Slike strani

They add to this a topographical draught upon the object of the true courfe of the Rhine, with an explanatory note, which will clearly make known the fole principles to be followed upon this occafion.

The ifle of Buderich forms another object of the note of the 8th inftant. It has not been treated of in writing by the underfigned, except in that fame note. In recognifing the justice of the application of the acknowledged. principle, they cannot refolve nevertheless to abandon the hope of a complete deference on the part of the Directory to the wifh of the King and the whole German Empire, refpecting the object of this ifle. The deputation of the Empire have decided in a fimilar cafe to confent (as an exception to an acknowledged principle) to the ceffion of the fortified ifle of St. Pierre, notwithstanding the immenfe facrifices they had already made to the love of peace. Every thing thus concurs to induce a hope beforehand, that by a juft return, and confidering above all that the ifle of St. Pierre is infinitely of lefs importance to the exiftence of Mentz than the ifle of Buderich, with its canal, to the maintenance of the fortrefs, and to the prefervation of the inhabitants of the town of Wefel, the Directory will not hesitate to leave this latter ifle in the hands of the King and the Empire, to which befides there remains no fortrefs on the right bank for its defence, whilft the poffeffions of the republic on the left are defended by a triple chain of impregnable fortreffes. Under all these confiderations, the undersigned, with the greatest earneftnefs, renew their requefts, that the minifters plenipotentiary of the republic will no longer hefitate once more to lay before the Directory all their demands, and to that end, that they will, without delay, prefent to the Directory their note of the 8th of this month, as well as the prefent one. They flatter themselves, that the Directory, agreeing in that refpect with the principles adopted by his Pruffian Majefty on every negotiation, will never confent that the communications between the plenipotentiaries of Pruffia and thofe of the republic fhould be obftructed upon any point of refpective conferences, before they are definitively acknowledged by the two governments as terminated. The underfigned repeat their affurances of their high confideration for the citizens minifters plenipotentiary of the republic. (Signed)

Rafladt, O. 16, 1798.


Verbal Note of his Imperial Majefty to the Minifters Plenipotentiary of the French Republic.

THE negotiation for peace between the Empire and France is fo far advanced, its bafis is fo perfectly fatisfactory, the defire on


the part of the Empire is fo completely demonstrated by the inva luable facrifices it has made, that the obftacles which still oppofe its accomplishment are neither to be attributed to its difpofitions nor to its conduct.

In this ftate of affairs one cannot but be surprised to see the Commandant General of the French troops on the Rhine continue the blockade of the fortrefs of Ehrenbreitstein, and the minifters plenipotentiary of the republic refufe an answer to the reiterated remonstrances which have been made to them relative to the fufpenfion of those menaces, which are not only contrary to the armistice, and the conventions which have followed it, but which are befides abfolutely useless, and without any object, except that indeed which cannot be fuppofed, that the French government has determined to alter the ftate of poffeffion in the midft of the negotiations, and that too after having received on the part of the Empire every proof imaginable of the good faith with which it has invariably directed them towards their conclufion.

If the republic refufes to evacuate the right bank of the Rhine, upon the principle of preferving its advantages until the figning of peace; if, even after having confented to them, it continues to keep poffeffion of the forts of Kehl and Caffel, the same principle ought to preserve the fort of Ehrenbreitstein to the Empire until the fame period, and ought alfo to guarantee the execution of thofe conventions, made folely to preferve the poffeffion of it without interruption during the whole courfe of the negotiations.

The minifter plenipotentiary of his Majefty the Emperor would willingly perfuade himself that any other mode of proceeding cannot enter into the views of the French republic; and that it would be equally repugnant to the character of its minifters, charged on every occafion to give affurances of its loyalty and uprightness. In fact, nothing can more effectually tend to deftroy that confidence, without which the negotiations can never attain their object, peace be concluded, or, if attained, become perma


He therefore requires the minifters plenipotentiary of the French republic to explain themfelves upon this fubject, and in fuch a manner as to answer to those proofs, as multiplied as evident, which the Empire has not ceafed to give of its franknefs and inconteftable defire to infpire confidence, and to obtain peace, even at the price of the greatest facrifices.

FRANÇOIS GEORGE CHARLES, Count de Metternich Winnebourg Beilstein.

Raftadt, Oct. 14, 1798.

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Abstract of a Converfation which took place between the Minifter Plenipotentiary of the Emperor and those of the French Republic, refpecting the Object of the Verbal Note.

AFTER having explained to the minifters plenipotentiary of the French republic the points contained in the verbal note which the Count de Metternich had just read, the minifter Bonnier addreffed himself, and obferved, that they, the minifters plenipotentiary of the French republic, expected, in the first place, the official answer of the deputation, according to the established cuftom. The Count de Metternich eafily perceived, that the minister Bonnier wifhed by this means to avoid a detailed difcuffion upon the principal object of the conference. He further thought that this anfwer of the minifter Bonnier tended to destroy the principle which gave the minifter plenipotentiary of the Emperor the power of concluding the negotiations with respect to thofe objects, the bafis of which had been confidered by the deputation, and fanctioned by him. It was important to establish this incontestable right in the minifter plenipotentiary, and not to have it fuppofed by the minifter of the republic that fuch a proceeding could be dictated by fecondary views. The Count de Metternich then obferved to the minifter Bonnier, that all he had had the honour of presenting on this fubject was the refult of thofe principles and bafes which had been adopted, though they had not been fo detailed in the preceding notes; that furthermore, the minister plenipotentiary of the Empire did not wish to dif guife the real ftate of affairs; and that he would not fail to inform the deputation of the refult of the conference, referving alfo to himself to tranfmit to the minifters plenipotentiary of the republic an official note in the course of the week. The minifter Bonnier replied, by obferving, that the demand of the Count de Metternich could only proceed from a conviction that the deputation had only to accelerate the conclufion of peace, and that then the object relative to Ehrenbreitftein would be accomplished. The Count de Metternich replied, that this obfervation was unanfwerable; but that his object for the moment was to establish the principle which declared that the ftatus quo, and the actual poffeffion, fhould not be altered; that France had cautiously stipulated for the poffeffion of the forts of Kehl and Caffel, until the conclufion of peace; and therefore that the Germanic Empire could not renounce the fortrefs of Ehrenbreitftein as a fortrefs upon the principle of perfect reciprocity; that, befides, he did not argue for new ftipulations, but only propofed to carry into complete execution the convention concluded between the refpective generals at the armistice; and that the effect of fuch convention was, that there fhould be no obftacle to the restoration of Ehsenbreitstein; that the French government would act contrary to


the principles of justice and equity, if they oppofed the reftoration of that place at the certain profpect of conciliation, and at a time when the negotiations were near a conclufion. The minifter Bonnier replied, that the ftate of things was exactly what the Count de Metternich required, inasmuch as the republic was in poffeffion of the forts of Kehl and Caffel, and Germany of Ehrenbreitstein; therefore, that they were upon an equal footing. To this ftrange obfervation it was replied, that certainly fuch was the ftate of things at the time; but was it to be fuppofed that a place, after having been vigorously maintained from the commencement of the war, would neceffarily furrender at the end of it, efpecially when the means of repairing it were confidered? that the propofition they had made was inapplicable to the present time, but was referable to a future period; and that it was important to give effect to a principle, the justice, equity, and perfect reciprocity of which had been demonftrated by evidence. Citizen Bonnier added, that the Empire fhould make peace, and then the bafis agreed upon would be fully executed; that the French government would furnish proofs of its good intentions, and of the loyalty of its conduct; that orders were given for the retrograde march of the French troops on the right bank of the Rhine; that every step would be taken to reftore comfort to the country; and that all depended on the reftoration of peace. He concludes by faying, that the republic had made great facrifices to attain this object, but that it was neceffary to maintain its dignity and politi cal confequence, principles from which it never departed.

The Count de Metternich replied, that the fame principle was common to all governments; and he could not avoid frankly obferving, that it was particularly upon the faith of treaties and conventions that the political confequence of a government depended; and it was upon this confideration he claimed the restoration of Ehrenbreitstein.

The minifter Bonnier then warmly infifted upon all he had advanced, giving reiterated affurances of the pacific intentions of the French government, and expreffing his wishes that the firft anfwer of the deputation fhould tend to the definitive attainment of peace, without entering into difcuffions of too extensive a nature, the French government being already fatigued, and not wifhing to make new conceffions. He further defired that the period thould be stated when an answer might be expected.

Citizens Jean Debry and Roberjot from time to time took part in this converfation, but merely to fupport the affertions and anfwers of their colleague Bonnier. Count Metternich put an end to the conversation, by faying that he flattered himself he should in a few days have it in his power to tranfmit them the refult of the latest deliberations of the deputation of the Empire, in which,


doubtless, the objects relative to Ehrenbreitftein would be fully detailed.

Raftadt, Oct. 14, 1798.

Subftance of the Vote of Auftria in the Sitting of the Deputation of the Empire of the 11th of October.

A SINCERE love of peace makes it impoffible to forbear remarking that it was much to be wifhed that, in a diplomatic and official act that ought to accelerate peace, and tend, in all probability, towards its conclufion, there fhould nothing have appeared to betray even the appearance of a menace of introducing French principles; an attempt which is contrary to particular declarations that have hitherto been made, and in which was manifefted a determination to fteer clear of any fuch defign.

This very threat already stamps a character on the thing itself, and it ought to excite the attention of every state, and confequently compel them to adopt correfponding measures. The French conftitution itfelf ordains refpect to the forms of government that differ from its own; and menaces ferve only to propagate eternal feeds of diftruft. The happiness of the people in and under every government, is the firft law; and in a state where they maintain their authority, where juftice admits no diftinction of ranks, of dignities, or of fortune, the people may enjoy a durable welfare and a genuine liberty, which can leave no other defire ungratified.

There is alfo too much confidence repofed in the French government, to permit the poffibility of imagining that it thould entertain the defign of giving further difturbance on that fcore to the tranquillity of Germany, or of retarding the coming and near approaching hope of peace.

Such a threat would alfo infinuate that advantage might be taken and acted on, of the declaration of nations who find themfelves placed under a mild government, who labour under no violence, or who may themfelves be forced to accept a form of government, though the voice of the people exifts in every ftate, and though it be properly what is called the will of the public.

Substance of the Conclufum of the Deputation of the Empire, 15th of October.

THE deputation of the Empire refolve, that the following anfwer thall be returned, in conjunctinn with the Imperial minifter plenipotentiary, to the note of the French legation of the 3d of October.


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