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HANOVER, Continued. The Order in Council for carrying the preceding declarations into effect is dated the 25th of May, 1824, and is as follows:

From and after the 1st of May, 1824, Hanoverian vessels entering or departing from the ports of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, together with the cargoes on board the same, such cargoes consisting of articles which may be legally imported or exported, shall not be subject to any other or higher duties or charges whatever, than are or shall be levied on British vessels entering or departing from such ports, or on similar articles when imported into or exported from such ports in British vessels: and such articles, when exported from the said ports in Hanoverian vessels, shall be entitled to the same bounties, drawbacks, and allowances that are granted on similar articles, when exported in British vessels.

Order in Council, exempting certain Hanoverian vessels from taking pilots in British ports :

His Majesty, by virtue of the power vested in him, by the Act 4 Geo. IV., c. 77,* and by and with the advice of his Privy Council, is pleased to order, that from and after the date of this Order, all vessels belonging to the subjects of His Majesty the King of Hanover, and being of less burden than 60 tons, which shall enter in or clear out from any of the ports of the United Kingdom, shall be, and they are hereby exempted from taking on board a pilot to conduct them into or from any such port, in all cases where British vessels, being of less burden than 60 tons, are not required by law to take pilots.

Order in Council, 18th November, 1823.

By an Order in Council (which see in page 69), vessels belonging to the subjects of the King of Hanover are exempt from anchorage dues in the islands of Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, and Sark.


Signed at London, the 29th of September, 1825.

ARTICLE 1.-From and after the date hereof, British vessels entering or departing from the ports of the Free Hanseatic Re

* See page 9.


publics of Lubeck, Bremen, or Hamburgh; and Lubeck, Bremen, or Hamburgh vessels entering or departing from the ports of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland; shall not be subject to any other or higher ship duties or charges than are or shall be levied on national vessels entering or departing from such ports respectively.

Art. 2.-All goods and merchandize, whether the production of the territories of the Free Hanseatic Republics of Lubeck, Bremen, or Hamburgh, or of any other country, which may be legally imported from any of the ports of the said republics into the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in British vessels, shall in like manner be permitted to be imported in Lubeck, Bremen, or Hamburgh vessels; and all goods and merchandize, whether the production of any of the dominions of his Britannic Majesty, or of any other country, which may be legally exported from the ports of the United Kingdom in British vessels, shall in like manner be permitted to be exported from the said ports in Lubeck, Bremen, or Hamburgh vessels. And all goods and merchandize which may be legally imported into or exported from the ports of Lubeck, Bremen, or Hamburgh, in national vessels, shall in like manner be permitted to be imported into or exported from the ports of Lubeck, Bremen, or Hamburgh, in British vessels.

Art. 3. All goods and merchandize, which can be legally imported into the ports of the United Kingdom, directly from the ports of Lubeck, Bremen, or Hamburgh, or either of them, shall be admitted at the same rate of duty, whether imported in British vessels, or in vessels belonging to either of the said republics; and all goods and merchandize, which can be legally exported from the United Kingdom, shall be entitled to the same bounties, drawbacks, and allowances, whether exported in British or Hanseatic vessels. And the like reciprocity shall be observed in the ports of the said republics, in respect to all goods and merchandize which can be legally imported into or exported from any or either of the said ports, in vessels belonging to the United Kingdom.

Art. 4.-No priority or preference shall be given, directly or indirectly, by any or either of the contracting parties, nor by any company, corporation, or agent, acting on their behalf, or under their authority, in the purchase of any article, the growth, produce, or manufacture of their states, respectively, imported into the other, on account of or in refereuce to the character of the vessel in which such article was imported; it being the true intent and meaning of the contracting parties, that no distinction or difference whatever shall be made in this respect,


Art. 5.-In consideration of the limited extent of the territories belonging to the republics of Lubeck, Bremen, and Hamburgh, and the intimate connexion of trade and navigation subsisting between these republics, it is hereby stipulated and agreed, that any vessel which shall have been built in any or either of the ports of the said republics, and which shall be owned exclusively by a citizen or citizens of any or either of them, and of which the master shall also be a citizen of either of them, and provided three-fourths of the crew shall be subjects or citizens of any or either of the said republics, or of any or either of the states comprised in the Germanic Confederation, as described and enumerated in the 53d or 56th Articles of the General Treaty of Congress, signed at Vienna on the 9th June, 1815, such vessel, so built, owned, and navigated, shall, for all the purposes of this convention, be taken to be and considered as a vessel belonging to Lubeck, Bremen, or Hamburgh.

Art. 6. Any vessel, together with her cargo, belonging to either of the three free Hanseatic republics of Lubeck, Bremen, or Hamburgh, and coming from either of the said ports to the United Kingdom, shall, for all the purposes of this convention, be deemed to come from the country to which such vessel belongs; and any British vessel and her cargo, trading to the ports of Lubeck, Bremen, or Hamburgh, directly or in succession, shall, for the like purposes, be on the footing of a Hanseatic vessel and her cargo making the same voyage.

Art. 7.-It is further mutually agreed, that no higher or other duties shall be levied, in any or either of the states of the high contracting parties, upon any personal property of the subjects and citizens of each, respectively, on the removal of the same from the dominions or territory of such states, either upon inheritance of such property or otherwise, than are or shall be payable, in each state, upon the like property, when removed by a subject or citizen of such state respectively.

Art. 8.-The contracting parties reserve to themselves to enter upon additional stipulations, for the purpose of facilitating and extending, even beyond what is comprehended in the convention of this date, the commercial relations of their respective subjects and dominions, citizens, and territories, upon the principle either of reciprocal or equivalent advantages, as the case may be; and, in the event of any article or articles being concluded between the said contracting parties, for giving effect to such stipulations, it is hereby agreed that the article or articles


which may hereafter be so concluded, shall be considered as forming part of the present Convention.

Art. 9.-The present Convention shall be in force for the term of ten years from the date hereof; and further, until the end of twelve months after the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland on the one part, or the Governments of the free Hanseatic republics of Lubeck, Bremen, or Hamburgh, or either of them, on the other part, shall have given notice of their intention to terminate the same; each of the said contracting parties reserving to itself the right of giving such notice to the other, at the end of the said term of ten years: and it is hereby agreed between them, that at the expiration of twelve months after such notice shall have been received by either of the parties from the other, this convention, and all the provisions thereof, shall altogether cease and determine, as far as regards the states giving and receiving such notice; it being always understood and agreed, that if one or more of the Hanseatic republics aforesaid shall, at the expiration of ten years from the date hereof, give or receive notice of the proposed termination of this Convention, such Convention shall, nevertheless, remain in full force and operation, as far as regards the remaining Hanseatic republics or republic, which may not have given or received such notice.

Done at London, the 29th of September, 1825.

The principles of reciprocity had, previous to the date of this convention, been extended by Great Britain to the Hanse Towns, by the following Orders in Council,-viz., to Hamburgh, from and after the 1st July, 1824, by Order in Council dated the 30th of June, 1824. To Bremen, from and after the 10th of July, 1824, by Order in Council dated the 14th of August, 1824. And to Lubeck, from and after the 1st of August, 1824, by Order in Council dated the 14th of August, 1824.

ANCHORAGE DUES.-By an Order in Council, which see in page 69, the anchorage dues in the islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, and Sark, are abolished on vessels belonging to the subjects of the free Hanseatic republics.

PILOTS. From and after the dates of the respective Orders, all vessels belonging to the inhabitants of Hamburgh, Lubeck, and Bremen, being of less burden than 60 tons, which shall enter or clear out from any of the ports of the United Kingdom, shall be, and they are hereby exempted from taking on board a

HANSE TOWNS, continued.

pilot to conduct them into or from any such port, in all cases where British vessels, being of less burden than 60 tons, are not required by law to take pilots.

Dates of the Orders referred to.

Hamburgh, Order in Council, 10th March, 1824.





25th May, 1824.

19th October, 1824.


Order in Council to carry into effect the powers vested in His Majesty by the Act 4 Geo. IV., c. 77, and 5 Geo. IV., c. 1. (see pages 8 and 9, as far as relates to the duties chargeable on the vessels of Mecklenburgh Schwerin and their cargoes in British ports.)

And whereas satisfactory proof has been laid before His Majesty and His Privy Council, that goods, wares, and merchandize, imported into or exported from the ports of his Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Mecklenburgh Schwerin, are charged with the same duties, and are allowed the same drawbacks, bounties, and allowances, when imported or exported in British vessels, as are levied or allowed on similar goods, wares, and merchandize, when imported into or exported from the said ports in Mecklenburgh vessels; and that British vessels are charged with no other or higher tonnage duties on their entrance into the ports of Mecklenburgh, than are levied on Mecklenburgh vessels; His Majesty, by virtue of the powers vested in him by the Acts above recited, and by and with the advice of His Privy Council, is pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that from and after the date of this Order, Mecklenburgh vessels entering the ports of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in ballast or laden, direct from any of the ports of Mecklenburgh, or departing from the ports of the said United Kingdom, together with the cargoes on board the same, such cargoes consisting of articles which may be legally imported or exported, shall not be subject to any other or higher duties or charges whatever, than are or shall be levied on British vessels entering or departing from such ports, or on similar articles when imported into or exported from such ports in British vessels; and also that such articles, when exported from the said ports in Mecklenburgh vessels, shall be entitled to the same

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