10. General Biology. Professor KOFOID and Associate Professor HOLMES. An outline of the main facts and principles of animal biology with special reference to evolution, heredity, eugenics, and the bearing of biology upon human life. Lectures with demonstrations, conferences, assigned readings, and reports. 3 hrs., second half-year; 3 units. Lectures, Tu Th, 8. Conferences, five sections: I, M, 9; II, Th, 9; III, F, 8; IV, S, 8; V, S, 9. Open without prerequisite to all students, but designed primarily for those not specializing in zoology. Recognized as a prescribed science for the junior certificate. UPPER DIVISION COURSES MAJOR COURSES 103. Experimental Zoology. Assistant Professor DANIEL. An experimental study of the fundamental properties of living substance, including its development, its growth and regeneration, and an application of the transplantation of living tissues. 2 hrs., first half-year; 2 units. M F, 9. Prerequisite: courses 1a and 1B. 103c. Experimental Zoology. Assistant Professor DANIEL. Laboratory experiments closely correlated with the lectures of course 103. 6 hrs., first half-year; 2 units. M W, 1-4 or 2-5. 104. Animal Behavior. Associate Professor HOLMES. The tropisms, instincts, and intelligence of animals, and the general evolution of the animal mind. 2 hrs., first half-year; 2 units. Tu Th, 4. 106. Comparative Anatomy of the Higher Vertebrates. Professor MERRIAM, Dr. -, and Assistant. Comparative osteology (under Professor MERRIAM), dissection of a reptile, a bird, and a mammal, and lectures on the organology of vertebrates. 10 hrs., second half-year; 4 units. Lectures, Th, 4. Laboratory, section I, M W F, 1-4; II, Tu Th, 1-4, S, 8-11. Prerequisite: courses la and 1B. Students in Zoology 106 may take the lectures of Palaeontology 104 without the laboratory work (1 unit). 107. Cytology. Dr. GOULD. Structure, activities, and chemistry of the cell; cell-division, maturation of the sex cells, fertilization, parthenogenesis, and cleavage; relation of cytological phenomena to normal and abnormal growth, to differentiation, to sex, and to theories of heredity and evolution. 8 hrs., second half-year; 4 units. Lectures, Tu Th, 9. Laboratory, Tu Th, 1-4. Prerequisite: course 1A. 108. Embryology. Dr. GOULD. The phenomena of animal development, fundamental facts of reproduction, comparative embryology and organogeny of the higher vertebrates. Lectures, reading, and laboratory. 8 hrs., first half-year; 4 units. Lectures, Tu Th, 9. Laboratory, two sections: I, Tu Th, 8-9, 10-12; II, Tu Th, 1–4. Prerequisite: courses 1A and 1B. 109. Biology of Water. Professor KOFOID and Biological problems of the microscopic life of fresh water and of the sea from the distributional, ecological, and experimental standpoints. Laboratory, field work, and thesis. 6 hrs., second half-year; 2 units. W F, 1-4. Prerequisite: course 1a. 109c. Biological Examination of Water. Professor KOFOID and Mr. BARROWS. The biology of waters of reservoirs and streams, with special reference to water supply and sewage disposal. A field and laboratory course dealing with the microscopic organisms of fresh water, other than bacteria, their occurrence, distribution, and control, and their relation to problems of sanitary engineering. 3 hrs., second half-year; 1 unit. F, 1-4. Prescribed, in the second year of the sanitary course, College of Civil Engineering. Open to students of household science. 110. Protozoology. Professor KOFOID and Structure, life-history, and ecology of the protozoa with reference to the problems of biology; the relations of protozoa to disease in man and other animals. 5 hrs., first half-year; 3 units. M W, 8; F, 1-4. Prerequisite: course 1A. Students in medicine, public health, veterinary science, and agriculture with laboratory experience also admitted. 111. General Parasitology. Professor KOFOID. A general biological discussion of the relations of animals to the causation and transmission of disease, with special reference to the animal parasites of man and the domesticated animals; the methods of biological prevention and control. Lectures and demonstrations. 2 hrs., second half-year. M W, 8. Prerequisite: course 1A. Students of medicine, public health, agriculture, and household or veterinary science who have had adequate biological training will also be admitted. 111c. The Morphology and Life-history of Animal Parasites. Professor KOFOID and Mr. BARROWS. 6 hrs., laboratory, second half-year; 2 units. M W, 1-4. Prerequisite: course 1A. Course 111 should be taken concurrently. Mr. BARROWS. 112. Advanced Invertebrate Zoology. Lectures, readings, reports, and laboratory and field work, dealing with the morphology, habitats, habits, and life-histories of the invertebrates, with special reference to local fauna, both marine and freshwater. 7 hrs., first half-year; 3 units. Lectures, W, 9; laboratory, 6 hrs., to be arranged. Prerequisite: course 1A. 113. Advanced General Vertebrate Zoology. Assistant Professor GRINNELL and Dr. BRYANT. A systematic and faunistic study of the birds, mammals, and reptiles of California, including a brief treatment of the amphibians and fishes. Lectures, field, laboratory, and museum work, with papers on assigned topics. 3 units, second half-year. Th, 1-4; S, 8-12. Prerequisite: course la. Courses 1B and 106 are also recommended. 114A. Heredity. Associate Professor HOLMES. A discussion of the facts of heredity, the cellular basis of heredity, Mendelian inheritance, and the bearing of heredity on eugenics and other social problems. 2 hrs., first half-year; 2 units. M F, 10. 114B. Problems of Evolution. Associate Professor HOLMES. The development of theories of evolution since Darwin. 2 hrs., second half-year; 2 units. M F, 10. 115. Eugenics. Associate Professor HOLMES. A consideration of topics in human heredity and eugenics. Assigned reading and reports. 2 hrs., second half-year; 2 units. Tu Th, 11. Prerequisite: course 114A or its equivalent. 117A-117B. Special Undergraduate Study. The Staff. All work supplementary to courses announced above. Credit value to be fixed in each case. 118A-118B. Advanced Undergraduate Work in Special Topics. The Staff. Hours and credit value to be fixed in each case. 119. Special Work. The Staff. Work on assigned topics carried on in Berkeley when the University is not in session or in the field or at the seashore under the direction of a member of the staff. Credit 2-6 units. FREE ELECTIVE COURSES 19. General Lectures on Local Zoology and Topics of Current Biological Interest. Professors KOFOID, RITTER, Associate Professor HOLMES, Assistant The presentation of various subjects of current biological interest, including features of the animal life of the land and sea in the region of San Francisco Bay with special reference to the vertebrate fauna. Lectures, reports, and museum and field study. 1 hr., second half-year; 1 unit. M, 4. Without prerequisite. Open to the public. 20. Some Ethical and Educational Problems viewed Biologically. Professor RITTER. The course consists in an effort to apply the biological conception of "organismal integrity" or the "organism as a whole" to some of the central questions with which men under modern civilization are struggling. 2 hrs., 1 unit, second half-year, after March 1. Tu Th, 4. Registration may be made with Professor KOFOID, 214 East Hall. Open to the public. GRADUATE COURSES 221A-221B. Zoological Seminar. Professor KOFOID. The discussion of special topics, including the more important contemporaneous advances in this field of science. A reading knowledge of French and German is essential. The subject of protozoology will be taken up in 1916-17. 1 hr., throughout the year; 1 unit each half-year. Th, 4. 222A-222B. Journal Club. The STAFF. The instructors and advanced students hold weekly meetings, at which reports are made on the research work of members of the zoological staff, and on important current papers, followed by informal discussions. Although all are welcome to the meetings, the membership is restricted to students doing advanced special work. Students who wish to become active members should consult Professor DANIEL. 1 hr., throughout the year; 1 unit each half-year. W, 11. 223. Teachers' Course. Associate Professor HOLMES. Aims, methods, and subject matter of zoological instruction in the schools. 1 hr., first half-year; 1 unit. M, 11. RESEARCH COURSES Original study on special topics, in the field, laboratory, and museum. The work may be carried on in the laboratories at Berkeley or at the San Diego station at any season of the year. 224A-224B. Research. Professor KOFOID. Morphology, development, and classification of animals, protozoology, parasitology, planktology, and the biology of water. 225A-225B. Research. Professor RITTER (Scripps Institution for Biological Research at La Jolla). Problems in marine biology, especially those in marine ecology; morphology of the higher invertebrates; biometry and the philosophical aspects of zoology. 226A-226B. Research. Associate Professor HOLMES. Problems in experimental study of evolution. Experimental zoology. The work done during the past few years on the marine invertebrate fauna of the Pacific Coast has served to reveal more and more clearly the richness of the opportunities, in many respects unique, here afforded for making important contributions to zoological science. The museum collections are all accessible to students pursuing advanced studies, and are particularly valuable to those pursuing investigation in marine zoology. The California Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, the gift of Miss A. M. Alexander, affords exceptional opportunities for investigation in the field of systematic vertebrate zoology and geographical distribution. The results of studies carried sufficiently far to make them distinctly contributions to the science may be published in the University of California Publications in Zoology (volumes 12 to 16, in progress). The San Diego Marine Biological Station, now incorporated in the Scripps Institution for Biological Research located at La Jolla, is equipped with new buildings containing laboratories, aquaria, apparatus, and a working library, and with a sea-going vessel, the "Alexander Agassiz.'' The station is open throughout the year and work carried on in its laboratories under the direction of members of the staff by registered students receives University credit. Residence at the station may be counted as residence at the University. |