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Alexander Ladd, Portsmouth, N H. John Huske, Fayettville, N. C.
Heman Allen, Burlington, Verm'nt. Joseph Johnson, Charleston, S. C.

Joshua Wingate, jr. Portland, Me.
William Appleton, Boston, Mass.
Enoch Parsons, Hartford, Conn.
Philip Allen, Providence, R. I.
Isaac Lawrence, City of New York.
John C. Devereux, Utica, N. Y.
Wm. B Rochester, Buffalo, N. Y. John Tilford, Lexington, Ky.
Philemon Dickinson, Trenton, NJ James Reynolds, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Nicholas Biddle, Philadelphia, Pa. S. R. Marshall, Natchez, Miss.
A. Brackenridge, Pittsburg, Pa. +Thomas Posey, Corydan, Indiana.

John Cumming, Savannah, Geo.
Jonathan Hunt, Mobile, Alab.
W. W Montgomery, N. Orleans La.
Thos. H. Fletcher, Nashville, Tenn.
Robert King, Knoxville, Tenn.
I. O'Fallon, St. Louis, Missouri.

tJames Boothe, New Castle, Del. +Daniel Hay, Carmi, Illinois.
William Patterson, Baltimore, Md. +Ellis Doty, Detroit, Michigan.
Sam. H. Smith, Washington, D. C. Wm. E. Woodruff, Little Rock, Ark
Richard Anderson, Richmond, Va.

Those marked thus (†) are appointed under the fourth section of the Act of April 24, 1816. At the other Agents hold their office under the Act of April 10, 1816, incorporat: ing the Bank of the United States.

Pension Agents under the Act of June 7th, 1832.

A. Neuhall, President of Maine Bank, Portland, Maine.

Isaac Waldron, President of Commercial Bank, Portsmouth, N. H.
John K. Simpson, President of Commonwealth Bank, Boston, Mass.
William T. Grunnell, President of Arcade Bank, Providence, R. I.
James Dodd, President of Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, Hartford, Con.
ET Englesby, Pesident of Bank of Burlington, Burlington, Vermont.
John Fleming, President of Mechanics' Bank, New York.
James Scholl, President of Girard Bank, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Thomas Ellicott, President of Union Bank of Maryland, Baltimore, Md.)
John P. Van Ness, President Bank of Metropolis, Washington, D. C
J. Marshall, Cashier of Planters' Bank, Savannah, Georgia.
George S. Gaines, President of Branch U. S. Bank, Mobile, Alabama.
Samuel Gustine, President of Planters' Bank, Natchez, Mississippi.
G. M. Gibbs, President of Union Bank, Nashville, Tennessee.
William K. Blair, Jonesborough, Tennessee.

H. Groesbeck, President of Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, Ohio,

REVOLUTIONARY AND INVALID PENSIONERS. The following Table exhibits I. The whole number of Revolutionary nd Invalid Pensioners in each State on the 15th of October, 1833. 1. The number added since November 3, 1832. III. The number that ave died in 1833. IV. The number that have been placed on the rolls under the act of June 7, 1832. V. The number that have died since they applied for pensions under that act. VI. The number that have hnquished their Pensions under the act of March 18, 1818, and have been placed on the rolls under act of June 7, 1832. VII. The number sid in d and 4th quarters of 1832. VIII. The number paid in Ist and 2 quarters of 1833.

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West Point, June, 1833.

To the Secretary of War:
The Board of Visiters, who have been invited to be present at the
general examination of the Cadets of the United States' Military Acade-
my, in order that the War Department may be correctly informed of the
condition and management of the Academy, have attended the examina-
tion of all the classes, and are perfectly satisfied with the progress made
by the cadets in the several departments of their studies in which they
were examined.

At the request of the superintendent, a committee, appointed by order of the Board, assigned the subject to each individual of the class, in order to avoid all suspicion of the examining professor having adapted the subject to the capacity and attainments of the cadets, so as to exhibit an appearance of greater proficiency that the class really possesses.

The first class was examined in military and civil engineering, in mineralogy, rheteric, ethics, and constitutional and national law, and in infantry and artillery tactics, and in each of these departments exhibited proofs of their application and attainments, and of the zeal, capacity, and industry of the professor and assistants. The cadets of this class will leave the academy well fitted to fulfil the great objects of the institution, viz: to introduce into the armies of the United States all the modern improvements in the art of war, and the high state of discipline which distinguishes the best armies of Europe; to disseminate throughout our country a knowledge of military tactics and engineering, so as to furnish the means of rendering our militia, as well as our regular army, an efficent arm of defence in time of war; and to provide officers properly instructed, and fully capable of superintending the construction of fortifications for the permanent defence of our maritime frontier, and of works connected with the internal improvement of the country.

The cadets of the second class were examined in chemistry and natural philosophy, and showed a degree of proficiency very creditable to the professors and assistants who have been charged with their instruction in these departments The Board would here remark that, in their opinion, it would be expedient to establish a permanent professor of chemistry.The important discoveries made and still making in this department of science, and its application to the useful arts, as well as its connexion with the means of preserving the health of the soldier in camps and barracks, tender it important that it should be taught in this academy; and it is obvious that it requires great application, experience, and long prac tice to teach a science which must be illustrated by experiments made before the pupil It is believed to be difficult to acquire the art of instructing youth in any department of literature or science, but it is especially so in those which require skill in demonstrating theories and principles by experiments. Instruction in such branches ought not to be entrusted to officers liable to be frequently removed.

The third class were examined in mathematics and French. There is no institution that we are acquainted with, where this department of science, in its higher branches, is more thoroughly taught than in this

academy. The high attainments and unwearied industry of the professors and assistants, together with the great application and capacity of the cadets of the third class, were exhibited throughout the course of this examination in a manner highly satisfactory to the Board.

The examination in French was very creditable to the teachers and cadets of this class. They appeared to be well instructed in the grammar of this difficult language, conjugating the regular and irregular verbs very correctly, and they translated it into English with great facility, which is all that is deemed requisite; the principal object of this course being to enable the cadet to consult the best French authors on military science.

As there are at least 160 students to be taught in this language, it is believed by those best acquainted with the subject, that another teacher in this branch ought to be added to those already employed.

The fourth class were examined in mathematics and French. The cadets of this class evinced a degree of proficiency in the elementary branches of mathematics, highly creditable to the gentleman who is charg ed with this department of their studies Whatever may be the talents and application of the student, he cannot make any proficiency in this essential department of study, which may be considered as the foundation of all military education, unless his studies are directed by a person not only profoundly versed in the science, but possessed of great experience in the art of instructing youth; and the Board would take this opportunity of remarking, that to remove such an instructor from the acade my for the purpose of substituting another, who, whatever his talents and acquirements may be, does not possess the same experience and practice in teaching, cannot but be prejudicial to the interests of the academy, and would be unjust to the cadets.

The Government exacts from them, especially in the department of mathematics, a degree of proficiency, which they cannot obtain without the assistance of competent instructors; and they may be exposed to be turned back as deficient, or to be dismissed as incapable of going through the course of studies in the academy, because the instructor provided for them is incompetent or inexperienced.

The Board is induced to make these remarks, from having had before them a late order of the Commander in Chief, containing regulations sanctioned y you, which, if applied to this academy, would seem calcu lated to affect very materially the instruction of the cadets It appears to them that the regulation requiring all officers who have not served with their regiments for three years to join their respective corps, as it will remove nearly all the assistant professors from the academy, would be attended with very great inconvenience at any time and at this pe riod, when the superintendent, who has so long presided over this institu tion with such signal ability and success, is about to retire, such a change would seriously embarrass his successor. This embarassment will be increased by the effect of the regulation, which takes from the superin teudent the power of nominating the officers to be detached for that service. He is supposed, from his situation, to be better acquainted than any one else wit the acquirements and moral character of the graduates; and as the responsibility res s with him, it appears but just that be should bave the power of selecting his assistants. It is deemed important

that the course of studies should be steady, and keep peace with the improvements which daily take place in the progress of science. This would be impracticable if the assistant professors were frequently changed, and selected from officers who had graduated prior to the introduction of the improvements now taught in this institution throughout every department of science. Indeed, it would appear adviseable that the professors, who have evinced so much capacity in imparting instruction to youth, should [be offered every inducement to remain, by being permanently attached to the institution, and receiving some additional allowance for services! materially affecting the future character and efficiency of the army, and which, if they were rendered in any literary institution in the country, would command much higher pecuniary rewards.

The Board attended the battalion, light infantry, and artillery drills, and had every reason to be satisfied with the instruction of the cadets in their field exercises. They were present likewise in the laboratory when the cadets exhibited their proficiency in pyrotechny, and they subsequently saw them throw shells, and fire at the target with light and heavy pieces of artillery; all which they executed with a precision rarely equalled, and not surpassed in any school of practice in Europe.

This is the more remarkable, from the state of the pieces used for practice They are very defective, and the Board recommend that the several pieces of orduance which are required for the instruction of the cadets by their able and scientific instructor, should be furnished of the best quality and most approved constructions.

Much credit is due to the officer charged with the instruction of the cadets in this department. He has compiled a practical treatise on military pyrotechny, and translated an excellent elementary treatise on the forms of cannon, and various systems of artillery, and another on the theory and practice of gunnery, from the French of Professor Persy, of Metz, all of which, with numerous plates illustrating the subjects, have been published in the lithographic press in the academy.

The cadets are encamped two months in every year, and during that period are instructed in all the duties of the soldier in active service, in the use of instruments, and in the application of the different brauches of science necessary to a knowledge of their profession. Whether this practical course of the application of science to the purposes of military and civil engineering may not be usefully extended, is worthy of consideration.

The library of the academy contains a very valuable collection of works adapted to the peculiar objects of this institution. It is rich in works on military science and on civil engineering, and contains a valu able series of military history, and the best geographical and topographical maps of the States of Europe, to illustrate this important study It is true that in works on polite literature it is as yet rather deficient, al though the selection has been very judicious; but, however desirable it may be to augment the number of volumes on miscellaneous subjects, the real object of the institution must be kept steadily in view; and it will continue to be the duty of the superintendent to purchase, in preference to all others, books relating to the sciences taught in this academy, and to supply the necessary works on architecture, chemistry, geology. mineralogy, and moral science, in which the library is still very deficient.

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