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them, the quantity of land being vast, and the country; but the wealth of this part of the continent quality unsurpassable. These lands are, indeed, of consists of live stock: besides large herds of cattle, immense extent, comprising not only the delta of-sheep, horses, mules, goats, and swine abound. the principal rivers of C., but extending at intervals in tracts of various areas, far up towards their sources. They are periodically submerged during the rainy season; and as the head-waters of the San Joaquin communicate at that season with the tule lakes, transportation from above may be easily effected. Emigrants from Asia will, before many years, find it for their interest to settle upon these fertile tracts of rice-bearing lands; or some of our own people may find their account in investing largely in rich plantations, which they can cultivate to great advantage by hiring coolies and other labourers at low wages. Europe pours her thousands upon our Atlantic sea-board, and Asia will yet furnish her share of inhabitants for populating our possessions on the Pacific. The industrious and imitative Chinese will not make a bad cross with our restless and inventive Yankees."

The wheat of C. is of excellent quality; and, except in years when drought prevails, the product is very abundant. Indian corn yields well, also potatoes, beans, pease, &c. There are several kinds of wheat grown in C. not known in other parts of the United States. The most common is the Taos wheat, which grows about 3 or 4 ft. high, and has on each stalk seven ears, which are about as large in size as those of Europe. The crop generally amounts to 40 fold, but sometimes to 60 and even 70 fold. The wheat is sown between November and March; and in May or June the crop can be gathered. Instead of Indian corn or maize, a smaller sort is cultivated, called Spanish corn. Both climate and soil are alike favourable for the cultivation of tobacco, cotton, and rice. The oats in appearance resemble ours, but differ in the grain, and grow higher, with a thicker stalk, which, however, may be attributed perhaps to the fertility of the soil and to the climate rather than to a difference in the species. Bryant says that oats and mustard grow spontaneously, and with such rankness as to be considered nuisances upon the soil. "I have forced my way," he says, 66 through thousands of acres of these, higher than my head when mounted on a horse!" The clover of which there are several species-and all the grasses are heavily seeded; and the seed, when ripe, is as fattening to stock as grain. The clover is generally found in the valleys, in height from 2 to 3 ft., and even as much as 5 ft. Both green and when dried it constitutes excellent fodder for cattle. The wild flax is exactly the same as that found in the United States. The Indians use it for their nets and for ropes. The soil is well adapted for grapes; from 3,000 to 4,000 gallons of wine are made, and about the same amount of brandy. The Sierra Nevada is remarkable for a new species of pine, which has been called the nut-pine; it produces an oily and pleasant-tasted nut, which forms an important part of the winter store of the almost famished inhabitants of these regions. The Quercus longiglanda-a new species, belonging to the division of white oaks-is distinguished by the length of its acorn, which is commonly an inch and a half, and sometimes two inches. This tree attains frequently a diameter of 6 ft., and a height of 80 ft., with a wide-spreading head. The many varieties of deciduous and evergreen oaks, which predominate throughout the valleys and lower hills of the mountains, afford large quantities of acorns, which constitute the principal food of the Indians of that region. Their great abundance, in the midst of fine pasture-lands, must make an im`portant element in the agricultural economy of the

The mutton is of fine flavour; but the wool is inferior, as no attention is paid to this kind of stock. The buffalo, panther or American tiger, deer, and several other species of quadrupeds, are common. The beaver abounds in many of the streams, particularly on the upper tributaries of the Colorado; but they are less numerous than formerly. The rabbit is reported as the only animal to be found in the Great Basin. The big-horn, or mountain-sheep, and the grizzly bear, both inhabit the Sierra Nevada as well as the Rocky mountains. The latter is probably the northernmost range of this species of bear. In its descent to the level country, the bear is sometimes met with in the vicinity of the towns on the coast, terrifying the inhabitants, and occasionally carrying off a sheep, a calf, or an ox. Capt. Fremont encountered, in his late journey through the valley of the San Joaquin, large droves of elk and wild horses, also wolves and antelopes.-The birds of C. are generally similar to those of the United States. One of the most remarkable of the land birds is the great Californian vulture. It builds its nest in the loftiest pine-trees among the mountains. It is from 4 to 4 ft. long; and its quills are so large as to be used by the hunters as tubes for tobacco pipes. The food of this species is carrion or dead fish, for in no instance will they attack any living animal unless it be wounded or unable to walk. In searching for prey, they soar to a great height, and on discovering a wounded deer or other animal they follow its track until it sinks. Although only one bird may be first in possession, it is soon surrounded by great numbers, who all fall upon the carcase, and speedily reduce it to a skeleton.

Commerce.] There could be little commerce, Mr. Macgregor remarks, in a country in which the governor had unlimited authority, and business could only be transacted by first seeking him, and bribing both him and the subordinate functionaries. The duties levied under both Spanish and Mexican regime were enormous, often amounting to 80 per cent. ad valorem. Then there were heavy municipal dues and church-rates, which swallowed up the substance of the settlers. Yet this costly government afforded them no protection either of life or property. The principal imports were cottons, velvets, silks, brandies, wines, tea, &c.; and the exports hides, tallow, skins, wheat, and salmon. The chief article of wealth of the inhabitants was cattle, for the rearing of which the country affords uncommon facilities; but the whole amount of external trade was trifling in the extreme. Both Spain and Mexico regarded this distant province as a kind of Botany bay, to which they transported such malefactors and suspected politicians as they did not wish to put to death, but to keep harmless. This country, notwithstanding its splendid coast and inexhaustible richness of timber, did not even possess a ship; and it was only in 1831 that the second ship was built at San Pedro, by an American! All the harbours of the W coast together had only 22 ships up to 1846. Nay, in the whole of C. there did not exist one house built of stone before the Americans came there; they used dried loam stones, which the Indians made, and were astonished at the wooden palace which an American adventurer in San Juan had built. The Mexican authorities were quite as suspicious of strangers as the Spaniards had been before them; and only allowed foreign commerce to be established at Monterey and San Diego. But the natural richness of the country, and its inviting position, had, during the last twenty years, gradually attracted a number of foreigners. First

ence in grains to the NW, to Mexico, to Central America, to Ecuador, to Peru, and the N coast of Asia.

Great railroad.] A vast scheme for a railroad route between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans-the length of which would exceed 2,000 m.-is now occupying public attention in America. Three routes for this great line have been proposed; one from Mississippi, 750 m. above New Orleans, and thence to Monterey Charleston in S Carolina, by Memphis, on the E bank of the or San Francisco; another by St. Louis; and a third more to the N, by Mr. Whitney. Mr. Whitney proposes that the route should commence at Lake Michigan, to which point there is already steam-communication from New York, and that it should thence proceed to C. For its construction he asks no capital, but that Congress should grant 30 m. of land on each side of the line at 10 cents per acre, which land is at present for the most part worth nothing, and could only be brought into value by the opening of the road. Possessed of this grant, the projector would require sufficient to be sold to construct a section of 10 m., and as the land at the commencement of the route would lie in settled districts, and would therefore, unlike the rest, fetch immediately a good price, he would not only have no difficulty in finishing this section, but would have a considerable surplus of property on each side of it for future contingencies. The construction of the first 10 m. being completed by the sale and settlement of the lands through which they run, the next 10 m., instead of starting from an unimproved and unpeopled spot, would then pass through a district rendered valuable by the

came the whalers, who form in the South seas a kind of pioneers, and who navigate the whole world; after them came the Boston traders and supercargoes, to barter American goods for skins and tallow; after them the officers of the Hudson's Bay company, whose governor, Sir George Simpson, visited C. twice, and who instituted agents there to provide the northern stations of the company with corn and cattle; at the same time an influx of the Americans made their appearance, and obtained grants of land from the Mexican government in 1831, and made settlements for their countrymen. More recently, a stream of emigration took place from Oregon; and Captain Sutter, who founded New Helvetia on the Sacramento river, near the bay of San Francisco, may be considered the patriarch of regenerated C. As in former days the Jesuits did not hesitate to adopt in their South American missions the practical institutions of the Peruvian Incas, so Captain Sutter has followed up the same work. He has made the Indians in his neighbourhood industrious and tractable, without finding it necessary to employ the whip, or other methods of punishment which the Francis-population which had advanced towards it; and in this way bit cans made use of; and he has proved that, with little means, but with circumspection and perseverance, extraordinary results may be obtained. Already a lively intercourse exists between New Helvetia and the Sandwich islands, which Captain Sutter has established with his own ships. This enterpris-granted districts to a degree far beyond what the whole would ing gentleman emigrated from Missouri to C. in 1838-1839. On his first settlement he had some trouble with the Indians; but by the occasional exercise of well-timed authority, he converted them into a peaceable and industrious people. On application to the chief of a village, he obtained as many boys and girls as he could employ; and there was at that time a number in training for a woollen factory. He bought up the stock of a Russian establishment, the owners of which wished to leave the country, consisting of a large number of cattle, artillery, &c., and made payment for them annually in grain.

The imports and exports of C., M. de Mofras gives as follows:

[blocks in formation]

The articles exported in 1841 were hides, 210,000 dols.; tallow, 55,000 dols.; peltries, wood, &c., 15,000 dols.; total, 280,000 dols. The business done under the Mexican flag was not in Mexican vessels, but in those belonging to citizens of other countries doing business in Mexico. In 1841, of 11 vessels that reached C. under the Mexican flag, only a boat of 86 tons, in the service of government, was Mexican. The amount of custom-duties raised at Monterey, from 1839 to 1842, was as follows: 85,613 dollars. 72,308

1839, 1840,


101,150 dollars.

by bit the work would be steadily completed. For 800 m. the country which the road would traverse would be of the best description for settlement, more than 500 m. being without timber: and so far from the proposed grant of 30 m. on each side being likely to interfere unfavourably with the revenue from the public lands, there can be little doubt the tide of settlement it would attract would ultimately enhance the value of the surrounding unhave produced but for the existence of the road. For seven years that is to say, ever since the settlement of Oregon-the projector has laboured at this scheme, apparently with increasing confidence in its perfect feasibility, although with little encouragement, until the discoveries in C. brought the public to the shape of local jealousies, several states of the union being his side. But there are still many difficulties to be overcome in ready to oppose the general plan in order to support any other route that would run through their own lands. The committee in Congress to whom it was referred have declared it to be as in the way of its successful accomplishment. It has also received simple as it is vast, and that they see no insurmountable difficulties the approval of 19 different states. Mr. Whitney calculates that the whole line might be completed in 15 years. The greatest impediment to the construction of a railroad from the Mississippi overland to the Pacific lies in the nature of the country over which the road must be carried. In the case of the selection of any route N of Mexico, a space of from 1,200 to 1,500 m. must be traversed, consisting of plains, mountains, and deserts, without timber, population, materials, or supplies, and thought to be destitute of anything that would contribute to the support of the road on this side of the Pacific. But it appears there is no longer any doubt of the existence of inexhaustible supplies of cannel coal near the sources of the Nebraska or Platte river, which is the route of the overland emigrants to C., via the South pass, the Salt lake, and the Great basin. The want of timber in the great plains, were there no substitute for fuel, would render cold and the snows deep; but these mines will supply the fuel them incapable of settlement, for in this region the winters are required. They will also supply an article of trade with the Mississippi river, and thus contribute, it is urged, to colonise the plains, and to the sale of the public lands along the route to settlers, whose labour will soon produce all the necessary provisions for the workmen employed. It is known, also, that iron is found from the frontiers of Missouri to the Rocky mountains; if this coal, therefore, can be rendered available, the means are on the derful capacities of the valley of the Salt lake, the reports would ground for the manufacture of the rails required. Of the wonbe incredible, if they were not all consistent. This valley is the half-way station on the great central route, and its fertility obviates all fears on the score of provisions for the workmen. Four years ago this district had not a single settler. it is now in the

hands of the Mormons, who are crowding to it from all quarters of the United States; and in a few years more, if the settlers progress at the same rate as now, they will be able to raise food and cattle for the subsistence of 100,000 persons. With the road finished to the Salt lake, another important article will come into market-that of salt, which is contained in the heavy brine of the great lake to an immense extent. It exists in a crystalline salt for 100 m along its shores. Rock-salt exists in the surrounding mountains, as do also copper and gold. The climate about the lake is described as extremely salubrious, and mediciriety. Such are some of the intermediate advantages of the unnal springs exist in the neighbourhood in great number and vadertaking, as set forth by those favourable to the construction of

formation at the bottom, and there is likewise an incrustation of

Upper C. presents the greatest facilities for raising cattle, cultivating corn, and the grape. But its commercial resources are at present founded entirely on its metallic wealth; and its fertile soil will remain neglected as long as labour can be more profitably employed in collecting gold than in its application to agriculture or the mechanical and manufacturing arts. For details as to the commerce of this region, the reader is referred to the articles SAN FRANCISCO, and MONTEREY. The value of the trade between the states to the E of the Rocky mountains and C. was estimated in 1849 at 25,000,000 dollars. When the agri- the Pacific railroad by way of the Platte river, the South pass. cultural resources of C. shall have been developed, it and the Salt lake valley, through the infant Mormon state of Deseret,-which, if admitted into the political fraternity of the will probably furnish the greatest part of their subsist-Union, in pursuance of a petition already before Congress, will

have its capital 2,500 m. from the seat of federal government, or five-sixths of the distance from Liverpool to New York.

By the construction of a line by any of the routes proposed, Lieutenant Maury asserts the United States would be placed in a position to command the trade of the entire East. "Hitherto," he says, "in all parts of the world, except Europe and the West Indies, the ships of the two great competitors on the ocean have met on barely equal terms.' To reach home from India, China, New Holland, the islands of the Pacific, or the ports of South America, an American and British ship had both to pursue the same route, although the course of one was terminated at Liver pool, while the other had to proceed to New York. "But now that Oregon and C. are Americanized, all of these ports are nearer; and the chief among them, as Bombay, Calcutta, Singapore, the ports of China, Japan, New Holland, Australia, Polynesia, and the islands of the East, many thousand miles nearer to the United States than they are to England."

Routes.] The routes to C. from Europe are three: first through the United States; second, across the isthmuses; third, around Cape Horn. The first way is through Boston, New York, or Philadelphia, to the Ohio, and then up the heads of the Missouri, by the Platte and Fort Laramie, and across the south pass of the Rocky mountains, to the Sacramento. This overland journey is of three months in a country without accommodation, beset with Indians, and in some places without food or water. Travellers go together in parties, carrying their goods in waggons, or on the backs of mules and horses. The route occupies about 4 months. Travellers from England may go to New Orleans and so up the Mississippi and Missouri. The people of Texas have a way by the Rio Bravo del Norte into New Mexico and then across the Rocky mountains.--The second way is by the West India mail-steamers to Porto Bello, or Chagres, on the isthmus of Darien, in New Granada, and so by an overland journey of 50 m. or two days to Panama on the Pacific. The road between Chagres and Panama has been repaired by the local authorities by means of a loan from the Royal Mail steam navigation company At Panama the Pacific steam navigation company's American mail-steamer running to San Francisco. Passengers

steamers arrive from Valparaiso and Callao. Here, too, is an

can therefore go on by this steamer, or by sailing-vessel, to C. This is reckoned a three months' journey, and is a very expensive one. Very little luggage can be carried. If the line of transit were made across the isthmus at a point further N, near Tehuantepec, nearly 3,000 m. would be saved on the route from the United States. The third way is by ship throughout from England to C., round Cape Horn, and along the whole seaboard by Rio de Janeiro to the bay of San Francisco, a six

but exclusive of the wandering tribes, had doubled itself in twelve years. In 1790, it was returned at 7,748; and in 1802, had increased to 15,630. Since the foundation of the missions, there had been in all, according to the parish-registers, 33,717 baptisms, 8,009 marriages, and 16,984 deaths. These registers, however, Humboldt observes, must not be assumed as data from which to deduce the proportion of births and deaths, as in the number of baptisms the adult Indians were confounded with the children. The total number of Whites, Mestizoes, and Mulattoes, might be estimated in 1802 at 1,300. The smallness of this number, so disproportionate to the fertility and extent of the country, was doubtless owing entirely to the absurd regulations by which the Spanish presidios were governed, and to the principles of colonization obstinately followed by Spain, which were in general directly opposite to the true interests both of the mother country and colonies. "It is truly distressing," says the Spanish navigator Galiano, catching a glimpse of the better spirit of the 19th cent., "that the military, who pass a painful and laborious life, cannot in their old age settle in the country, and employ themselves in agriculture. The prohibition of building houses in the neighbourhood of the presidio is contrary to all the dictates of sound policy. If the whites were permitted to employ themselves in the cultivation of the soil, and the rearing of cattle, and if the military, by establishing their wives and children in cottages, could prepare an asylum against the indigence to which they are too frequently exposed in their old age, New C. would soon become a flourishing colony, and a resting-place of the greatest utility for the Spanish navigators, who trade between Peru, Mexico, and the Philippine islands." The Spanish governor of C. resided at Monterey, with a salary of 4,000 piastres. His anthority was confined entirely to the garrisons and the independent Indians; for he was not allowed to interfere with the affairs of the different missions, but was only obliged to grant assistance when they claimed it. His real subjects consisted of about 400 military, distributed in the different presidios, which were all the means he possessed, or indeed appears to have required, for keeping in subjection the wandering Indians, so long as the authority of the missionaries was unshaken. The Spanish races, which previous to the American occupation held the country, were few in numbers and in a declining condition. Accurate returns of the pop. of C. have never been made; but it would seem that the pop. had for many years been decreasing. Perhaps it amounted in all to 6,000 or 7,000, of whom four-fifths were Mestizoes, nearly one-fifth Indians, and the remaining fraction Europeans. The Mexicans all lived in towns or villages for mutual protection. "The scale had been turned. The Spaniard was no longer the aggressor. Times had changed with him since the fierce adventurers of the peninsula lorded it with a tyrant's hand over the helpless savages of the wilderness; and the descendants of the red-men had begun to pay back in blood the debt long owing to the relentless persecutors of their race. But the Indians, more politic than the Middle age Spaniards, did not attempt to exterminate their foes: they preserved them to rear cattle and cultivate the soil. When the harvest was gathered in, and the kine fatted, they would come in a body to carry off the one and drive away the other: using the conqueror's 12 to 15 days. right, and appealing to the law, which the Spaniards had taught them the validity of, in their defence. The government of Mexico has never been able to prevent these civil and internecine disorders."

months' voyage. The English have a settlement in the Falkland islands near Cape Horn, which is likely to benefit by the increased trade to the Pacific. Passengers by sea may get round Cape Horn most readily by taking a berth for Valparaiso in Chili, for which many ships go out, bringing back copper-ore, guano, hides, and tallow, while ships for C. must be chartered purposely. From Valparaiso passengers may get on either by consting-vessels trading with C, or by the Pacific steam navigation company's steamers to Panama, and thence by the American government steamers to C.

Distances.] The following are the comparative distances to England and C. from various places in the Eastern and Southern

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To ports of California. 10,400 m. 9,800





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7.400 6,100

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New Guinea,



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The uncivilized Indians scattered over the valleys of the Sacramento and San Joaquin, and in the gorges of the Sierra Nevada, were not included in this estimate; and the Indian pop. inhabiting the region of the Great Salt lake, the oases of the Great Basin, and along the Rio Colorado and Gila, and the affluents of these rivers, must form a considerable aggregate number.

Under the vigorous Anglo-American rule now established in this country, aided by the prodigious and immediate impulse given to the stream of emigration towards C. by the discovery of its golden treasures, this pop. is hourly increasing. The number of inhabitants in the country on the 1st of January, 1848, was probably about 15,000, exclusive of Indians. Of this number 9,000 were Californians, 5,000 Americans, 1,000 foreigners of many nations. The immigration of American citizens in 1849 was estimated at 80,000; of people of other nations, at 20,000. The pop. would therefore amount to about 115,000, exclusive of Indians, on 1st January 1850; and this pop. will probably be doubled in the course of the year. It is impossible to form anything like an accurate estimate of the number of Indians in the territory. Some estimate their number at 300,000. History] We have already observed that C. was first discovered in 154, by Hernando de Grixalva, in a voyage undertaken by the order and at the expense of the famous Hernan Cortez, who had fitted out several small squadrons for the purpose of prosecnting his discoveries in the South sea, Discontented with

the tediousness and unsuccessfulness of these discoveries, Cortez, in 1336, embarked in person with 400 Spaniards and 300 Negro slaves, and landed on the E coast of California, in the bay of Santa Cruz, now called the Port de la Paz. Having coasted both sides of the gulf with great difficulty and danger, he returned to Santa Cruz, after losing many of his companions who died of famine and fatigue. Urgent affairs, however, demanding his presence in Mexico, he committed the command of the squadron to Francisco de Ulloa, who, in the course of two years, explored the coasts of the gulf of California-then known by the name of the Sea of Cortez-to near the mouth of the Rio Colorado. But the first European settlement which was attempted on this peninia, was by order of Philip II. of Spain, in 1596. That monarch appointed Sebastian Viscaino to the command of an expedition fitted out for the purpose, which landed in the Bay de la Paz, and finding the Indians of a peaceable and friendly disposition, established a garrison within a palisade, and erected a small church and some huts with branches of trees, as the capital of their conquest. The natives brought them fruit, fish, and also

some pearls; but this friendly intercourse did not long continue, and Viscaino determined to abandon the conquest without leav ing any settlers in the country, and returned to New Spain at the end of the same year. About six years after, Viscaino was again appointed to explore the NW coast of California, in order, if possible, to discover some convenient harbour that might afford an asylum to the galleons on their return from Manilla. In this expedition-which was attended with much danger and distresshe fell in with a very commodious and spacious harbour in 32° N lat., which he called San Diego; and also another in 36° 40', which he named Monterey, and which afterwards became the principal settlement of the Spaniards in this country. Viscaino describes the country as covered with trees, the climate mild, the soil fruitful and well-peopled, and the natives kind and tractable. From this period C. was frequently visited by private adventurers, for the sake of the pearls found upon its coast, and which they either fished, or purchased from the Indians. In 1697, the Jesuits requested permission to undertake the conversion of the Indians. Father Salva Tierra entered upon this enterprise with only six soldiers and three Indians; and having landed in the bay of San Dionysio, on the 19th of October, founded the presidio of Loretto, the principal place of all the missions of Old C. They were at first received with great joy and affection by the Indians of the neighbouring rancherias, to whom they distributed a daily allowance of pozoli, or boiled maize, in order to induce them to attend to the religious exercises and instructions of the holy father. But what was given as a favour was soon claimed as a right; and the Californians broke out into complaints, which in a short time ended in open hostilities. But by the determined coursubmission, and the maize was served out as formerly. The inage and perseverance of the missionaries, they were reduced to constancy and ingratitude of this people, however, was such, that it was found impossible to bind them, either by promises or affection; and it was not without much difficulty, and after submitting to many hardships and deprivations, that a prospect appeared of rendering this colony a permanent establishment. Their zeal, however, at last surmounted every opposition, and in a few years several missions were founded throughout the peninsula.

But while the Spaniards, for nearly a century and a half, were wasting their strength and treasure in attempting to convert and civilize a barren and ungrateful country, it is a matter of surprise that New C., whose shores had been carefully examined by tile, should have been so long neglected. This fine country, which Viscaino, and were represented by him as both populous and ferwould have most amply repaid all their exertions, if properly colonized, was not occupied by the Spaniards until 167 years after its first discovery; and it was not until the court of Spain became alarmed at the progress of discovery made by other maritime powers on the NW coast of America, that orders were given to the Chevalier de Croix, the viceroy, and the Visitador Galvez, to found missions and presidios in the ports of San Diego and Monterey. The expedition by sea anchored at San Diego in April 1769; but owing to the scarcity of provisions, their fatigues, the want of shelter, and an epidemical disease, the consequence of the bad quality of their food, the colony was reduced to great distress. Most of them fell sick, and only eight individuals remained on their feet, when the land expedition, which had come through Old C., arrived with assistance. But it was not till after a whole year of researches and labour, that they succeeded in finding again the harbour of Monterey, although Viscaino had clearly pointed out its situation and latitude. The first mission was established at this place, in 1770, by the Franciscans. The missions of New C., with their pop. in 1802, and time of establishment, are shown in the following table:

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When the Jesuits-who had carried hither the policy and system of Paraguay-were suppressed, the Dominicans and Franknowledge or tact to work the system of their predecessors. The ciscans succeeded to their charge; but they wanted the necessary missions declined in wealth and authority. The government, produce. Finally, the ravages of the small-pox completed their too, interfered in their management, and levied taxes upon the destruction: it swept off more than half of the aborigines, and the rest returned to the woods, whence they have kept up a se

ries of inroads and depredations to the present hour. To all strangers, except those of the Spanish race, the Indians are generally well-disposed. Their connexion with the now dilapidated missions has, in part, civilized them. Their knowledge of the country and the usages of their late masters, enabled them to act against them with effect; and had it not been for the presence of the English and Americans, they would have either driven the Spaniards entirely out of the country, or rigorously confined them to their villages.

About twenty years ago, the attention of the English, who came to C. for trade, was drawn to its state, and many English seamen and Americo-English trappers or fur-hunters determined to profit by the opportunity which offered of making themselves masters of the country. In October, 1836, a revolution was got up by some of the C. officials, supported by 30 trappers and 60 rancheros or mounted farmers, headed by Isaac Graham, a New Englander. On the 2d Nov., Graham took the fortifications and town of Monterey; and on the 4th the Mexican governor gave up his authority to him; and C. was declared independent; but the attempt to make it a part of the United States was frustrated by some of the foreign merchants. The property of the missions was distributed among the revolutionists; but in 1840, dissensions broke out between Alvarado and Graham, and in April of that year the latter determined on again upsetting the government. His force was 46 in number, 25 English, mostly seamen, and 21 New Englanders. He was, however, betrayed, attacked at night, and his force made prisoners. Alvarado shipped them off to Mexico; but the governments of England and the United States got their release, and a large sum was awarded to compensate them for their imprisonment and the confiscation of their property. In 1841. Alvarado obtained from Mexico a supply of

300 convicts as a military aid. In 1842, on a rumour of war between the United States and Mexico, Commodore Catesby Jones took possession of Monterey, but subsequently gave it up. When, however, the late war broke out, in 1846, the United States, or rather a party of American adventurers, aided by the presence of an American vessel of war off Monterey, got possession of that town, and raised the standard of independence in C.

By treaty between the United States and the Mexican republic, the ratification of which was exchanged at Queretaro, on the 30th of May, 1848, New Mexico and Upper C. were ceded to the United States, and now constitute a part of that country. This acquisition was noticed in the American president's message in the following terms: "Embracing nearly 10 degrees of latitude, lying adjacent to the Oregon territory, and extending from the Pacific ocean to the Rio Grande, a mean distance of nearly 1,000 m., it would be difficult to estimate the value of those possessions to the United States. They constitute of themselves a country large enough for a great empire; and their acquisition is second only in importance to that of Louisiana in

1803. Rich in mineral and agricultural resources, with a climate of great salubrity, they embrace the most important ports on the whole Pacific coast of the continent of North America. The possession of the ports of San Diego, Monterey, and the bay of San Francisco, will enable the United States to command the already valuable and rapidly increasing commerce of the Pacific. The number of our whaleships alone, now employed in that sea, exceeds 700, requiring more than 20,000 seamen to navigate them: while the capital invested in this particular branch of

commerce is estimated at not less than 40,000,000 of dollars. The excellent harbours of Upper C. will, under our flag, afford security and repose to our commercial marine; and American mechanics will soon furnish ready means of ship-building and repair, which are now so much wanted in that distant sea By the acquisition of these possessions we are brought into immediate proximity with the W coast of America, from Cape Horn to the Russian possessions N of Oregon; with the islands of the Pacific ocean; and, by a direct voyage in steamers, we will be in less than 30 days of Canton and other parts of China."

Under the governorship of General Riley a constitution differing little from that of the state of New York has been framed for the new state of C., by delegates assembled in convention, which

constitution has been subsequently ratified and confirmed by the

votes of the citizens. The legislative power is vested by this constitution in a senate and assembly. Senators are to be chosen for two years, and their number is not to exceed one-half that of the assembly. The number of members of assembly is not to exceed 36 until the pop. shall exceed 100,000; and after that, shall not exceed 80.

CALIFORNIA (GULF OF), a great arm of the Pacific, commencing under the 23d parallel, between Mazatlan, on the coast of Mexico, in N lat. 23° 30', on the E, and Cape Palmo, on the coast of peninsular California, in N lat. 23° 10', on the W; and extending in a NNW direction, between the continent and the peninsula, up to the parallel of 32°, where it receives the waters of the Rio Colorado. Its length is about 700 m. Its breadth varies from 150 to 40 m. Its E shores are generally low, and the water is shallow; but its opposite shores, to the parallel of 30°, are rocky and elevated. The prevailing winds in this gulf are from the S; yet there is a sensible current always setting towards its mouth. The tides vary considerably in different localities. At Mazatlan the rise is 7 ft.; at Guaymas, 5 ft. The port of Guaymas, in the Mexican dep. of Sonora, in N lat. 27° 40', is the best on the coast. Mazatlan is little frequented. The first Spanish navigators who entered this gulf bestowed on it the names of the Sea of Cortes, and the Red sea. The latter name was suggested partly by the red colour given to its waters

by the Rio Colorado, and partly perhaps by the vermilion of purple tinge which occasionally overspreads it at sunrise and sunset. Fish of all species are plentiful in the gulf. The spermaceti whale haunts its mouth; and seals, turtles, and tortoises abound in it. Its marshy coasts are infested with caymans, p tiles, and insects; and sharks and mantayaras-a species of gigantic ray fish-form the dread of the divers employed in its pearl-oyster banks. Navigation seldom extends to the N portion or head of the gulf; and in the month of September it is entirely interrupted by the cordonazos, or hurricanes, which blow at this season with great violence.

CALIGURRY, a town and fort of Hindostan, in the Carnatic, 20 m. NW of Nellore.

CALIMA, a town of New Grenada, in the dep. of Cauca, on the r. bank of a river of the same name, 15 m. ESE of its junction with the San Juan, and 60 m. SSW of Novita. Near the mouth of the S. Juan is a hill of the same name surmounted by a fort.

CALIMERA, a town of Naples, in the prov. and 12 m. NW of Otranto, district and 11 m. SE of Lecce, and on the road from that town to Otranto. Pop. 1,300. A fair is held here once a-year. The environs afford good wine.

CALIMERE, or CALYMERE POINT, a promontory of Hindostan, on the SE coast of the Carnatic, in the district of Tinnevelly, in N lat. 10° 17', E long. 79° 56'. It is low and covered with cocoa-nut trees; and unapproachable with safety under 5 or 6 fath.

CALINGAPATAM, a town and small seaport of Hindostan, in the Northern Circars, 16 m. ENE of Cicacole, near the mouth of the Peddair river, which at its entrance into the gulf of Bengal, is about 1 m. in width, but much obstructed by sand-banks. In 1820 it consisted of about 30 dwellings; and possessed mud-docks for building small coasting-vessels.

CALISS, a town of Mecklenburg, near the 1. bank of the Elde, 4 m. NE of its junction with the Eibe, and 32 m. S of Schwerin.

CALITRI, a town of Naples, in the prov. of Principato Ultra, district and 15 m. E of San-Angelo-de-Lombardi, on a hill bathed on the S by the Ofanto. Pop. 5,219. It contains a handsome parish church, and a convent. A fair is held once a-year. Sheep and cattle are reared in great numbers in the surrounding district, and form an important branch of the local commerce.

CALIX, or CALIG, a town of Spain, in the prov. and 40 m. N of Castellon de la Plana, and 11 m. N of Pensacola, on a small river. Pop. 3,000.

CALIZZANO, a town of Piedmont, in the prov. and 42 m. WSW of Genoa, 15 m. N of Albenga, on the 1. bank of the Bormida.

CALKEN, a commune and town of Belgium, in the prov. of E Flanders, 9 m. of Termonde, on the Schelde. Pop. 4,950.

CALKERTON, a tything in the p. of Rodmarton, Gloucestershire. Pop. in 1841, 145.

CALLABEG, a parish in co. Tipperary, 2 m. SE of Templemore. Area 6,014 acres. Pop. 2,429. CALLAC, a canton, commune, and town of France, in the dep. of the Côtes-du-Nord, arrond. of Guingamp. The cant. comprises 9 com., and in 1831 contained a pop. of 13,922. The town is 19 m. SW of Guingamp.

CALLACHE, a town of Peru, in the dep. and 120 m. NNW of Truxillo, and 40 m. ENE of Lambayeque; on the 1. bank of the river of that name.

CALLAGHANS, a village of Alleghany co., in the state of Virginia, 191 m. NW of Richmond, at the junction of the roads leading to Warm Sweet and White Sulphur springs.

CALLAGHAN'S MILLS (LOWER and UPPER), two villages in the p. of Killuran, co. Clare, on the Ougarnee river, 3 m. SE of Tulla. Pop. of Lower C. 183; of Higher C. 148.

CALLAH, or KALLAH (EL), a town of Algeria, in the prov. and 60 m. E of Wahran, or Oran, and

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