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serving as the seat of government, sub- | were established in Philadelphia in her sequently to the capture of New York, was threatened by the enemy, in 1778. A strong expedition having been sent from New York to the Delaware, succeeded in maintaining itself in Pennsylvania for a time: after several battles, Washington retreating to Valley Forge. The enemy were, however, ere long, compelled to retreat, and evacuate the country on the west of the bay and river.

colonial days, chiefly by the labors and example of Dr. Franklin, who for a long time exercised a great influence on the country, and whose fame is universal. Massachusetts, however, lays a claim to a considerable share of the honor of his character and life, as he was a native cf Boston, and there received his apprenticeship in the art which had so strong an influence in directing his practical course in life.

Printing was introduced into the bounds of the present state of Pennsyl

The "whiskey rebellion," which broke out in a part of the state, soon after the restoration of peace, kept the country for a time in a state of alarm; but,vania, in 1687, when the first sheet, an after its suppression, Pennsylvania soon began to share with other members of the Union, in the career of prosperity which has so greatly distinguished our country, and has been one of the most remarkable of the states for the extent and success of its manufactures. Her iron-mines and manufactories, with her coal-mines, are the grand sources of her wealth, although her commerce is considerable.

almanac, was published by William Bradford. The first newspaper issued, was "The American Weekly Mercury," a half-sheet of "post-paper," by Andrew Bradford, dated Dec. 22, 1719. There was at that time only one other in the colonies, viz., at Boston. The second was commenced in 1728, and passed, in a few months, into the hands of Benjamin Franklin. It existed more than a century. Several others were published COAL-MINES.-Among the natural in the middle and latter part of the last productions of the state of Pennsylvania, century; and the first German paper those of the coal-mines take the most appeared at Germantown, in 1739. important place. On both sides of the There were not fewer than six magaAlleganies lie extensive and apparently zines before the Revolution. | "The inexhaustible beds of excellent coal, ma- American Daily Advertiser" was the first ny of which are on the immediate banks, daily paper in America, and commenced or near to the sources of streams, which its daily appearance in 1784. have been rendered navigable where the Pittsburgh Gazette," the first newspaper aid of art and science have been required; in the western part of the state, began and the immense and increasing sup- about 1786. "An imperfect list of the plies, annually transported, subserve the periodical journals" published in the convenience and comfort of millions of state, between the close of the Revolupeople, not in this territory alone, but tionary war and 1828, given in the Amerin half the states of the Union. Nu-ican Almanac for 1835, names thirty-six. merous steamboats and railroad-cars, as The number has since greatly increased, well as manufactories of different kinds, in every department. borrow their motive-power from these mines; while almost entire towns and cities derive from them their vast supplies of fuel.

The coals of Pennsylvania are of two kinds; and it is remarkable that, while that on the eastern side of the Alleganies is anthracite, that on the west is bituminous. The latter has rendered Pittsburgh the Birmingham of America. Literary InstITUTIONS, &c.-Literary publications and scientific institutions


State-GovernNMENT.-The governor is chosen by the people for three years, but cannot hold the office over six years in nine. He must be thirty years of age, and have resided in the state for seven years. The senate consists of thirtythree members, elected by the people for three years, one third being chosen annually. A member must be twentyfive years of age, and have resided four years in the state, and the last year in the district in which he is chosen. The


All judicial officers are elected by the people at the regular state election. The judges of the supreme court hold their offices for fifteen years; those of the court of common pleas hold theirs for ten years; and the associate judges of the court of common pleas hold theirs for five years. The secretary of state is appointed by the governor, and holds office during his pleasure. The treasurer is elected annually by the jointballot of both houses of the legislature. The legislature meets annually at Harrisburgh on the first Tuesday in January. The Merchants' Magazine, just quoted, well describes Pennsylvania in the following figurative language :—

house of representatives consists of one | abilities of the machinery employed in hundred members, elected annually by mining and transporting, that the prosthe people. A member must be twenty-pects of the business are almost too great one years of age, have resided in the have resided in the to be mentioned. Professor Bakewell state three years next preceding his remarks, that the proximity of coalelection, and the last year in the district mines and beds of iron ore afford strong for which he is chosen. evidence of the provision made by the Almighty for the benefit of man. Pennsylvania, says the Merchants' Magazine, is the only state which has direct ass, by water, at once to the ocean, the lakes, and the Mississippi: we perceive that her position justifies high anticipations of her future wealth and prosperity. The real estate of Pennsylvania, according to the same work, was estimated, in 1846, on the best data, at one thousand four hundred millions of dollars, and the personal property at seven hundred millions; making an aggregate of two thousand one hundred millions, or more than three times that of New York. Such an estimate must surprise almost every one; but, to sustain it, the writer gives the following statements: “Each of the three vast beds of anthracite coal, in this state, are about five miles in breadth, and sixty-five in length, with an area of 325 square miles, or 208,000 acres; that is, in all, 975 square miles, or 624,000 acres. If the supply of coal from anthracite mines, for 1847, is estimated at 2,800,000 tons, at four dollars per ton, which is the average price at tide-water, we have an amount of eleven millions two hundred thousand dollars. Most of the mines are owned by citizens; and the balance of trade with other cities is constantly in favor of Philadelphia."

She is, indeed, the keystone state. While one arm rests on the Atlantic, she lays the other on the Ohio, and her hand plays with the waters of the lake. Within her hills is stowed the fuel of ages; and iron, the world's civilizer, to hind the continent, and insure the stability of this great government; Erie, her outlet on the lake, Pittsburgh, the head of the eastern branch of the mighty valley, and Philadelphia, not only the beautiful city of the plain, but destined to be the leading city of the north, a city worthy so great a state. In her present competition, her rivals are cast. The mass of productions of the forest, agri- | culture, and the mines, are derived from Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and the ascending trade of the Mississippi valley."

It is amusing to record some of the anecdotes related of the coal-trade in its early days. Mr. Charles Miner, of Wilkesbarre, and Mr. Cist, sent off the The coal-mines of England, it has first ark-load of coal from Mauch Chunk, been remarked by the president of the on the 9th of August, 1814. The boat British Statistical society, have yielded soon ran against a rock, which broke a more profits than were ever derived from hole in it. The men prevented the leak the gold-mines of Peru; but, without from sinking it, by taking off their coats the aid of steam, they would have been and stuffing them into the hole When comparatively worthless. The prod:cts a lengh the carge reached Philadel of the Pennsylvania coal-mines are al- pi.ia, the expenses amounted to fourteen ready so great that it would be difficult dollars a ton. The owners then found to estimate them; and such are the an- it necessary to call at houses, blacknual increase of the demand, and the smith-shops, &c., and urge the people

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to try the coal in their grates and furnaces, and even to hire journeymen to give it a fair trial, after publishing handbills, in English and German, with a minute description of the manner of kindling and treating it. In 1812, Col. George Shockmaker took nine wagons, loaded with coal, from the Schuylkill mines to Philadelphia, and succeeded in selling two of them. It was with difficulty that he could persuade any persons to try the remainder, which he left without selling.

The amount of foreign coal imported into the United States, in 1846, was 156,853 tons, worth $378,597; which is very small, compared with the above estimate for the supply of anthracite from the mines of Pennsylvania.

PHILADELPHIA.-This city was originally confined to a point on the western bank of the Delaware, five miles above its confluence with the Schuylkill, and about one hundred from the ocean. The river is of sufficient depth for the free admission of vessels of the largest size; but the navigation is subject to a long interruption, by ice, during the winter months. The city now extends quite across the broad, level space to the Schuylkill, a distance of about two miles, while the northern and southern districts, and several adjacent villages, having received portions of the increasing population, now contain, together, a large, compact mass of houses, with a population inferior to no city in the United States, except New York.

Almost without a single exception, Philadelphia is laid out on a plan of perfect regularity. The streets are perfectly straight, and those running north and south are crossed at right-angles by those running east and west, at equal intervals. The former are distinguished by the cardinal numbers-First, Second, Third, &c., beginning near the Delaware, as far as Independence square, in the centre of the city; and between the western limits and that point, by the designation of Schuylkill-First, Second, Third, &c. The principal cross-streets are named after trees, as Walnut, Chestnut, &c., except the central, which is Market street, and one or two others.

These principal streets so far alluded to, form fine, large squares, which are subdivided by streets of a second class, and inferior breadth, of which those running east and west bear the names of shrubs and inferior plants.

Philadelphia is distinguished by its neatness, as well as uniformity, and contains many institutions of science, learning, and beneficence, as useful as they are honorable to the inhabitants.

Philadelphia is remarkable for a neat and pleasing style of building. Hundreds of houses, of the first class, have basements and steps of white marble; and the pavements, which are generally wide, are carefully washed and swept. Great cleanliness prevails through a large part of the city, although the surface of the ground is so flat as to be rather unfavorable. Sewers have been constructed to a considerable extent, and the good habits of the people are the chief cause of this important feature in their city, which is favored by the absence of great thoroughfares, the passage of carriages being confined to no particular streets.

Markets. The principal markets are concentrated in Market street, in which a long line of buildings, well planned, and built for the purpose, extends about a mile, and is proverbial for convenience and neatness. Abundant supplies of the best articles of food are displayed, with neatness and in good order, while sufficient room is allowed to buyers and sellers. For good meat, butter, and some other products of the fine agricultural districts in the neighborhood, Philadelphia has long been celebrated. South of the city lies an extensive tract of fertile meadow-land, where rich pastures and fine gardens abound; the benefits of which are enjoyed by the inhabitants.

The large draught-horses, reared with great care by the Dutch farmers, for use in their heavy wagons, are seen in great numbers.

The Philadelphia Library is one of the earliest, most extensive, and valuable, in the country, and was founded by the exertions of Benjamin Franklin, about the year 1727, when a little

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