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Engagement between Great Britain and Eyamba, King of Calebar. Signed at Calebar Town, Old Calebar River, December 6, 1841.

WILLIAM SIMPSON BLOUNT, Esquire, Lieutenant commanding Her Britannic Majesty's steam-vessel "Pluto," on the part of Her Majesty the Queen of England; and Eyamba, King of Calebar, on the part of himself, his heirs, and successors,

Have agreed upon the following Articles and Conditions :—

I. It is agreed, and the two Contracting Parties hereby covenant and agree, that from the date of this Treaty, there shall be an entire cessation and extinction for ever, throughout the territory of King Eyamba, and wherever his influence can extend, of the sale or export of Slaves, or other persons whatever, to be removed from off his territory into any foreign island, country, or dominion; and that King Eyamba will make a proclamation and a law prohibiting all his subjects, or persons within his jurisdiction, to sell any Slave or Slaves to be transported from this territory, or to aid, abet, or assist in any way, such sale, under penalty of severe punishment, and stopping the whole trade of the river.

II. King Eyamba further agrees, that should any Slave-vessels be in the river, he will inform any of Her Britannic Majesty's vessels that may be in the neighbourhood."

III. And in consideration of this concession on the part of King Eyamba, and in full satisfaction for the same, and for the loss of revenue thereby incurred by King Eyamba, Lieutenant Blount, on the part of the Queen of England, does engage that there shall be paid to King Eyamba, yearly, for five years, from the ratification and approval of this Treaty, the following, viz.,

Two Thousand Dollars (Spanish),

upon a certificate being received that the said laws and proclamations have been enforced, which shall be signed by King Eyamba and the masters of any British merchant-vessels that may be in the river at the time.

Done at the King's House, Calebar Town, Old Calebar River, this 6th day of December, 1841.

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JOHN LILLEY, Resident at Cameroons.

J. Mc PHERSON, Master, Brig "Mary Ann Peters.”
R. M. PORTER, Barque, "Captain Ross."

J. M. KENTY, Brig "Satisfaction."

W. B. DISHLEY, Schip "Triton.”

J. HADDOCK, Clerk in charge, Her Majesty's Steam

Vessel "Pluto."

Additional Articles to Engagement between Great Britain and Eyamba, King of Calebar.

THE following Articles are this day added to the foregoing Treaty, and agreed upon between George Raymond, Esq., Lieutenant commanding Her Britannic Majesty's brigantine "Spy," on the part of Her Majesty the Queen of England, and Eyamba, King of Calebar, on the part of himself, his heirs and successors:

IV. That that part of the foregoing Article, No. 3, stipulating the payment of "two thousand dollars (Spanish)" shall be cancelled, and in lieu thereof the following terms be substituted: viz., "Goods to the amount of two thousand dollars (Spanish); and that the remainder of the said Article, together with the two preceding it, shall continue the same to all intents and purposes.

V. That if at any future time it shall appear that Slave Trade has been carried on through or from any of the dominions of the said Eyamba, King of Calebar, his heirs or successors, that Great Britain shall be at liberty to put down the Slave Trade of that country by force.

Done on board Her Majesty's brig "Spy," River Town, Calebar, 30th November, 1842.



King of all Blackman.


Lieutenant and Commander
of Her Majesty's Brig "Spy."


(Signed) W. S. BLYTH,
Supercargo, "Majestic,"
of Liverpool.

King Eyamba Brother.

(Signed) W. W. WALTERS, Master of the ship "Majestic," of Liverpool.


Clerk in charge of Her Majesty's Brig "Spy."

Form No. 1.

CERTIFICATE to be delivered to the Master of a Vessel when the Search is made by the Commander of Her Majesty's Ship in person.

To the Master of the vessel to be searched.


holding the rank of

in Her Britannic Majesty's Navy, and commanding

Her Majesty's ship

carry into effect the


dated the

being duly authorized to between Great Britain do hereby certify, that the only object of searching this vessel is to ascertain whether she is engaged in Slave Trade, in violation of the above

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This Certificate is to be delivered before the search; and the Commander is at the same time to exhibit the Documents of authority by virtue of which he makes the search.


Form No. 2.

CERTIFICATE to be delivered to the Master of a Vessel when the Search is made by an Officer who is not the Commander of Her Majesty's Ship.

To the Master of the vessel to be searched.


holding the rank of

in Her Britannic Majesty's

in Her Britannic Majesty's Navy, do hereby certify, that I proceed to make this search by order of holding the rank of Navy, and commanding Her Majesty's ship duly authorized to carry into effect the Great Britain and

dated the


and that the only object in searching this vessel is to ascertain whether she is engaged in Slave Trade, in violation of the above

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This Certificate is to be delivered before the search; and the searching Officer is at the same time to exhibit copies of the Documents of authority by virtue of which he makes the search.

Here state the

number of the

crew, passengers, or Slaves, removed; and date, and place, and cause of removal.

Form No. 3.

CERTIFICATE to be made out and signed by the Commander of
Her Majesty's Ship, or the Officer in charge of the detained
Vessel, in case of removal of the Crew, Passengers, or
Slaves, and which is to be delivered to the Court before
which the Vessel is taken for Adjudication.

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