Slike strani

execution of this act, may appeal to the next general or quarter 17 G. 2. c. 5. sessions of the county, riding, liberty, or division, giving reason- general or quarable notice thereof, whose order thereupon shall be final."

ter sessions.

But, notwithstanding the above, in the case of Rex v. Ring- No appeal lies would, and Rex v. St. Lawrence, Old Jewry, (vide ante, p. 512.) it against a vawas determined that an appeal does not lie by a parish against a grant pass. vagrant pass, however it might be if the vagrant himself appealed.

XVIII. Treble Costs.

f34. Persons sued for any thing done in the execution of this act may plead the general issue; and if they recover, shall have treble costs.

XIX. Exception of Special Franchises.

§ 27. In all cities and towns, where by virtue of special acts of parliament the charge of passing vagrants is to be defrayed in other manner than is by this act directed, or where such vagrants, by virtue of special statutes, are to be apprehended and conveyed by any person or officer other than those named in this act, the same shall not be altered hereby: and persons conveyed in London, shall not be delivered in any other precinct within the city, but in the next county.

(A) Order upon the Overseers to Pay 5s. for apprehending

a Person Begging in his own Parish; which is not to be
issued until such Person has been punished according to
Law, and the Examination actually transmitted to the
next General or Quarter Sessions. Vide stat. 32 Geo. 3.
c. 45. §2., ante, p. 499.

Westmorland. {

To the overseers of the poor of the parish of
in the said county.

WHEREAS it duly appears unto me J. M. esquire, one of his
majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, that
in the parish of
in the said county,

A. O. of
an idle and disorderly person, did on the day of
go about from door to door [or, place himself in the streets, high-
ways, and passages] in the said parish, to beg and gather alms
there; and was then and there apprehended in the said parish of
by A. A. an inhabitant of the said parish, and was by
him brought before me in order to be dealt withal according to law;
I do hereby order you, or some or one of you, to pay unto the said
A. A. the sum of 5s. on demand, as a reward for apprehending
the said A. O. he the said A. A. producing and delivering to you
this order, and giving to you a receipt for the said sum. Given
under my hand and seal at G. in the said county, the

in the

year of the reign of

day of

(B) Order for Payment of 10s. for Apprehending a Vagrant; which is not to be issued until such Vagrant has been punished according to Law, and the Examination actually transmitted to the next General or Quarter Sessions. Vide stat. 32 Geo. 3. c. 45. § 2. ante, p. 499.

[blocks in formation]

WHEREAS it duly appeareth unto me J. T. esquire, one of his majesty's justices of the peace for the said county, that A. R. a rogue and vagabond, was found wandering and begging [or, a the case shall be,] in the parish of in the said county; which said A. R. was this day apprehended and brought before me by A. I. of yeoman, in order to be dealt withal according to law ; I do hereby order you to pay unto the said A.I. aș a rèward for the apprehending and bringing before me the said rogue and vagabond the sum of 10s. within one week after demand thereof made, upon the said A. I. producing and delivering to you this order, and giving unto you his receipt for the same. Given under my hand and seal at B. in the said county, the day of


(C) Warrant for Privy Search.

To the high constable of Lonsdale Ward, within the said county.

AT a meeting of the justices of our lord the king assigned to keep the peace within the said county, held at vision of Lonsdale Ward aforesaid, this


for the di

day of


year of the reign of by us two of the said justices assembled at the said meeting, being residen living and dwelling within the said division.

We do hereby command you forthwith to issue your warrants to all the petty constables within the said ward for making a gene ral privy search for rogues and vagabonds, according to the form hereon indorsed. Given under our hands and seals at aforesaid in the county aforesaid, the day and year aforesaid.

[blocks in formation]

BY virtue of a precept from his majesty's justices of the


for the said county, acting in and for the said ward, at the special meeting for that purpose assembled, you are hereby requires in his said majesty's name, commanding and taking to your assis ance sufficient men within your constablewick, (who are here required to assist you accordingly,) to make a general privy seares in the night of the day of throughout your s constablewick, for the finding and apprehending of rogues a vagabonds; And such as you shall so find upon such search you are to carry forthwith before some of his majesty's justices of the peace for the said county, to be dealt with according to law: Here

[blocks in formation]

(D) Examination of a Vagrant.

Westmorland. {THE examination of A. O. a rogue and vaga

ofth before

bond, taken on oath before me

in the said

[ocr errors]

one of his majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, the day of year of the reign of · Who on his oath saith, That he was born at [and so trace out the history of his life, so far forth as to ascertain his last legal place of settlement.]

[blocks in formation]

A. O.


his mark.

J. P.

(E) Warrant to a Constable for whipping a Vagrant.

Westmorland. {

To the high constable of

FORASMUCH as A. O. late of

[ocr errors]

in the county of

a rogue and vagabond, is duly convicted before me W. L. clerk, one of the justices of our lord the king assigned to keep the peace within the said county of for that he the said A.O. did this day wander abroad and beg in the parish of in the said county of: I do therefore hereby command you to strip or cause to be stripped the said A. O. naked from the middle upwards, and publicly to whip or cause him to be whipped till his body be bloody; and afterwards to remove and convey the said A. O. according to the directions of the pass herewith delivered to you. Given under my hand and seal at M. in the said county of the day of in the


(F) Commitment of an Idle and Disorderly Person under the 17 Geo. 2. c. 5.

County of

To the constable of in the said county, and to the keeper of the house of correction at

in the said county

WHEREAS A. V. was this day duly convicted before me

[blocks in formation]

one of the justices of our lord the king, assigned to keep the peace of our said lord the king in and for the said county of and also to hear and determine divers felonies, trespasses, and other misdemeanors in the said county committed, of being an idle and disorderly person, for that he, on the at in the parish of year of our Lord said county, did go about from door to door, and did place himself in streets, highways, and passages to beg and gather alms in the said parish in which the said A. V. then dwelt [or, as the case may be], contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, and was by me, adjudged to be committed for the said offence to the house of correction, there to be kept to hard labour for one

month, according to the form of the said statute: These are therefore to command you the said constable, to carry the said ▲ V. to the said house of correction, and him to deliver to the keeper thereof, together with this warrant. And I do hereby command you the said keeper, to receive the said A. V. into your custody, in the said house of correction, and him there safely keep (a) to hard labour for one month. And for so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given under my hand and seal at day

in the


of year of the reign of his present majesty king George the fourth, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and

(G) Vagrant Pass within the same Jurisdiction.


To the constable of

in the said county

of Westmorland, [or to the tythingman or other
officer, as the case shall be, or, if the offender is
committed to the house of correction, then to the
governor or master thereof.] And also to all
constables and other officers whom it may con-
cern to receive and convey; and to the church-
wardens, chapelwardens, or overseers of the
poor of the parish, town, or place [as the case
shall be] of
in the said county, or
either of them, to receive and obey.

WHEREAS A. O. was apprehended in the parish of [or, in the town of or other place, describing it] as a rogue and vagabond, videlicet, wandering and begging there [or as the case shall be], and upon examination af the said A. O. taken before me J. P. esquire, one of his majesty's justices of the peace for the said county, upon oath (which examination is hereunto annexed) it doth appear, that his last legal settlement is at in this county, [or, that the said A. O. was born in the parish ofin this county, and hath not since obtained any legal settlement; or that the said A. O. is under the age of fourteen years, and hath a father or mother living or abiding in the parish, or town, of or other place, describing it.] These are therefore to require you the said constable or other officer, [or governor or master of the house of correction, as the case shall be,] to convey the said A. O. in the next direct way to the said parish [or town] of [or other place] within the said county, and there to deliver him to some churchwarden, chapelwarden or overseer of the poor of the same parish [town or place], to be there provided for according to law; and you the said churchwardens, chapelwardens, and overseers of the poor, are hereby required to receive the said person, and provide for him as aforesaid. And I do hereby certify that the said A. O. hath been publicly whipt [or, confined in the house of correction

(a) If the warrant of commitment be to the next sessions, add, “until the next general sessions of the peace to be holden in and for the said county of W. then and there to be further dealt with according to law, and have you him there, together with this precept, or until he the said A. V. shall be discharged by due course of law." And in the case of a rogue and vagabond, the party is

not to be sentenced to hard labour.

for the space of —] Given under my hand and seal the in the year. of our Lord one thousand eight hundred

day of


[blocks in formation]


WHEREAS A. O. was apprehended in the parish of in the town of or other place, describing it] as a rogue and vagabond, videlicet, wandering and begging there [or as the case shall be] and upon examination of the said A. O. taken before me J. P. esquire, one of his majesty's justices of the peace for the said county, upon oath (which examination is hereunto annexed) it doth appear, that his last legal settlement is at in the county of - [or, that the said A. O. was born in the parish of in the county of and hath not since obtained any legal settlement; or that the said A. O. is under the age of fourteen years, and hath a father or mother living or abiding in the parish or town of or other place, describing it.] These are therefore to require you the said constable, or other officer [or governor or master of the house of correction, as the case shall be] to convey the said A. O. to the parish [or town] of that being the first parish [or town] in the next precinct through which he ought to pass in the direct way to the said parish [or town] of to which he is to be sent, and to deliver him to the constable, or other officer of such first town [or parish] in such next precinct, together with this pass, and the duplicate of the examination of the said A. O. taking his receipt for the same; and the said A. O. is to be thence conveyed on in like manner to the said parish [or town] of· there to be delivered to some churchwarden, chapelwarden, or overseer of the poor of the same parish [town, or place] to be there provided for according to law; and you the said churchwardens, chapelwardens, and overseers of the poor, are hereby required to receive the said person, and provide for him as aforesaid. And I do hereby certify that the said A. O. hath been publicly whipt [or confined in the house of correction for the space of -] Given under my hand and seal the day of in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and

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