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Rule. Clause. Page.

Order in debate. When a Senator shall be called to order, he
shall sit down, and shall not proceed without leave of
the Senate, which shall be determined without debate. 19
No Senator shall speak to or interrupt another without
his consent, to obtain which he shall first address the

No Senator shall impute to another Senator any conduct
or motive unworthy or unbecoming a Senator....
No Senator shall refer offensively to any State of the

If a Senator be called to order for words spoken in de-
bate, the exceptionable words, if required, shall be
taken down...

The Presiding Officer shall name the Senator who is to speak, who shall in all cases be the one who shall first address the Chair.......


No Senator shall speak more than twice on any one ques-
tion on the same day without leave of the Senate, to be
determined without debate..

A motion to take up a subject shall not be open to debate on the merits of the subject proposed to be considered. Order, questions of. A question of order may be raised at any time, and shall be decided by the Chair without debate

An appeal may be taken from the decision of the Chair
on a question of order......

4 19


I 19


2 19


3 19


5 19

19 1 18

[blocks in formation]

The Chair may submit any question of order to the deci-
sion of the Senate

[blocks in formation]

When an appeal is taken from the decision of the Chair,
any subsequent question of order or appeal shall be
decided without debate.

[blocks in formation]

Ar appeal may be laid on the table, which shall be re-
garded as sustaining the decision of the Chair.


Papers. When the reading of a paper is called for, and ob-
jection be made, it shall be submitted to the Senate
without debate.

No papers, except original treaties, shall, without leave
of the Senate, be withdrawn from its files......
When an act has passed for the settlement of a private
claim, the Secretary may transmit the papers to the ac-
counting officers..

[blocks in formation]

Papers. When a claim has been adversely reported on, and
the report be agreed to, the papers shall not be referred
from the files without new evidence....

Where an adverse report has been made, papers shall not
be withdrawn without leaving copies with the Secre-


Pending measure.

Amendment proposed to any, is laid on
the table without carrying the measure to the table or
prejudicing the same.....

Petitions, before being presented, must be signed, indorsed
with a brief statement of their contents, and referred
without debate...
Manner of presentation of..

Order in which the Chair shall call for, in the morning hour.
Order to print in Record covers body of petition only...
No petition or other paper signed by citizens or subjects
of a foreign power shall be received unless through the
President ...

Every petition shall be referred without putting the ques-
tion, unless there be objection......
Flurality of votes. Select committees and the members of
standing committees (except the chairman) shall be
elected by a

Postpone indefinitely. When a question is pending, a motion
may be made to

Preamble to a resolution. The question shall be first put
upon the resolution, and last on the preamble .....
To a resolution may be withdrawn before an amendment
or ordering of the yeas and nays. It may also be laid
on the table...

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

To a bill shall be last put to question, and may also be
laid on the table...

[blocks in formation]

President pro tempore. (See Presiding Officer.)
Presiding Officer of the Senate. In the absence of the Vice-
President, the Senate shall choose a President pro tem-

Tenure of office of President pro tempore.

In the absence of the Vice-President and pending the
election of a President pro tempore, the Secretary, or,
in his absence, the Chief Clerk, shall perform the
duties of the Chair....

He shall have the right to name a Senator to occupy the
Chair, who shall not hold beyond an adjournment except

[blocks in formation]

Presiding Officer of the Senate. In the event of a vacancy in
the office of Vice-President, he shall have the right to
name a Senator to occupy the Chair....
He may at any time lay before the Senate bills or other
matter sent to the Senate by the President or House of

The Presiding Officer shall decide every question of order
without debate, subject to an appeal to the Senate....
He may submit any question of order without decision
to the Senate....
Printing. Every motion to print, except to print bills,
reports of committees, resolutions, communications
from State legislatures and conventions, and motions
to print, made by direction of committees, shall be
referred to the Committee on.

Rule. Clause. Page.

I 4 5





All reports of committees, unless for the dispatch of busi-
ness the printing be dispensed with, shall be printed.. 29
Motions to print additional numbers shall be referred to
the Committee on

When the cost of printing additional numbers shall
exceed five hundred dollars, it shall be by concurrent

Every bill, joint resolution, and report of committee shall be printed unless ...

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

29 2 28


2 28


3 28


3 16


I 28




Private bill. May be referred to Court of Claims. Private claim. No memorial or other papers shall be withdrawn from the files without leave of the Senate.... Where a private act has passed, the Secretary may transmit the papers to the officer charged with the settlement.. 30 I 28 No private claim, which has been rejected, shall be again referred from the files without new evidence Where an adverse report has been made on a private claim, the papers shall not be withdrawn without leaving copies 30 No amendment shall be proposed to any general appropriation bill whose object is to provide for a..... . . . . . Private secretary of Senator shall not be admitted to the floor until borne upon the rolls of the Secretary as such..... 33 Privileged motions, save as against a motion to adjourn, to proceed to Executive business, or questions of privilege, and shall be decided without debate

Privileges of the floor....


Question of order shall be decided by the Chair, without debate, subject to an appeal to the Senate.

[blocks in formation]

Question of order. The Chair may submit any question of or-
der to the decision of the Senate...
When an appeal is taken from the decision of the Chair,
any subsequent question of order or appeal shall be de-
cided without debate.....

An appeal from the decision of the Chair may be laid on
the table, which shall be held to affirm the decision of
the Chair

Question of privilege. A motion to amend or correct the
Journal shall be deemed a, and shall be proceeded with
until disposed of...

When in order

Certain privileged motions may be submitted..

Question under debate contains several points, any Senator

may call for a division. If the ....

But a motion to strike out and insert shall not be divided.
But, pending a motion to strike out and insert, each part
shall be regarded as a question; and the part to be
stricken out shall be first open to amendment
Quorum. The journal of the proceedings of the preceding
day shall be read, there being present a....

Shall consist of a majority of the Senators duly chosen
and sworn....

The presence of a quorum being questioned, the Chair
shall direct the roll to be called to ascertain the pres-
ence of a......

[blocks in formation]

A majority of the Senators present may request or com-
pel the attendance of Senators to make a..........
Pending the execution of the order requiring the pres-
ence of absent Senators, no debate or motion shall be
in order but to adjourn

5 3 7

5 3 7


Reading of a paper. When the reading of a paper is called for, and it be objected to, it shall be decided by the Senate without debate


Pending the consideration of a question, a motion,
which shall be decided without debate, may be made
for a....

Recess of the Senate for more than thirty days. All nomina-
tions and motions to reconsider nominations shall fall
upon a.
Reconsideration. A motion to reconsider may be made by
any Senator voting on the side that prevailed. .

[blocks in formation]

Reconsideration. A motion to reconsider may be made within
the two next days of actual session, and shall be decided
by a majority....
When a bill or other matter shall have gone out of the
possession of the Senate, the motion to reconsider
shall be accompanied by a request for the return of
the same....

[blocks in formation]

Which last motion shall be determined at once and without debate

[blocks in formation]

If the Senate shall refuse to reconsider a vote, or upon consideration shall reaffirm its first decision, it shall not be in order to move to reconsider......

[blocks in formation]

A motion to reconsider may be laid on the table without prejudice to the main question

[blocks in formation]

And if laid on the table, shall be a final disposition of the motion....

[blocks in formation]

A motion to reconsider shall not be withdrawn without leave of the Senate.....

[blocks in formation]

A motion to reconsider a vote on a nomination may be laid on the table, and shall be final.....

[blocks in formation]

A motion to reconsider a vote on a nomination returned to the President must be accompanied by a request for its return to the Senate

[blocks in formation]

Motions to reconsider nominations shall fall, upon a recess of thirty days or on final adjournment.. Reduced to writing. Before a motion shall be debated, if required, it shall be......

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26 I

Reference to a committee. A motion to refer shall not be open
to amendment unless it be to add instructions....
A motion to refer to a standing committee shall have
precedence of a motion to refer to a select committee.. 26
Every bill and joint resolution shall be read twice

Before the final vote on the passage of a bill or resolution
it shall be in order to move its..

Relevant to the subject-matter thereof. No amendment shall be proposed to any general appropriation bill which shall not be germane or...


I 26

14 3 15


2 16


3 17

Reports of committees.

The order in which they shall be called for by the Chair under “morning business" If objected to, the consideration of the report of a committee shall lie over one day

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