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azine an article that is new, to the market or to that store, she gets all of the facts that she can about it. She may get in a sample and then invite women into the store to see it. They come, for they are interested. If between them they decide that it is a thing of merit the store adds a number to its stock. Naturally, the women who have had a part in introducing it buy; and having bought they recommend. When another woman comes in the young woman can mention that Mrs. Sallie Brown has been using the article with great success. She has built up a clientile of women who come in often and buy regularly. They have confidence and seem to like a hardware store with a helpful woman in it as well as they do a dry goods store. A new device, or a labor-saving article seems to have as much fascination to them as does a new coat or style of blouse.

Because her duties hold her in the office Miss Pineau has made use of an instrument that is ever ready at her elbow to help her reach hundreds of homes. It is the telephone. Until this young woman showed this initiative, this means of communication had been undeveloped in the store. Now it brings into the store a volume of sales that is equal to those of a first rate salesman. Hundreds of Albuquerque women who might not come to a hardware store do all of their household goods shopping over the telephone. Miss Pineau has gotten them into the habit.

"Mrs. White," she will say over the telephone during her dull periods, "I wonder if you would not like to see something we have just gotten in?"

"Why-yes, I would. What is it?" "Some new pie dishes. They can

bake in the glass dish; and then the glass dish is set into a pretty outer dish of nickle or silver-it comes both ways. I hope you can come down to see them this afternoon or in the morning."

This call is followed by others to other women on her list. The women are flattered by the attention. It is a real service to have someone watching for new things for them. They come in. Before they go out they may have bought additional things. Or, they may ask for an inspection of the articles in their homes; and make selection there. It means interesting

and as her salary indicates-profitable work for Miss Pineau. Were she content to do "her day's work and no more;" if she thought that "there is nothing a GIRL can do in a hardware store," or that "there isn't any opportunity in our small city"—if she were indifferent toward her "job" her "job" would not give her the pleasure it does, or the reward.

She has a reputation for knowing about what is best for the home. She recently made a number of sales to doctors, dentists, and other professional men through giving them the woman's slant on their "Workshops." She discovered an article which she soon decided ought to be in the office of every man in town. She got one in. She called in a friendly professional man, showed it to him, told him about it and compared it with his present equipment. He bought. Soon one after another a number of others

bought. Then they began to ask for


In three years Miss Pineau has shown that much of one's success in earning a good salary is up to one's self.


Pageant "The Return of Truth Triumphant," given by Burley Stake M.I.A.



A suggestion has been given by Ensign Stake which we pass on: That Senior girls be invited to assist the Organization and Membership Committee. If the recommendation of the General Board is being followed, one of the counselors in each ward has charge of this part of our work. We think it a good thing to get the Senior girls interested in visiting other girls who should be members; they are likely to have even more influence with girls of their own age than have older


The course "An Everlasting Covenant" will have been completed by the end of March. For April and May a special course of seven lessons has been prepared under the title "Seven Gospel Fundamentals." They are printed in this issue, with sufficient explanation to avoid any misunderstanding.

We believe that the Senior boys and girls will enjoy being together for the discussions of the topics outlined.


Since our last issue we have continued to receive reports of the success of this department. It appears to be filling a need among our girls of intermediate age. Α few names have been reported. A group in Pioneer Stake has taken the name "Blue Bird" and have a class pin and

class colors, blue and gold; the girls of Bonneville ward, Utah Stake call themselves the "Bonne Ve Girls;" a group in Logan Stake have the name "Avelon," meaning leadership in activities; one or two have retained their Bee-Hive swarm



The plans for Summer work are practically completed; outlines will be published in ample time so that all officers may have full information. The same general plan as that of last summer will be followed, three lines of work being provided: Four special Fast Sunday evening conjoint programs, a series of topics for those associations meeting every Sunday evening during the summer months, and recreational features for all stakes. For the Fast Sunday evenings it is arranged that each department, Advanced Senior, Senior Young Men, Senior Young Ladies, and Junior, will present programs; for the other Sunday evening sessions, events in Church history will be considered; the recreational features will be similar to those of 1921.


The fiscal year of the Y. L. M. I. A. ends March 31 and annual reports are due from wards to stakes on or before April 5; from stake secretaries to the en

[blocks in formation]

Any girl who has earned the rank of Keeper of the Bees, may earn a Merit Badge by filling ten additional cells in any particular field. The cells should be approved by the Bee-Keeper as being of value in advanced work, and should be especially filled for the purpose of acquiring skill in some desired line. Some of them may possibly have been filled before, that is, all need not necessarily be new cells, but filling them now, with more mature judgment, will deepen and broaden the girl's experience and increase her skill in some line which she may desire to continue as a part of her life's work.


The Worker's Pin may be purchased and worn by any girl who, after earning the rank of Keeper of the Bees, has also earned seven Merit Badges. This pin will be of gold, price and design to be an nounced later in the Journal. It will necessary to order some weeks in advance as the pins will be made upon re

ceipt of the order. The money for the pin must be earned by the girl herself.


The Bee-Keeper's Book (50c) is now ready. It contains instructions on all of the most important phases of the BeeHive work.


In 1921 the suggestion for the girls t entertain their mothers met with a hearty response. This year we prefer that they join the remainder of the Y. L. M. I. A. in their Mother's and Daughter's Day which is to be planned for the Summer. However the following reports sent us last year, which have not heretofore been published, are full of suggestions that could be adapted to other occasions.


Mary J. Cosby, under date of June 1, 1921, writes:


We just had a very successful party last evening given in honor of the girls' Parents. They planned and carried out a splendid program. Each girl known by her swarm name and gave the meaning of it. The "Spirit of the Hive," "Builders Purpose." "The Honey Gatherers Song," "The Womanho Call" and other numbers were given, which made a splendid entertainment. Games were indulged in and refreshments of ice cream, cookies, and crackers were served. Girls did all the work.

Our girls have paid fifteen dollars on our new sacrament service. They cleared thirty-eight dollars on a drama which we presented three times.


There were two swarms of Builders and one of Gatherers taking part, forty-five girls and forty-five mothers present.

A Bee-Hive sketch written by one of the girls was presented, besides other numbers to illustrate the Bee-Hive work. There were also songs and readings to mothers.

Each girl served a tray for her mother, decorating it with a red carnation and place card which she herself painted with her own symbol.

After refreshments the girls danced the Virginia Reel with their mothers. Old fashioned dances were the order of the evening.

The girls did the work and paid for it out of the fund they themselves had earned. The Amusement hall was beautifully decorated with wild flowers.

NORTH MORGAN WARD, MORGAN STAKE. The Bee Hive Girls of North Morgan Ward entertained their mothers Monday evening, March 14, 1921, at a St. Patrick's Party.

Invitations sent out read as follows: "The Bee-Hive Girls are giving a party, An' if ye're a true, loyal Harp Ye'll say 'Prisint' in answer to roll call On Manday at sivin thirty sharp"

At the home of Mrs. G. S. Heiner. The rooms were beautifully decorated in green and white-St. Patrick's day colors. At nine o'clock the roll was called and all who answered "Prisint" in the right manner and with the proper courteous bow were awarded a Green Hat decorated with white Shamrocks which was to be worn the remainder of the evening.

Besides numerous games which were played, one of the most attractive features of the evening was the ringing of alarm clocks which had been concealed in various parts of the room and set to "go off" every half hour. At the time each clock rang, every girl would drop what she was doing and step forward into the middle of the room where all together would take part in some demonstration. At nine thirty it was the WOMANHO Call given in unison; at ten o'clock a yell for "MOTHER;" ten thirty, song M-o-t-h-e-r; at eleven, Yankee Doodle was sung; at eleven-thirty another yell for MOTHER.

A delicate lunch consisting of chicken patties, mashed potatoes, green peas, hot rolls, shamrock ice cream and shamrock cake made by the girls, was served.

During the serving of the luncheon the following program was given by the girls: Piano solo, Rita West, duet, "That Old Irish Mother of Mine," Genevieve and Vera Haley; piano solo, Veda Cook; Reading, "Tribute to our Mothers," Helen Barlow; song by the Starla Swarm, "Clang of the Forge."

At the close of the party the mothers gave a "yell" for the girls and pronounced it a very splendid entertainment.

"MAKE UP" FOR THE DRAMA In the February Journat, Miss Babcock's 4th article on "The Technique of Play

Production" deals especially with "Make Up." Under the heading "Material," she refers to "Brown Cosmetic with Melting Pan." This means any melting pan. One may be especially purchased with a handle, but any small tin lid, like one from a vaseline bottle, may be used and heated over a candle or other convenient flame.


Officers, continue your good work in promoting our Slogan; be untiring in your efforts to help increase public sentiment in favor of the enforcement of our Statutes.

"Picture the glory of this Republic if in each individual life were fully disclosed respect for law, taste for justice, regard for the rights of others, remembrance of the poor and afflicted, encouragement of education, the helping hand to everything that is true, beautiful and good." So wrote David J. Brewer for many years a Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. The crying need in our country today is "respect for law, taste for justice, regard for the rights of others." One law on our statute books protects the rights of those to whom tobacco smoke is offensive, by placing a few reasonable restrictions upon its use; and protects the youth against the advertising and sale of the cigarette. But so selfish has the smoker become, and so mercenary the tobacco dealer, that they show their disregard of the rights of others and their distaste for justice, by violating the law. If the individual citizen of a Republic respects only that law which is to his liking, then indeed is the nation ready for anarchy and dissolution. In a Republic, where the people rule, the majority view as expressed in law prevails, and the duty of the majority is to obey. In the obligation to obey law we should have more of the spirit of the soldier as expressed in the old lines:

"Over the hills and far away,
To Flanders, Portugal and Spain;
The King commands and I'll away,
Over the hills and far away."


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