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to most of us, folemnly attefted in the prefence of God, by the religious bond of an oath.

Let no one deceive you by wretched, impracticable fpecula tions on the rights of man and the majefty of the people, on the dignity and independence of the human mind, on the abstract duties of fuperiors, and exaggerated abuses of authority; fatal fpeculations! difaftrous theories! not more fubverfive of focial order and happiness, than deftructive of every principle of the Chriftian religion. Look at the origin and progrefs of thefe deteftable doctrines. Their atheistical authors, feeing the intimate connexion between religious and civil principles, beheld, with the envious malignity of demons, the mutual fupport they afforded each other, for the fpiritual and temporal advantage of man; and accordingly prepared the dreadful carcer of anarchy, by the propagation (too fuccefsful, alas!) of impiety and licentioufnefs.

We bitterly lament the fatal confequences of this antichriftian confpiracy. But furely, my brethren, your known attachment to the principles of religion ought to have preferved you from the deftroying influence of fuch complicated wickedness. Yes, dearest Catholics, it is to the benign principles of the Chriftian religion, that we recall your ferious attention at this important crilis. They will fhield you from the evils which furround us. Submiffion to established authority, and obedience to the laws, are amongst the duties prefcribed by religion. Every violation of thefe duties is highly criminal. Wherefore, if any amongst you have been unfortunately feduced into a combination against the flate, under any pretext whatever, you are bound in confcience inftantly to withdraw yourfelves from it, and by fincere repentance, and future loyal conduct, atone for your paft finful temerity. Without this fincere forrow and promife of amendment, you cannot expect abfolution in the tribunal of penance, nor mercy from Government. Neither one nor the other is extended to impenitent finners, or offenders, without profanation or injuftice.

Refolve, then, we beseech you, to deliver up your arms of every kind, without delay or reluctance, to thofe appointed to receive them. Unite with all your loyal and peaceable fellowfubjects, to put down and crush the wicked fpirit of infurrection, fo difgraceful to the character of Irifhmen. It has already produced the moft horrid effects. Affaffinations, murders, atrocities of every kind have been committed. Lofe not a moment to manifeft your deteftation of the principles and caufes leading to fuch confequences. The shortest delay in complying with this religious duty will be justly confidered as an indication of difloyalty. You will be confidered as enemies to the ftate, and fubjected to a fudden death, under the operation of martial law, already pro


claimed. Your property, your very existence are endangered by a fufpicious or equivocal conduct. It must be open, candid, and decided, in fupporting religion and the constitution.

We exhort you then, in the name and by the authority of Jefus Chrift, whofe will we are bound to announce and explain to you, to keep ftedfast in the faith-to lead sober, righteous, and godly lives, giving offence to no one-to fear God, and honour the King.

May the gifts of the Holy Ghoft, which the church invokes this day on the whole body of the faithful, fill your hearts with an ardent love of God and man.

May the peace of God, which furpaffes every understanding, preferve your hearts and minds in Jefus Chrift. Amen. Whitfunday, May 27th, 1798.

J. T. T.

Proclamation iffued by Major-general Nugent, to the Inhabitants and Infurgents of the County of Down, dated Head-quarters, Belfaft, June 11, 1798, five P. M.

MAJOR-GENERAL Nugent, commanding his Majesty's forces in the north of Ireland, being defirous of fparing the effufion of human blood, and the total devaftation of the county of Down, is pleafed to, and does hereby, extend to the infurgents in the faid county, the fame terms of fubmiffion and atonement that have been fo eagerly and gratefully accepted by many of their equally deluded neighbours in the county of Antrim, to wit

That if thofe unfortunate perfons, who, by the arts of selfish end defigning people, have been feduced from their allegiance to their true and lawful fovereign, his Majesty King George the Third, to become rebels and traitors to their country, will return to their duty as faithful and peaceful fubjects, and return to their respective houfes and occupations, the General pofitively and furely engages to them, that no one whatever in the county (with the exceptions hereafter mentioned) fhall be molefted, or their property injured; and that as a proof of their return to loyalty and good government, they muft, in the courfe of twenty-four hours after the date of this proclamation (making allowance for the more diftant part of the county), liberate all the loyal perfons of every description now in their cuftody, and fend them to their refpective places of abode; and that they alfo depute fome perfons to receive all their arms and offenfive weapons of every denomination, with the ammunition belonging thereto, who fhall be fent to the General to know where they are to be depofited-and that they alfo deliver up the principal perfons who have been moft active in inftigating or compelling them to engage in their late wicked practices.


Should the above injunctions not be complied with within the time specified, Major-general Nugent will proceed to fet fire to and totally destroy the towns of Killinchy, Killeleagh, Ballynahinch, Saintfield, and every cottage and farm-house in the vicinity of thofe places, carry off the stock and cattle, and put every one to the fword who may be found in arms.

It particularly behoves all the well-affected perfons who are now with the rebels from constraint, and who it is known form a confiderable part of their numbers, to exert themselves in having thefe terms complied with, as it is the only opportunity there will be of refcuing themselves and properties from the indifcriminate vengeance of an army neceffarily let loofe upon them.

Orders iffued on the 13th June, by Major-general Morrifon. MAJOR-GENERAL Morrifon requests that officers commanding corps will give the ftricteft orders to prevent fetting fire to houfes or buildings of any kind; a mode of punishment that can lead only to the molt pernicious confequences, and that feldom or ever falls on the guilty, but, on the contrary, on the landlord, the wife and children of the criminals, who, however iniquitous the hufband or father, ought always to be fpared and protected.

And he has likewife received orders from Lieutenant-general Lake that free quarters are no longer to be permitted; neither are foraging parties to be allowed to go out unlefs under the care of an officer, who is to be refponfible for every act; in order that the friends of Government, the helpless and infirm, may not be involved in one indifcriminate mafs of deftruction with the rebellious and ill-difpofed.


Proclamation of the People of the County of Wexford.

June 9, 1798.

WHEREAS it ftands manifeftly notorious, that James Boyd, Hawtry White, Hunter Gowan, and Archibald Hamilton Jacob, late magiftrates of this county, have committed the most horrid acts of cruelty, violence, and oppreffion, against our peaceable and well-affected countrymen :

Now we the people, affociated and united for the purpose of procuring our just rights, and being determined to protect the perfons and properties of thofe of all religious perfuafions who have not oppreffed us, and are willing with heart and hand to join our glorious caufe, as well as to fhow our marked difapprobation


and horror of the crimes of the above delinquents, do call upon our countrymen at large to use every exertion in their power to apprehend the bodies of the aforefaid James Boyd, Hawtry White, Hunter Gowan, and Archibald Hamilton Jacob, and to fecure and convey them to the gaol of Wexford, to be brought before the tribunal of the people.

God fave the People.

Done at Wexford this 9th day of June 1798.

B. B. HARVEY, Comm. in Chief.
EDWARD ROCHE, Secretary.

The Adjutant-general of the French Army at Killala, to the Commander of the English Troops at Ballina.


I SEND you a prifoner who appears to wish to return home. Under the circumftances in which we are placed, we will do every thing in our power to alleviate the miseries of war, and to attain our fole object, which is to procure a lasting peace, and to restore tranquillity to Europe.



Copy of a Paper found at Caftlebar by Lieutenant-colonel Craufurd, among the Archives of the Provifional Government which the French elected for the Province of Connaught.

[blocks in formation]

At the Head-quarters at Caftlebar, the 14th Fructidor, in the 6th year of the French republic, one and indivisible.

GENERAL Humbert, commander in chief of the army of Ireland, wishing to organize, as soon as poffible, an administrative power for the province of Connaught, orders as follows: 1. The government of the province of Connaught shall refide at Castlebar till further orders.

2. The government fhall be compofed of twelve members, who will be nominated by the commander in chief of the French army.

3. Citizen John Moore is appointed prefident of the province of Connaught. He is particularly charged with the nomination and union of the members of the government.

4. The government fhall immediately direct its attention to the organization of the militia of the province of Connaught, VOL. VII.

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and to fecuring the provisions neceffary for the French and Irish


5. There fhall be formed eight regiments of infantry, each of twelve hundred men; and four of cavalry, each of fix hundred


6. The government will declare rebels and traitors to their country, all thofe who, having received arms and clothing, fhall not join the army within twenty-four hours.

7. Every individual, from fixteen to forty, inclufively, is called upon, in the name of the Irish republic, to repair immediately to the French camp, to march in a mass against the common enemy, the government of Ireland-the English; whofe destruction alone can fecure the independence and happiness of ancient Hibernia.

The General commanding in chief,


Proclamation iffued by Major-general St. John, commanding the Army in the Diftrict of Clonmell.

MAJOR-GENERAL St. John, anxious to preferve the tranquillity of the diftrict under his command, and to obtain, for the benefit of the country in general, all thofe good effects which an unanimous and cordial co-operation muft, at this moment particularly, produce, recommends it most earnestly to his Majefty's fubjects of all perfuafions, that they lay afide the diftinguishing badges of their different fects of religion, and with them to bury all those animofities and jealousies which have too long distracted this kingdom, and prevented the restoration of that tranquillity which is fo neceffary for its immediate fecurity and future profperity.

The Major-general therefore hopes that all loyal fubjects will fhow by their conduct to-morrow (the 1ft of July), that they will facrifice private prejudices for the advantage of the public weal; and that they will recommend to all defcriptions of people the adoption of a line of conduct founded on this principle.

Notice ifued by Major-general Nugent, commanding the Northern Diftrict.

Belfaft, July 27.

WHEREAS a great many of the leaders and principal agitators in the rebellion have fecreted themselves in the county of Down, and go through the country during the night to perfuade and force the people to rife again in arms; I hereby offer a reward of fifty guineas for the apprehenfion of each of the follow

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