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CAMPAN, a canton, commune, and town of France, in the dep. of the Haute-Pyrenees, arrond. of Bagnères-en-Bigorre.--The cant. comprises 4 com., and in 1831 contained a pop. of 6,710.-The town is situated on the 1. bank of the Adour, 4 m. SSE of Bagnères-en-Bigorre, and 17 m. SSE of Tarbes, at an alt of 2,217 ft. above sea-level. Pop. 4,171. It lies in a beautiful valley to which it gives its name; and is chiefly built of marble, fine varieties of which, known as the marbles of Campan, are quarried in an adjacent mountain. The locality is famous for its delicious butter. Fairs are held three times a-year. CAMPANA, a town of Naples, cap. of a circondario, in the prov. of Calabria Citra, district and 15 m. SE of Rosanna, on Mount Riparossa, near the N bank of the Fiumenica. Pop. 3,687. It contains a church, 2 convents, and an hospital; and possesses a considerable trade in manna.

CAMPANA, an island of the Pacific, in the Patagonian archipelago, to the W of Wellington island, from which it is separated by the Fallos channel, in S lat. 48° 30', and W long. 75° 30′. It is 102 m. in length from N to S, and about 30 in average breadth from E to W.

CAMPANA (LA), a town of Spain, in Andalusia, prov. and 32 m. ENE of Seville, on the 1. bank of the Madre, 3 m. SSE of the junction of that river with the Guadalquiver.

CAMPANARIO, a town of Spain, in Estremadura, prov. and 65 m. ESE of Badajos, and 10 m. SE of Villaneuva-de-la-Serena, near the 1. bank of the Zuja, and 11 m. SE of the confluence of that river with the Guadiana.

CAMPAGNOLA, a village of the duchy of Mo- | to unite in fleets for mutual protection. The prows dena, in the district and 12 m. NNE of Reggio, and carry from 15 to 30 men each, and are armed with 5 m. N of Corregio. Pop. 2.500. two long brass guns, which render them formidable opponents to the pirates; so much so, indeed, that they are seldom or never attacked. The cargoes these vessels usually convey to Singapore consist principally of coffee; but they also bring a few picnls of gambier, bees' wax, twine, and cassia, of an inferior quality; likewise elephants' teeth, rhinoceros' horns, and a few rattans. The cargo varies in value according to the size of the prow, from 500 to 2,000 Spanish dollars; and is readily disposed of to the Chinese merchants, who deliver in return blue and unbleached Madras cloths; raw silk and cotton; Europe shirtings, cambrics, and chintzes; Batick and imitation Batick handkerchiefs and salendangs; camblets, lead, iron, steel, gold thread, Java tobacco, sticklac, &c., &c. These prows invariably belong to the people who live near the mouth of the river, from whom the traders charter them for the voyage. For a prow of 20 piculs burden they pay 30 Spanish dollars, and engage to return within two months. The principal part of the cargo belongs to the nakodah, or captain; but every one of the crew also has a small share. They usually remain at Singapore about a fortnight each trip; but as they cannot all finish their business at one time, they wait for each other a few days, that they may return again in company. On their arrival at C., after discharging their cargoes, and delivering up their prows to the owners, they proceed to the disposal of their respective adventures, which they generally hawk about the country, and dispose of in small quantities at a time, and so slowly, that they are not unfrequently two or three months in getting quit of a whole cargo. They generally barter their goods for produce; and as soon as they have got a sufficient cargo collected for a prow, they immediately return with it to Singapore. The bees wax, ivory, rhinoceros' horns, and gambia, are obtained in the country of C., and are to be had at all the principal villages on the banks of the river. Elephants and rhinoceroses are said to be numerous in C. The former are procured chiefly by means of poison; the latter, by shooting. Coffee, however, is their principal article of import into Singapore. This coffee, we are told, is brought from CAMPAR, an ancient Malayan state, on the E the rich country of Menangkabu, the ancient seat coast of Sumatra, lying between the rivers of Siak of the Malays, and from the Limapuloh country and Danir. The mouth of the C. river is situated in which are situated in the very centre of the island, about 0° 38′ N lat., and 102° 51′ E long.; and ex- and are consequently several days' journey inland. tends in a S direction a short distance inland, and It is conveyed from the place of its production to C. then branches off to the right and left. The coun- on men's heads, and in very small quantities at a try on the 1. branch of the river is called C. Kiri; time. The inland traders, we are informed, come and that on the r. C. Kanan, or left and right C. down in parties of 8 or 10 men, two of whom only For twelve or fourteen days' journey up each branch carry about half a picul of coffee each, the remainder of the river, the country is described as being low being laden with provisions, &c., for the support of and flat; and, to the extent of a mile or two on each the party by the way. About the year 1830 not less side, it is said to be in a state of tolerable cultivation. than 800 or 1,000 piculs of this coffee were imported The banks of both rivers are studded with villages, into Singapore by the Campar prows monthly; and but the r. branch is more populous, and the country as it is all conveyed from the interior in this dilatory under better cultivation. The principal productions manner, it is very evident that the pop of the disof the district are rice, cocoa and betel-nuts, gam-tricts which produce it must be very great. If we bier, sugar-cane, and rattans. The people of C. suppose that 100 of these prows, bringing 100 piculs carry on a considerable trade with the inhabitants of of coffee each, arrive at Singapore annually, and the interior, and with Singapore. The inhabitants that it brings 6 dollars per picul, it will give the of the central districts bring coffee and cassia, which sum of 65,000 dollars as the annual amount of the they barter for various kinds of Indian and Euro- trade of Singapore with the Menangkabu country pean manufactures with the prows from Singapore. by this means only.-Singapore Chronicle. The trade of C. with this settlement is entirely in the hands of Malays, and is carried on by means of small prows of from 50 to 200 piculs burden, which regularly visit Singapore, in small fleets of 10 or 12 prows. The numerous straits in this neighbourhood, but more particularly those near the coast of Sumatra, are infested with pirates, which obliges these trades

CAMPANELLA (CAPE), a promontory of the W coast of Naples, between the gulfs of Naples and Salerno, in Ñ lat. 40° 35', and E long. 14° 20'.

CAMPANET, a small town of the island of Majorca, 26 m. NE of Palma, and 9 m. W of Alcudia. The environs, although destitute of permanent streams, produce considerable quantities of olive-oil. CAMPANHA, a town of Brazil, in the prov. of Minas-Geraes, com. of Rio-Verde, 54 leagues SE of Ouro-Preto. Pop. 6,000.

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CAMPBELL, a county of the state of Virginia, U. S., comprising a surface of 576 sq. m. between James river on the N and Staunton river on the S, both navigable rivers, and affording easy communi cation with Chesapeake bay and Albemarle sound. It is generally hilly, but produces grain, tobacco, and varieties of fruits, and affords excellent pastur

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