralogy 1. Prescribed, Senior year, in the College of Mining. 3 Petrography. (G.E.) Professor LAWSON. General Principles and methods of investigation of rock-forming substances, with special discussion of the most important ones. petrology. Systematic petrography. 2 hrs., first half-year. Tu Th, 11. Courses 2 and 2c in Mineralogy. the College of Mining. 4. Petrographical Laboratory. (G.E.) Prerequisite: Course 1A; Prescribed, Senior year, in Professor LAWSON and Mr. OSMONT. (a) Demonstrations of the different methods of investigation of the rock-forming minerals and rocks. (b) Practice in the determinations of rocks by modern petrographical methods; preparation of thin sections, and the use of the polarizing microscope. 3 hrs., first half-year; 1 unit; 6 hrs., second half-year; 2 units. First half, Section I, M, 1-4; II, W, 1-4. Second half, Section I, M, 1-4; W, 1-3; II, W, 3-5; F, 1–4. Prerequisite: Course la in Geology; Courses 2A, 2B, and 2c in Mineralogy. Prescribed, Senior year, in the College of Mining. 5. General Palæontology. Assistant Professor MERRIAM. The general principles of the study of fossil organisms. 2 hrs., first half-year. Tu Th, 10. Prerequisite: Zoology la. 5A. Palæontological Laboratory. (G.E.) Preparatory to Geology 1B. Assistant Professor MERRIAM. Given in connection with Course 5. 4 hrs., first half-year; 2 units. M W, 1-4. Open to students taking Course 5. 6A. Practical Work on Palæontological Geology. (G.E.) Assistant Professor MERRIAM. Given in connection with Course 1B. Laboratory work and excursions. For the purpose of studying the fossils and geological horizons of the Coast Ranges in the field, excursions to points of interest near Berkeley are made on convenient Saturdays during the term. 4 hrs., second half-year; 2 units. (1 unit laboratory, 1 unit excursion.) Open to students who have completed or are taking Course 1B. 11. Vertebrate Palæontology. (G.E.) Assistant Professor MERRIAM. Comparative osteology, history, and affinities of the most important types of recent and fossil vertebrates. 3 hrs., first half-year. Lectures, M W, 9; laboratory work, W or F, 1-4. Prerequisite: Course 5 in Geology, or Course la in Zoölogy. Geological History of Man. [See Anthropology 4.] Assistant Professor MERRIAM. PRIMARILY FOR GRADUATES. 8. Advanced Palæontological Laboratory. (G.E.) Assistant Professor MERRIAM. Studies in lines of descent. Practical work in the paleontology and organic geology of California. Throughout the year. Credit value to be determined in each case. Prerequisite: Course 5A or 11. 10. Inorganic Geology. Professor LAWSON. Discussions of special topics and advanced problems. Critical reviews of current literature. Prosecution of original geological research and publication of results. Methods of geological surveying and cartography. Petrographical studies. 13. Geology of California. (G.E.) Seminary. Professor LAWSON. 2 hrs., second half-year. M W, 3. Prerequisite: Courses la, 1B 12, Mineralogy 1. MINERALOGY. ANDREW C. LAWSON, Ph.D., Professor of Geology and Mineralogy. ARTHUR S. EAKLE, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mineralogy. A laboratory deposit of five dollars a year is required for Course 1, to cover cost of materials actually used and breakage of apparatus. Deposits are not required for other courses in this department. 1. Mineralogical Laboratory. Assistant Professor EAKLE and Mr. OSMONT. The course comprises two parts: (a) Practice in the determination of unlabeled minerals by means of their physical properties, the apparatus consisting of pen-knife, pocket lens, streak plate, and magnet. The object is to give the student sufficient familiarity with the most commonly occurring minerals of geological and economic importance to enable him to recognize or determine them in the field without delay. (b) The latter half of the course is devoted to the determination of minerals by blowpipe analysis. 6 hrs., throughout the year; two units each half-year. Two sections: Tu Th, 9–12, 1–4. Prerequisite: Matriculation Chemistry. Elective, College of Civil Engineering, with Mechanical Engineering 8 or Drawing 8A. Prescribed, Sophomore year, in the College of Mining, to the extent of 1 unit each half-year. 2A. Crystallography. (G.E.) The morphology of minerals. Assistant Professor EAKLE. 2 hrs., first half-year. M W, 1. Prerequisite: Junior standing. Prescribed, Junior year, in the College of Mining. 2B. Crystallographical Laboratory. (G.E.) Assistant Professor EAKLE. 2 hrs., first half-year; 1 unit. M W, 2-4. Concurrent with Course 2A, and open only to students who are taking that course. 2c. Physical Properties of Minerals. (G.E.) Lectures. Professor LAWSON. 1 hr., second half-year. Th, 11. Prerequisite: Course 2A. Prescribed, Junior year, in the College of Mining. 3. Descriptive Mineralogy. (G.E.) Assistant Professor EAKLE. A discussion of the salient properties and mode of occurrence of the more important minerals, with a classification of the same in natural groups; illustrated by typical specimens. 2 hrs., second half-year. M W, 10. Prerequisite: Courses 1 and 2A. Prescribed, Junior year, in the College of Mining. 5. Graduate Course. Assistant Professor EAKLE. Studies in the goniometrical investigation of crystals and in the determination of their physical constants. The acquiring of a wider and more thorough knowledge of minerals than is possible in the undergraduate course. Petrography. See Courses 3 and 4 under Geology. |