Slike strani

ART. VII. Each subscriber of one dollar annually shall be a member of the Society.

ART. VIII. Each contributor of twenty dollars at one time shall be a member for life.

At the adjourned meeting, the Rev. Profr. | the power to appoint their own teacher proStowe, of the Lane Seminary, gave a vided they pledge themselves to raise adehighly interesting address, in behalf of the quate funds for the support of the school to society, which, to our mind, was perfectly which such teacher may be appointed. satisfactory, on every point. A resolution was then passed, recommending that a collection be taken up in all our churches, on the Sunday before or after the 4th of July, for the benefit of the Colonization Society. It was then agreed to adjourn to Wednesday, the 11th inst. at which time the Rev. professor Briggs, of the Lane Seminary, and Judge Hall, Editor of the Western Monthly Magazine, were expected to give their views on this momentous topic.

We are glad that this movement has taken place, and just at this time. To counteract the bane, the antidote should speedily follow. As full notes of the addresses have been taken, the public may expect a report in detail, and we believe it will prove eminently serviceable to this noble cause.

[Cincinnati Journal, June 13.

Female Society for the Support of Schools in

At a meeting of ladies of the city of NewYork, held in the Brick Church chapel, Dec. 30, 1833, a society was formed for the purpose of establishing schools in Africa.The association is independent of sectarian influence; and it is hoped that all those ladies who feel an interest in the cause, will participate in an enterprise so eminently. calculated to extend to the children of Africa the benefits of civilization, and the blessings of the christian religion. It is computed that five hundred dollars will amply support a male teacher, and three hundred a female. The following Constitution has been adopted.

ART. I. This society shall be called "The Female Society of the city of New-York for the support of Schools in Africa."

ART. II. The object of this society shall be to prepare and support christian teachers for the missionary settlement of New-York in Liberia, and, as far as practicable, for other portions of Africa.

ART. III. The officers of this society shall be a First and Second Directress, a Treasurer, a Corresponding Secretary and Recording Secretary, and Managers, who shall be annually elected. They shall meet semiannually for the transaction of business, and nine shall constitute a quorum.

ART. IV. The Board of Managers shall appoint an Executive Committee, consisting of one or two from each denomination, to gether with the officers of the society, to transact business during the recess of the Board.

The Executive Committee shall meet on the first Wednesday of each month, and four shall constitute a quorum.

ART. V. Each church may send one representative to the meetings of the Executive

The following Board of Managers was
elected for the ensuing year:
Mrs. J. E. CALDWELL, First Directress..
Second Directress.
Mrs. D. CODWISE, Treasurer.
Mrs. N. LITTLEFIELD, Cor. Secretary.
Rec. Secretary.`


Mrs. WM. JACKSON, from the Episcopal Ch.
from the Presb. Church.

Mrs. W. COLGATE and Mrs. LEÉ, from the
Baptist Church.

Mrs. F. HALL and Mrs. MASON,. from the
Methodist Church.

Mrs. EVERTSON and Mrs. VAN PELT from
the Dutch Church.

from the Friend's Society.

Mrs. JACOB BININGER, from the Moravian


Mrs. James Suydam, Mrs. Horace Holden,
Oliver Cobb,
A. G. Phelps,
W. L. Stone,
M. Van Brunt,
J. L. Mason,
S. Converse,
F. Doremus,
J. M. Goold,
J. Aspinwall,
John Wurts,
Geo. Nixon,
J. W. Dominick,
R. S. Robertson, F. Winston,
A. Robertson,
Miss Donaldson,
G. S. Robbins, M. N. Bleecker,
Edward Field, M. Maitland,
E. Blake,
Agnes Craig,
R. L. Nevins,
Eliz. A. Mead,
D. Hale,
J. R. Davison,
Gamaliel Smith,
Edward Clark.,

Ann Dominick,
Julia Davenport,
H. Robertson.

[blocks in formation]

A meeting of the friends of the Society took place in Raleigh last week, at the Office of the Secretary of State, at which the following Resolutions were unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That this meeting continues to approve of the object of the Parent Society in their endeavours to establish, on the coast of Africa, a well regulated colonyf such free persons of colour as may consent to remove thither.

Resolved, That we proceed to re-organize our Auxiliary Society on a permanent footCommittee, who shall be permitted to parti-ing, in aid of the Parent Society, by an an

eipate in the transaction of business.

ART. VI. Each denomination shall have

nual contribution to its support.

Resolved, That the Constitution originally

adopted in 1819, with the subsequent amendments, continue to be the Constitution of this Society.

Resolved, That the persons composing this meeting enter their names on a subscription paper with the amount which they are willing to contribute annually, and that copies thereof be placed in the hands of each member, with a request that he will, as he may find it convenient, obtain additional subscriptions thereto.

Resolved, That the Clergymen of this city, and of the State generally, be requested to call the attention of their several congregations in aid of this Society, by a Discourse, or otherwise, on the Sunday preceding or following the approaching anniversary of American Independence, and take up a collection in aid of its funds.

Resolved, That the Managers appoint some Gentleman to deliver an Address at the Annual Meeting of the Society, to be held on the last Monday in November next.

Resolved, That the meeting proceed to the election of Officers required by the Constitution.

Pursuant to the last Resolution, the following gentlemen were elected for the ensuing year:―

Duncan Cameron, Esq., President.
William Hill, Esq.
Thos. P. Devereux, Esq. Vice-Presidents.

Daniel Du Pre, Treasurer.
Weston R. Gales, Secretary.

Rev. Dr. McPheeters, Dr. John Beckwith,
Rev. Mr. Osborne, Thomas J. Lemay,
Rev. Mr. Jamieson, William Peace,
William Peck,
John Primrose,
B. S. King,
Charles Dewey,
B. B. Smith,
H. D. Turner.

into small districts, and appointing collecting committees in each.

Extract from the minutes.

TOPLIFF JOHNSON, Sec'y Board of Managers. In pursuance of the above resolution, and for the purpose of explaining the objects of the Association, the Executive Committee solicit the attention of the public to the following


Fellow Citizens,-The Board of Managers of the Young Men's Colonization Society of Pennsylvania, feel called upon, in the present crisis, briefly to address you on the great question of African Colonization, while they submit to you the Constitution under which they act, and the plans in whose promotion they are engaged.

Twenty years ago, this question was extensively discussed by the American People, viz. "Is it practicable to establish and sustain a Colony of free coloured people on the coast of Africa, by voluntary associa tions unaided by the Treasury of the nation?” The predictions of the failure of such an enterprise have been falsified by the lapse of time. The work is done. A flourishing colony has been actually planted. Captious men may cavil now at the method of operation, but the existence and successful progress of the colony have become a part of the history of the age. It is in vain to reason against matters of fact. Amidst all the misfortunes and unavoidable evils to which such an enterprise is exposed in its infancy, the colony in Liberia, established by the American Society, is conceded to be one of the most successful colonial efforts ever made by the family of man. However the ignorance or prejudice of its opponents may decide this question, the above statement embodies the deliberate judgment of the We copy from the Presbyterian, most learned and unbiassed minds in Euthe following account of the Young rope and America; and we appeal, for the Men's Colonization Society recently truth of the statement, to the history of the established in Philadelphia. It is single colony, was never designed, however, desirable to preserve unity and har- to be the limit of American enterprise and mony among the friends of African philanthropy in this great cause. The friends Colonization throughout the land; of Colonization feel that their work is but and we hope this may be well weigh-just begun, and that the institution of our colony is but the triumphant illustration of the ed and considered by the young and system. It is the first in a series of future enterprising society in Philadelphia. colonies yet to be planted along the extendMany highly interesting meetings on riads of our coloured population an ample ed shores of Africa, furnishing to the mythe subject of Colonization have re- and safe asylum, and expanding like our cently been held in Philadelphia. own Republic, by the union of many confederate States, into one great and free commonwealth.



At a meeting of the Board of Managers, held on Friday evening, the 6th inst. it was Resolved, That the Executive Committee extensively circulate, in our own city and suburbs, a circular, asking the assistance of our fellow citizens in the important work undertaken by the Society; and pursue the most vigorous steps for completing the sum of $10,000, by dividing the city and suburbs

world. The successful establishment of a

It is known to the public that the American Colonization Society has wisely determined to bestow, for some time to come, its chief labours upon the colony already planted at Liberia,-and to meeting those claims upon their Treasury which have been crea ted by conducting that colony to its present

state. The enlightened friends of that ven-ciety has already taken under its care a large erable Institution highly approve, and have family of coloured persons left by the late even called for, this course, as due alike to benevolent and pious Dr. Hawes of Virginthe colony, the Society and the country.-ia, for emancipation and emigration to AfriIn the mean time, however, the great inter- ca. By the laws of Virginia, these people, ests of the cause of Colonization, and the amounting to one hundred and ten in numrising spirit of the American people, forbid ber, relapse into slavery unless removed us to pause at such a stage of the enterprise. from that State before the first of August In the South, thousands of colonists are in next. The following extract from a letter readiness to go. The African tribes are of- addressed to our Corresponding Secretary fering us extensive tracts of country for by the Hon. Walter Lowrie, a distinguished new settlements; esteeming it a sufficient member of the Parent Board, will in a word return, that we send them the arts of civil- show their hopeful character:-"I have from ized life, and the religion of Christ; and a a friend in Virginia received authentic invoice is heard from almost every part of our formation of the situation of Dr. Hawes's land, calling for additional colonies on the slaves. It is perfectly to be relied on, and coast of Africa. It is in reference to the is very satisfactory. There are one hunplanting of such a colony, that the young dred of them, ALL willing to go to Liberia; men of Philadelphia have united to form, about twenty of them can read and write; and now recommend to the public patron- many of them are professors of religion,— age, the Young Men's Colonization Society quite a goodly portion of them have valuaof Pennsylvania. ble trades; there are very few children and none superanuated."

We are fully aware of the undertaking, of the responsibilities it involves, and the sacrifices and toils by which it must be sustained. But being deeply impressed with the necessity and transcendent excellency of the work, we look for support to the God of all grace, wisdom and strength, and, under God, to the public spirit and ample resources of the American people.

The details of our plan of operation will be given in due season to the public. The specific character of the enterprise, and the principles to be adhered to in its prosecu. tion, are compendiously set forth in the Constitution of the Society, a copy of which is appended to this address. It is thought sufficient at the present time, only to add the following particulars:

To secure the most healthy and advantageous location, which the extended coast of Africa affords: the experience of the Parent Society on this subject is of unspeakable value, and it is our purpose fully to avail ourselves of it.

By order of the Board of Managers.

JOHN BRECKINRIDGE, President. As soon as arrangements can be made, the citizens will be waited upon by Committees appointed for the purpose of soliciting subscriptions and donations;-which, in the interim, will be gratefully received by our Treasurer, Lloyd Mifflin, at the Bank of the United States, or at his residence, No. 252 Spruce street.

Constitution of the Young Men's Colonization
Society of Pennsylvania.

ARTICLE 1. This Society shall be called the Young Men's Colonization Society of Pennsylvania, and auxiliary to the American Colonization Society.

ART. 2. The objects to which its labors shall be devoted, are;

1. To provide for civilizing and christianizing Africa through the direct instrumentality of colored emigrants from the United States.

To make it, as much as possible, a model 2. To promote by all legal and constitucolony, in the character of its emigrants and tional means, the intellectual and moral imin the principles by which it is to be gov-provement of the African race. erned:

To endeavour to unite in this enterprise the Atlantic free States, so far as it may be necessary for its successful prosecution; especially to enlist in this ennobling work, the talents, the zeal, the benevolence and the peculiarly enterprising spirit of the American youth:

To begin without delay, a system of active agencies for the purposes of securing fit emigrants, of sending them forth,-and of supporting them in the colony:

And finally, to sustain the direct relation of an Auxiliary to the Parent Society, in such a way as not only not to diminish, but on the contrary to increase its resources, while we promote the great object for which it was founded: namely, the voluntary colonization of Africa with the people of colour from the United States.

It may be important to state that the So

ART. 3. The principles upon which this Society bases its operations, are peace and temperance, in aid of religion; dissuasion from warfare on the part of the Colonists, and the prohibition of the acquisition of territory, except by fair purchase from the native Princes and proprietors of the soil.

ART. 4. An annual subscription of not less than one dollar shall constitute an individual a member of this Society, the payment at one time of thirty dollars a life member; two hundred dollars a life director: and one thousand dollars a Patron.

ART. 5. The officers of this Society shall be a President, Vice Presidents, twenty-four Managers, two Secretaries, one for foreign and one for domestic correspondence; a Recording Secretary; and a Treasurer, to be elected annually on the 22d of February.

ART. 6. The Patrons, President, Vice Presidents, Life Directors, Secretaries and

Treasurer shall be ex officio members of the
Board of Managers.

ART. 7. The Board of Managers shall meet monthly to transact the business of the Society.

ART. 8. The Treasurer shall take charge of the funds of the Society, keep its accounts and make payments, subject to the order of the Board of Managers, and annually report to the Society the state of the funds.

ART. 9. This Constitution shall not be altered or amended, except at an annual meeting of the Society, by a vote of two thirds of the members present; and the motive of the proposed alterations or amendments shall be given to the Board of Managers three months previous to the said annual meeting.


James Madison, of Va.
Chief Justice Marshall, do.
Rt. Rev. Wm. White, D. D.
Gerrit Smith, Esq. N. Y.
Elliott Cresson, Esq.

Rev. John Breckinridge, President.


Jos. R. Ingersoll, Esq. Rev. G. T. Bedell, D. D. Rev. A. Barnes, Dr. John Bell, Matthew Newkirk, Esq. Benjamin Naglee, Esq. Hon. Joseph M'Ilvaine, Rev. W. H. De Lancey, D. D. Rev. H. A. Boardman, Gerard Ralston, Esq. Alexander Mitchell, M.D. Joseph Duncan, Esq.

Lloyd Mifflin, Treasurer.


Foreign Correspondence-Elliott Cresson.
Domestic Correspondence-Rev. W. A. M'-
Dowell, D. D.

Recording-Topliff Johnson.

Managers.-Samuel Jaudon, Richard D. Wood, William M. Muzzey, George W. North, Samuel W. Hallowell, Rev. J. A. Peabody, Solomon Caldwell, William M. Collins, James A. Porteus, J. Housten Mifflin, Charles Naylor, Esq. Rev. Robert Baird, James N. Dickson, Lewis R. Ashurst, Clark Culp, Henry S. Spackman, Rev. James W. James, William F. Clemson, John Hockley, Benjamin Coates, Samuel Magarge, Benjamin D. Johnson, Robert B. Davidson.

rican coast, for more vigorous and extended


Resolved, That a true regard to the best interests of the people of color in this country and to the present and future good of the population of Africa, urges the members of this Society to renewed and more enlarged measures to found Christian States upon the African coast, which shall show the value and power of Education, Liberty, and our holy Religion.

Resolved, That this meeting regards the moral influence of the scheme of African colonization, in promoting the voluntary and peaceable abolition of slavery, as among its chief advantages, and such as should commend it to the vigorous and persevering support of all the friends of the colored race.

Resolved, That the usefulness of the cause of colonization, in allaying sectional jealousies, by furnishing a broad and common ground of action for all in promoting the interests of the colored population, not only on this continent, but also in Africa, demands our approbation and zealous co-operation.

Resolved, That the Parent Board be requested to address memorials to the Legislatures of the Southern States, inviting them to consider and aid the great and philanthropic views of the friends of African colonization.

Resolved, That the views of the Parent Board, as expressed in their recent exposition, merit the entire approbation of this Society.


The abominable traffic is still carried on in Brazil to a considerable extent, notwithstanding the obligations of laws and treaties to the contrary. The President of the province of St. Paul's having sent the Judge of the 60th district to St. Sebastian, to ascertain, if possible, where the Afriean negroes reported to have been landid there and on the adjacent beach some months since, were con


of his mission:

From the confidential information which

NEW YORK CITY COLONIZATION SOCIETY. The following are resolutions adopt-cealed, the latter reported the result ed by the N. Y. City Colonization Society and published in the New York Observer of the 17th of May. Resolved, That this meeting invite the clergy of all denominations throughout this State, to enforce the claims of this Society from their pulpits, on the Fourth of July, or some Sabbath near to it, annually; and to take up collections in their congregations in aid of the cause of African Colonization.

have been able to obtain, more than once, Africans have been landed on the coast to the northward of this port, in the district of Ubatuba. Near two thousand slaves were concealed in large huts at a place called Cunanas, and another near it called Taubatings; a great portion of them were sent to the town on the road to Rio de Janeiro, part remained in the district of Ubatuba, and in three of the districts of this town, and finally it is suspected that Africans still exist in Villa Bella.

Resolved, That powerful motives are presented, in the progress and success of the American Colonization Society, to every man who would aid the establishment of The number of persons implicated is very Christian colonies of free men of color, great,-more than four hundred would be who may choose to emigrate, on the Af-imprisoned providing the law was enforced,



and this number is composed of people of great wealth and influence, having many friends, relations, &c.; much property would be lost--interest and animosities set in com

These appalling facts, on being received by the Governor of St. Paul's, were by him transmitted to the Minister of Justice, who implores the goNeither is it this, nor the fear of implicat-vernment to adopt efficacious meaing myself, nor the idea of personal danger, sures for the remedy of so great an (which would be probable enough) would obliterate in my mind the necessity evil. He says: of enforcing those principles of morality, and relieving human nature so atrociously vilified. I foresee there is no hope of encountering in the Justices of the Peace either union of sentiment or energy, and that discourages me entirely. The orders of your excellency would long since have been executed, had I not encountered the above mentioned difficulties. What effect has been produced? What can be expected from Justices who are well aware that Africans exist in their districts, and not only wink at it, but deny the fact.

As relates to the justices of Peace, Municipal Chamber and Attorneys General, I have been too long undeceived to expect any co-operation or assistance from them, owing to the negligence and laziness of some and the connivance of others, and even now, after having received the enclosed letter from the said Judge, communicating to me that he has received information of near two thousand slaves having been landed on the coast near to St. Sebastian, and appertaining to the district of Ubatuba, the Magistrates assure me that they have not the least knowledge of this scandalous violation of the law, or of the existence of newly imported negroes in their districts; whereas from the information obtained by the aforesaid Judge, it is evident that the major part of them were sent to the towns to the northward of this province, and the remainder employed in agriculture in the centre of the estates, and sleep in the forest, and that in this abominable traffic a great number of persons of the first consideration and property in the country are implicated: this beWhat can I do, Excellent Sir? Issue or-ing one of the reasons why the Magistrates ders in vain to the Justices of Peace? waste tolerate and protect this infamous traffic in human flesh! time in formalities? Make a show of good intentions and do nothing? To charge the Justices of Peace with the search warrants is use


with energy, enforce the law, and bring to punishment those who thus scandalously seminate immorality in all classes of society, confident of impunity; as they must be tried by a jury composed of relations, friends, or perhaps accomplices in the same crime.This remedy I expect from the solicitude with which the General Assembly watches over the security and prosperity of the nation, and therefore request your Excellency to present the enclosed communication of the Judge, together with my observations, for them to resolve that which may appear most for the public good.-Jour. of Com

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