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The garden includes about 7 acres, 3 of which are already cultivated and laid out in rectangular beds in which the species are being arranged by orders as far as possible. Efforts are now being made to increase the number of annual native plants, of which the department possesses a large collection of seeds.

The garden furnishes abundant class material for the classes in botany and affords favorable opportunities for original study and experimentation.

The Botanical Laboratories occupy rooms 1, 2 and 3 of the Botanical Building. They are well lighted and equipped with the necessary instruments, utensils, and reagents for work in morphology and histology, both of flowering and flowerless plants. Special facilities are provided for students desiring to pursue research work.

A Botanical Museum is being gradually formed. It contains, at present, the Voy collection of native woods, cones, and tree photographs; a recent collection of cones, to which constant additions are being made; a small collection of native fruits; an economic collection; and a large collection of drugs, acquired from the United States Department of Agriculture by Assistant Professor Jepson and presented to the department.

The Conservatory is situated on the slope between the Botanic Garden and the Student's Observatory. It is a structure of iron and glass. The extreme length is about 170 feet, and the greatest width 60 feet, enclosing an area of about 7000 square feet. The structure has five subdivisions, arranged for different temperatures, according to the needs of different classes of exotics.

The Botanical Collection of the University contains the following: I. Phænogamic Herbarium of about thirty thousand sheets of mounted specimens and nearly ten thousand sheets of unmounted material which is rapidly being incorporated. The nucleus of this collection was contributed by the State Geological Survey. The California flora is well represented by this nucleus and by the large and valuable collections which have been made in recent years in various portions of the State by instructors and advanced and graduate students, and donated to the department.

Supplementing the West American material is an herbarium of the grasses of the United States, presented by the United States Department of Agriculture; an excellent representation of the silva and flora of the Southern United States, obtained partly by exchange and partly by purchase; a fine representation of the Australian flora from the late Baron von Mueller, the government botanist; several boxes of choice American plants sent in exchange from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University; and a number of packages of Asiatic and other plants, obtained by exchange with the royal gardens at Kew, England. The herbarium has been further increased by the addition of the flowering plants and ferns of the herbarium of Professor Setchell, including several thousand specimens from the Eastern, Central, and Southern United States.

II. A Cryptogamic Herbarium, containing over four thousand sheets, particularly illustrating the California species, represents the work of the instructors and students. The large collections of the lower cryptogams, belonging to Professor Setchell, are deposited with the Botanical Department and are accessible to advanced students.

The Mineralogical Laboratory is provided with a large collection of unlabeled minerals, which students determine by their physical properties and by blowpipe analysis. The department possesses a twocircle goniometer, by Goldschmidt, a large reflection goniometer and spectrometer, by Fuess, of Berlin, reading direct to ten seconds, and a Groth's universal apparatus, consisting of a polarization instrument for both parallel and converging polarized light, an apparatus for determining the angle of optic axes, and a small goniometer and spectrometer; also apparatus for cutting and grinding crystal sections. Special students of mineralogy will find ample facilities for investigation in optical mineralogy.

The Mineralogical Collection is very large, and fully arranged. It completely illustrates the instruction in mineralogy and offers abundant material for investigation, facilities for which are freely placed at the disposal of the student. Deposited in the Mineralogical Museum is a collection of glass and wooden crystal models, illustrating fully the relations of holohedral, hemihedral, and tetartohedral forms.

The Geological Collections contain, besides a number of fine models of interesting geological regions, sets of specimens from numerous mines on the Pacific Coast illustrative of economic geology, a large and interesting palæontological collection, and a petrographic collection containing many hundred rock specimens. The collection of rock-sections for microscopic study contains over five thousand slides.

The Laboratories of Agricultural Chemistry, Viticulture, Bacteriology, Entomology and Dairy Practice are located in the Agricultural Experiment Station Building.

The Entomological Laboratory is equipped with the necessary apparatus for the study of insect structure and habits, such as microscopes, microtomes, breeding cages, aquaria, etc., and has a reference collection of insects of all orders, both local and foreign. Particular attention is given to the investigation of economic problems.

The Laboratory for Dairy Practice is equipped for both practical creamery work and the testing of milk, cream, butter and cheese.

The Special Soil Laboratory is devoted especially to investigations in the physical properties of soils as well as their chemical character, to the study of alkali soils with special reference to the amount of alkali salts tolerated by various crops, and to the rapid examination, by the Agricultural Chemist and Geologist and the Director, of agricultural and other materials sent in by farmers throughout the State.

The Laboratory of Agricultural Chemistry is devoted primarily to the prosecution of chemical researches in relation to general agriculture, such as the chemical examination of soils, waters, foods, agricultural products, natural and commercial fertilizers, etc., and the determination of technical questions relating to agricultural processes or manufactures. The results of this work are reported to the persons interested; so far as they are of general interest, they are published currently in the form of bulletins, ultimately in the form of annual reports.

Laboratory Instruction. In order to supply the demand for special instruction in the chemical analysis and investigation of agricultural materials and products, desk-room in the laboratories for twenty-five advanced students (i.e., those who have taken silicate analysis in the chemistry department) and special students has been provided. The Viticultural Laboratory is the only one of its kind in the United States. For olive testing, by actual manufacture of oil from different varieties, an outfit of the most approved machinery has been provided. The pickling of olives is also made the subject of instruction and investigation.

The Experiment Station and Sub-Stations of the College of Agriculture make provision for systematic experimentation in the culture of the various farm products of California. The investigations include the introduction and testing of new varieties, the study of diseases of plants and animals, the repression of vegetable and animal parasites, etc. Samples sent for examination are analyzed or tested, and reported upon by letter as rapidly as the examinations can be completed. The entire technical staff of the department takes part in the experimental work. There are at present eight stations at which this work is prosecuted, namely:

The Central Station at Berkeley, organized in the year 1875, from which all work connected with the various sub-stations is directed, where all laboratory investigations are made, and whence all official communications are sent.

Four Outlying Culture Sub-Stations, intended mainly for culture experiments in the several distinct climatic regions of the State. These are: (1) The Sierra Foothill Station, near Jackson, Amador County; (2) The Southern Coast Range Station, near Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo County; (3) The San Joaquin Valley Station, near Tulare, Tulare County; (4) The Southern California Station, on the Chino Ranch, between Chino and Pomona, Los Angeles County.

Two Forestry Stations, one at Santa Monica, Los Angeles County; the other near Chico, Butte County. The management of these stations was transferred to the University by the State Legislature in 1893.


The Harmon Gymnasium, presented to the University by the late A. K. P. Harmon, has been much enlarged and now contains eleven thousand six hundred square feet of clear floor space, is well equipped, and provides all the students with opportunities for physical exercise. Besides the main hall and athletic quarters are the Director's and Medical Examiners' offices, lecture-room, sixty-three shower baths, fifty-five dressing-rooms, and seven hundred and sixteen lockers for the use of the students.

The exercises in the gymnasium are conducted systematically under the supervision of the Director of Physical Culture.

A football field, baseball field, track, tennis and handball courts, and the boathouse of the University Boat Club afford opportunity for athletic sports.


Hearst Hall has been presented to the University and has been fully equipped, by Mrs. Phœbe A. Hearst, for a Women's Gymnasium. It contains the very best of modern equipment, with special facilities for exercises to overcome deformities or correct physical defects. Besides the main hall the building includes offices for the Director and the woman physician, a lecture-room, shower-baths, dressing-room, and lockers. The lower floor is used as a general gathering place for the women of the University.

Connected with the gymnasium is an asphalt tennis court, reserved for the women students, and a large enclosed basketball court, 150 feet long and 80 feet wide, with a seating capacity of one thousand, also the gift of Mrs. Hearst. It is intended to be used as an out-door gymnasium, as well as for basketball and other games suitable for



BENJ. IDE WHEELER, Ph.D., LL.D., President of the University. LEON JOSIAH RICHARDSON, A.B., Assistant Professor of Latin and Dean of the Summer Session.

CHARLES EDWIN BENNETT, A.B., Professor of Latin in Cornell University.

BENJAMIN PARSONS BOURLAND, Ph.D., Professor of Romance Languages in Adelbert College of Western Reserve University. GEORGE RICE CARPENTER, A.B., Professor of Rhetoric and English Composition in Columbia University.

ALBERT BUSHNELL HART, Ph.D., Professor of History in Harvard University.

PAUL MONROE, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of the History of Education in Columbia University.

GEORGE HERBERT PALMER, LL. D., Litt. D., Alford Professor of Natural Religion, Moral Philosophy, and Civil Polity in Harvard University.

GIFFORD PINCHOT, M.A., Forester of the United States Department of Agriculture.

WILLIAM EMERSON RITTER, Ph.D., Professor of Zoology.

HUGO KARL SCHILLING, Ph.D., Professor of the German Language and Literature.

HENRY MORSE STEPHENS, M.A., Professor of History, and Director of University Extension.

IRVING STRINGHAM, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics.

EDWARD JAMES WICKSON, M.A., Professor of Agricultural Practice and Superintendent of University Extension in Agriculture. JAMES ROWLAND ANGELL, M.A., Associate Professor of Experimental Psychology in the University of Chicago.

ROBERT HERRICK, A.B., Associate Professor of Rhetoric in the University of Chicago.

* With the exception of the President and Dean, the names in each group are arranged in alphabetical order.

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