66 INTRODUCTION to CHEMICAL SCIENCE. For Use in Schools and College. By R. P. WILLIAMS, Instructor in Chemistry in the English High School, Boston, US.A. With carefully Selected Experiments, and over 50 Illustrations. Cloth, 23. 6d. LABORATORY MANUAL. Adapted to the Introduction to Chemical Science.' By R. P. WILLIAMS. Boards, 18. INTRODUCTION to PHYSICAL SCIENCE, including General Dynamics, Heat, Electricity and Magnetism. Sound and Light By A. P. GAGE Instructor in Physics in the English High School, Boston, US.A. With a Chart of Colours and Spectra, and over 300 Illustrations. Cloth, 38. 6d. ELEMENTS of the THEORY of the NEWTONIAN FUNCTION. By Professor B. O. PEIRCE, of Harvard University. Cloth, 4s. 6d. LIBRARY OF ANGLO-SAXON POETRY. 1. BEOWULF and the FIGHT at FINNSJAMES A. HARRIEdited, with Text Glossary, by SON and ROBERT SHARP. Revised Edition. Cloth, 4s. BURRH. and the MIDDLE AGES. (Fourteenth Century.) By J. J. JUSSERAND. Translated from the French by LUCY TOULMIN SMITH. "His delightful volume."-Glasgow Herald. BY A. MARY F. ROBINSON (Madame DARMESTETER). The FUTURE of AGNOSTICISM. By Frederic Harrison. POWDER, SPUR, AND SPEAR. A Sporting Medley. By J. MORAY BROWN, Author of 'Shikar Sketches.' With Illustrations by G. D. Giles and Edgar Giberne from Sketches by the Author. Crown 8vo. 10s. 6d. [This day. HUNTING in HARD TIMES. A Collection of Illustrations in Colours. By G. BOWERS, Oblong 4to. 128. THROUGH the HEART of ASIA, over the PAMIR to INDIA. By GABRIEL BONVALOT. Translated from the French by C. B. PITMAN. With 250 Illustrations by Albert Pépin. 2 vols. royal 8vo. 328. "Bright, picturesque, and interesting.... The volume.... is a valuabie contribution to our knowledge of Central Asia."-Spectator. 2. CAEDMON'S EXODUS and DANIEL. The END of the MIDDLE AGES; LIFE ABOARD a BRITISH PRI Edited, with Notes and Glossary, by THEODORE W. HUNT. New and Revised Edition. Cloth, 28. An OLD ENGLISH GRAMMAR. By EDUARD SIEVERS, Professor of Germanic Philology in the University of Tübingen. Translated and Edited by ALBERT S. COOK. Second Edition. Cloth, 4s. The BEGINNER'S LATIN BOOK. With Grammar, Exercises, Vocabulary, and Colloquia (which form a special feature of the book). By WILLIAM C. COLLAR and M. G. DANIELL. Cloth, 38. 6d. A LATIN GRAMMAR, founded on Compa rative Grammar. By J. H. ALLEN, Lecturer at Harvard University, and J. B. GREENOUGH, Professor of Latin at Harvard University. New and Revised Edition, in 1 vol. crown 8vo. 55. CÆSAR'S GALLIC WAR. Edited, with Grammatical, Historical, and Military Notes and Vocabulary, by Professors ALLEN and GREENOUGH. With numerous Iliustrations and 6 Maps. 4s. THIRTEEN CICERO Edited, with Notes and Vocabulary, by Professors ALLEN and GREENOUGH. Illustrated. 48. REMNANTS of EARLY LATIN, chiefly INSCRIPTIONS. Selected and Explained, for the Use of Schools and Colleges, by Professor FREDERICK D. ALLEN. 2s. 6d. GREEK READERS. Edited, with Notes, by Professor W. W. GOODWIN (Author of 'Goodwin's Greek Grammar'). 1. GREEK PROSE READER. 58. 2. SELECTIONS from XENOPHON and HERODOTUS. 58. The COLLEGE SERIES of GREEK AUTHORS. Edited by J. W. WHITE, Professor of Greek, Harvard University; and T. D. SEYMOUR, Professor of Greek, Yale College. 1. HOMER'S ILIAD. Books I.-III. 48. 2. SOPHOCLES' ANTIGONE. 48. 3. PLATO'S APOLOGY, and CRITO. 48. 4. THUCYDIDES. Book I. 4s. 6d. 5. THUCYDIDES. Book V. 48. 6. THUCYDIDES. Book VII, 48. 7. ARISTOPHANES' CLOUDS. 48. 8. EURIPIDES' BACCHE. 38. 6d. 9. ΧΕΝΟΡHON'S HELLENICA. I.-IV. 48. 6d. The Notes being at the foot of the page, the Text can be had separately with each volume, price 6d. CLASSICS for CHILDREN. A Series of Popular Standard Works adapted to the needs of Young Readers. For List and Prices see Catalogue. London: GINN & COMPANY, 57 and 59, Essays and Questions in History. Demy 8vo. cloth, 10s. 6d. "It is an inspiriting and agreeable companion." Manchester Guardian. Now ready, crown 8vo. cloth, 10s. 6d. RIDES and STUDIES in the CANARY ISLES. By CHARLES EDWARDES. With many Illustrations and Maps. "His book fills the imagination with glowing pictures, to the credit of Canary Land."-Spectator. THIRD AND CHEAPER EDITION. INSPIRATION and the BIBLE: an Inquiry. By R. F. HORTON, M.A. Crown 8vo. cloth. [Reaay. 38. 6d. "A more rational, and at the same time reverent, handling of this difficult topic of inspiration could not be.... The churches owe him a debt of gratitude for this powerful apologia."-Pall Mall Gazette. NEW WORK BY THE REV. SAMUEL COX, D.D. The HOUSE and its BUILDER. "We very cordially commend this thoughtful, strong, and deeply religious book to all who are perplexed with sceptical doubts or fears." - Nonconformist. BY THE AUTHOR OF 'HOW TO BE HAPPY THOUGH MARRIED.'-SECOND EDITION. The FIVE TALENTS of WOMEN. A Book for Girls and Young Women. Square imperial 16mo. cloth, 6s.; Presentation Edition, 7s. 6d. [Ready next week. "It is agreeable and wholesome reading."-Scotsman. HOW to be HAPPY though MAR RIED: & Handbook to Marriage. Seventeenth Thousand. Small crown 8vo. cloth, 3s. 6d.; Presentation Edition, in box, 78. 6d. "We strongly recommend this book as one of the best of wedding presents. It is a complete handbook to an earthly paradise, and its author may be regarded as the Murray of Matrimony and the Baedeker of Bliss. - Pall Mall Gazette. London: T. FISHER UNWIN, 26, Paternoster-square, E.C. VATEER in the TIME of QUEEN ANNE. "We have found this plain, unvarnished tale, without a superfluo epithet or an idle phrase, infinitely more readable than pages of flatalent sensational romance." Daily News. ROUND ABOUT NEW ZEALAND: being Notes from a Journal of Three Years Wandering in the Antipodes. By E. W. PAYTON. With 20 Illustrations by the Author. Large crown 8vo. 12s. "A wealth of practical information as to the social, commercial, and political life of this most beautiful of our Colonies.... Mr. Payton is an accomplished artist, and his pencil has furnished several excellent ilius trations of his work."-Morning Post. WITH the CAMEL CORPS UP the NILE. By Count GLEICHEN, Grenadier Guards. With numerous Sketches by the Author. Third Edition. Large crown 8vo. 9s. [This day. UNTRODDEN PATHS in ROUMANIA. By Mrs. WALKER, Author of Eastern Life and Scenery,' &c. With 78 Illustrations, demy 8vo. 10s. 6d. "Wisely leaving the usual beaten track of the tourist and his banal descriptions of things that every one can see, Mrs. Walker takes us into the inner life of the Roumanian people so different from the sem Europeanized and wholly vicious existence of the citizen of Bucuresel, or Bucharest, as the Roumanian capital is ordinarily called and illus trates her description with numerous interesting sketches of character and scenery."-Vanity Fair. MEMOIRS of a ROYALIST. E. & G. GOLDSMID'S NEW BOOKS. SIR ROGER de COVERLEY. Extracted from the The BALLAD BOOK. RITCHIE KINLOCH, A New Edition. Fcap. 8vo. 1s. A COMPLETE CATALOGUE of all the PUBLICATIONS of the ELZEVIR PRESSES at LEYDEN, AMSTERDAM, the HAGUE, and UTRECHT. With Introduction, Notes, and an Appendix, containing a List of all Works, whether Forgeries or Anonymous Publications, generally attributed to these Presses. By EDMUND GOLDSMID, F.S A. (Scot.). Very thick demy 8vo. 214. The SECRETS of ANGLING; teaching the A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH of the ALDINE The MASSACRE of GLENCOE; being a Reprint of a Contemporary Account of that Ruthless Butchery. Post 8vo. 1s. E. & G. Goldsmid, Granton, Edinburgh. Now ready, Vol. I. price 51. 58. of the CYCLOPEDIA of MUSIC and MUSICIANS. Edited by J. D. CHAMPLIN and W. F. APTHORP. To be This Edition is limited to 50 numbered copies for England. A Pro- GALL & INGLIS'S NEW PUBLICATIONS. Price 38. 6d. illustrated, handsome cloth binding, By the late Rev. ROBERT SIMPSON, D.D. Price 3s. 6d. crown 8vo. cloth, illustrated, By HARRIETTE E. BURCH. International Education Series. WORKS OF MR. A. STEPHEN WILSON. Edited by WILLIAM T. HARRIS, LL.D. In view of the great deficiency at present existing of Books treating Education from the historical and critical side, it is proposed to publish, under the above title, a litrary for teachers and school managers, and Text-Books for normal classes. The aim will be to provide works of a useful, practical character, in the broadest sense, by American and European authors. The following conspectus will show the ground to be covered by the series : 1. HISTORY of EDUCATION. (a.) Ori ginal systems as expounded by their founders. (b) Critical histories ries which which set forth the customs of the past and point out their advantages and defects. 2. EDUCATIONAL CRITICISM. (a.) The noteworthy arraignment which educational reformers have put forth against existing systems. (b) The critical histories above mentioned. The PHILOSOPHY of EDUCATION. By JOHANN KARL FRIEDERICH ROSENKRANZ, Doctor of A HISTORY of EDUCATION. By Prof. P. V. N. PAINTER, of Roanoke College, Virginia. Crown 8vo. cloth, 63. The EDUCATION of MAN. By FRIEDRICH FROBBEL. Translated from the German by W. N. HAILMAN, Ph.D., Superintendent of Public Schools at La Porte, Indiana. Crown 8vo. cloth, 68. ELEMENTARY PSYCHOLOGY and EDUCATION. By Dr. J. BALDWIN, Author of Art of School Management, &e. Crown 8vo. cloth, 6s. The SENSES and the WILL. Being Part I. of 'The Mind of the Child.' Translated from the German of Prof. W. PREYER. Crown 8vo. cloth, 6s. In preparation, The DEVELOPMENT of the INTELLECT. Part II. of The Mind of the Child.' From the German of W. D. APPLETON & Co. Publishers, Caxton House, THE 8vo. pp. 87, 28. THE UNITY OF MATTER. "An original thinker, and a very suggestive little book." Crown 8vo. with 5 Plates, 3s. 6d. THE BOTANY OF THREE HIS- (Pharaoh's Dream, The Sower, The King's Measure.) "The essay [King's Measure] is a very curious contributi on to the Crown 8vo. Illustrations, Tables, &c., 88. "It is full of originality and force."-Professor WRIGHTSON in Nature "A careful examination of this book has convinced us that the author has earned the praise that is given to him that makes two blades of grass grow where but one grew before."-New York Nation. Square 8vo. blue-line border, gilt edges, 3s. 6d. The LYRIC of a HOPELESS LOVE. NEW STORY BY MRS. HOEY. At all Bookstalls, &c., 1s. paper covers; 1s. 6d. cloth QUEEN'S TOKEN. By Mrs. CASHEL HOEY, "This story is cleverly constructed and well written. It sustains one's interest."-Scotsman. London: SPENCER BLACKETT, 35, St. Bride-street, E.C. EPPS'S COCO GRATEFUL AND COMFORTING. Α. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and cutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually buit up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame." -Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with boiling water or milk. CORONA: YORONA: the Bright Side of the Universe. "In the home of an omnipotent Father only the best is possible." Williams & Norgate, 14, Henrietta-street, Covent-garden, London; 20, South Frederick-street, Edinburgh. J. & T. Spencer, Leicester. A NEW WORK in COMPARATIVE PHI LOLOGY, viz.: A Comparison of upwards of 900 Sanscrit Words with those of like Sound and Sense in English, Greek, Latin, and Hebrew The Sanscrit Words are given in Roman Character as well, so that is is easily intelligible to an English Student By the Rev. BROCKLESBY DAVIS, M.A. C.M.S., late Fellow of St. Peter's Coll., Cambridge. ENGLAND UNDER the REVOLUTION and the This may also be had in 2 vols. price respectively 43. and 5s. 6d. "They are, in my opinion, decidedly the best books of their kind which have come under my notice."-Paper on' Teaching English History,' read before the College of Preceptors by Rev. A. B. BEAVEN, Μ.Δ. Manchester: Abel Heywood & Son. London: Simpkin, Marshall & Co. PHENIX FIRE OFFICE, LOMBARD-STREET and CHARING CROSS, LONDON - Established 1782. Insurances against Loss by Fire and Lightning effected in all parts of the World. Loss Claims arranged with promptitude and liberality. WILLIAM O. MACDONALD, Joint FRANCIS B. MACDONALD, Secretaries. UNION ASSURANCE SOCIETY. Instituted in the Reign of Queen Anne, A.D. 1714. Chief Office, 81, Cornhill, E.C. West-End Branch, 70, Baker-street, London, W. CHRISTMAS FIRESIDE GIFT. EMPCARTER'S DERICK of GERMANY, for holding his Book, Writing Desk, &c., when reclining on the Sofa or Easy Chair. DELICIOUSLY LUXURIOUS. Prices from 11. 18. Illustrated Price Books post free. JOHN CARTER, 6A. New Cavendish-street, Portland-place, W. ALLEN'S SOLID LEATHER PORTMANTEAUS. ALLEN'S VICTORIA DRESSING BAG. Cash Discount, 10 per cent. CASSELL & COMPANY'S ANNOUNCEMENTS. Messrs. CASSELL & COMPANY beg to announce the issue of THE ENCYCLOPÆDIC DICTIONARY IN MONTHLY DIVISIONAL VOLUMES, Bound in cloth, 10s. 6d. each. (Complete in Fourteen Monthly Vols.) Bound in half-morocco, 21s. each; or in half-russia, 25s. each. (Complete in Seven vols.) The Encyclopædic Dictionary can be had complete in 14 vols. 10s. 6d. each; or "An enterprise so truly comprehensive may fairly be pronounced the greatest and most thoroughly national yet undertaken by a firm to whose spirit of enterprise the public of this country is indebted for much of its culture and its intellectual recreation."- Daily Telegraph. "It is not our custom to refer to the price of books, but in this case the cheapness of such an excellent publication is one of the most notable points about it."-Athenaum. "No other completed dictionary can be compared with it for extensive and thorough utility as a work of reference." Scotsman. ENGLISH WRITERS. By HENRY MORLEY, LL.D., Professor of English Literature, University College, London. Being an attempt towards a History of English Literature. Each containing about 400 pp. crown 8vo. cloth. Vol. I. FROM the EARLIEST TIMES to BEOWULF. 58. Vol. II. FROM CAEDMON to the CONQUEST. 58. Vol. III. FROM the CONQUEST to CHAUCER. 58. Now ready, price 10s. 6d. TRUTH ABOUT RUSSIA. By W. T. STEAD. Demy 8vo. cloth. ""Truth About Russia' is marked by insight, capacity, and political shrewdness." - Leeds Mercury. Ready shortly, price 78. 6d. NEW GERMAN DICTIONARY. GERMAN-ENGLISH, ENGLISH-GERMAN, A Prospectus giving full information will be sent post free on application. Cassell's Graduated Copy-Books. Adapted to the requirements of the New Code. Printed f om Copp r-Plate Cartes on superior paper, carefully prepared for Writing purp sеs, аnd сов taining everything necessary for the formation of good Handwriting 18 Books, 2d each. The Modern School Copy-Books. Carefully Gra duated and prepared to form and develope a round, clear, and service able Handwriting. On superior Writing Paper. In 12 Books, of Sa pages each. 2d each Spelling, A Complete Manual of, on the Principles The Shakspere Reading Books. By H. Courthope The Citizen Reader. With Preface by the Right The Laws of Every-Day Life. By H. 0. ArnoldFORSTER, Author of The Citizen Reader. Croth, 18. 64, Pre sentation Edition, half-persian calf, gilt top, 3s 6d. The Making of the Home: a Book of Domestic Economy. By Mrs. SAMUEL A. BARNETT. 1s ed. The LIFE and TIMES of QUEEN VICTORIA. By ROBERT English Literature, A First Sketch of WILSON. With SEVERAL HUNDRED ILLUSTRATIONS representing the Chief Events in the Life of the Queen, and Portraits of the Leading Celebrities of her Reign. "Mr. Wilson's work stands out among works of the kind as devoting special attention to the personal influence exercised by Her Majesty upon the course of events during her reign. It is lavishly illustrated, and is at all points well equipped as a popular history."-Scotsman. Now ready, Vol. IL price 98. " CASSELL'S HISTORY of ENGLAND. Profusely illustrated with New and Original Drawings, specially executed for this Edition by Leading Artists. The Text carefully Revised throughout. Set in New Type. 624 pp. extra crown 4to. ""Cassell's History of England' is excellent in every respect." - Times. "The most interesting, instructive, and entertaining history of our country is 'Cassell's History of England.'"-Standard. ""Cassell's History of England' is a library in itself."-Scotsman. "We should say this revised edition of Cassell's History of England' will be, in point of illustrations, fulness of detail, and interesting style of writing, the best complete popular history of England extant." - Nonconformist. WALTER CRANE'S NEW PICTURE BOOK. FLORA'S FEAST: a Masque of Flowers. Penned and Pictured by WALTER CRANE. With 40 PAGES of PICTURES handsomely reproduced in Colours. "This is a charming bit of fancy, of which we feel quite unable to give any adequate description in words......Mr. Crane's skill with the pencil, graceful fancy, and tender and harmonious colouring have never found a more adequate expression than in this charming volume."-Spectator. "There is a long and splendid spectacle in the forty illustrations." - Athenæum. HEROES of EVERY-DAY LIFE. By LAURA LANE. 16 FULL-PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS. Now ready, price 2s. 6d. 8vo. cloth, 7s. 6d. Edition. 1,099 pages, crown English Literature, The Story of. By Anna Buck LAND Cheap Edition. Crown 8vo. cloth 35. 64. Cassell's Historical Course for Middle and Higher and 25 Illustrations, Is 2. The Simple Outline of English History. With Maps and 3) Illustrations, 188 pages, 1s 3d 3. The Class History of England. 400 pp., 2s. 6d. FOREIGN LANGUAGES. FRENCH. Cassell's French Dictionary. French-English and English-French. 262nd Thousand. Revised and Corrected from the Cassell's Lessons in French, New and Revised French Exercises, The "Marlborough." Twelfth Edition. Enlarged and Revised. By the Rev. G. W. DE LISLE, With French Grammar, The "Marlborough." Twenty "The stories of heroism are here told with much sympathy and appreciation of the valour which exists outside the ranks of soldiers and sailors, and the illustrations are excellent. Miss Lane's is one of the best books published this year for parochial libraries, and no one who begins to read will lay it down before he finishes it."-Academy. NEW SERIALS. A necessary Companion for every Newspaper Reader, and valuable Work of Reference for every Library. CELEBRITIES of the CENTURY. Being a Dictionary of Men Oxford. With Contributions by Eminent Authorities. To be Completed in 17 Parts. PART I. ready January 24, price 6d. of the New Issue of PROF. MORLEY'S LIBRARY of ENGLISH LITERATURE. With SEVERAL HUNDRED ILLUSTRATIONS. Now ready, PART I. price 7d. The STORY of the HEAVENS. By Sir ROBERT S. BALL, LL.D., Cassell's Latin English Dictionary. Thoroughly Royal Astronomer of Ireland. "A'Story' of boundless interest and exquisite beauty." - Educational Times. *** With PART I, is issued, free of charge, a valuable STAR MAP, expressly prepared. CHANT, M.A. 3s. 6d. Revised and Corrected, and in part Rewr tten by JK.V MAN Cassell's Latin - English and English-Latin Dic tionary. 59th Thousand, Crown 8vo. 890 pages, cloth, 38. 64. CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMITED, London, Paris, New York, and Melbourne. Editorial Communications should be addressed to "The Editor"-Advertisements and Business Letters to "The Publisher"-at the Office, 22, Took's-court, Cursitor-street, Chancery-lane, E.C. Printed by Joun C. Francis, Atheneum Press, Took's-court, Cursitor-street, Chancery-tane, B.C.; and Published by the said John C. FRANCIS at 22, Took's-court, Cursitor-street, Chancery-lane, B.C. Agents for SCOTLAND, Messrs. Bell & Bradfute and Mr. John Menzies, Edinburgh.-Saturday, January 12 1889. 1 1 Journal of English and Foreign Literature, Science, the Fine Arts, Music and the Drama. No. 3195. SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1889. Minerals, Half-a-Guinea SATURDAY (January 26th), at Three o'clock, Professor ERNST PAUER. FIRST of FOUR LECTURES on The Character of the Great Composers, and the Characteristics of their Works (with Illustrations on The Pianoforte). Half-a-Guinea. Subscription to all the Courses in the Season, Two Guineas. The F FRIDAY EVENING MEETINGS will BEGIN on JANUARY 25th, when Professor G. H. DARWIN, FR.S., will give a Discourse on Meteorites and the History of Stellar Systems, at Nine o'clock. To these meetings Members and their Friends only are admitted. ROYAL SOCIETY of LITERATURE. - This Society will meet on WEDNESDAY EVENING, the 23rd inst., at Eight e'clock, at their Rooms, 21. Delahay-street, St. James's Park, when a Paper will be read by Mr C. H. B. CARMICHAEL, М.А., upon Ariosto and the Romance of Chivalry in Italy in the Fourteenth Centary." E. GILBERT HIGHTON, M.A., Secretary. GALLERY. GROSVENOR WINTER EXHIBITION MR. HENRY BLACKBURN'S LECTURES, illustrared by Limelight. 1, Pictures of the Year; 2, The Value els Line: 3 Alzeria and Morocco. At the Edinburgh Philosophical Istitution, February 12th and 19th; London Institution, March 14th; Bribeck Ina itution, April 10th, &c. A few dates vacant in February and March-103, Victoria-street, Westminster. GOETHE'S FAUST. - Professor BUCHHEIM will begin a COURSE of LECTURES on GOETHE'S FAUST at the Lattes Department of King's College (13. Kensington-square), on THURSDAY, the 24th inst, at 11 30. The Introductory Lecture will best of the Faust Legend -For particulars apply to the Lady Superlatendent, Miss C G. ScHMirz. LONDON LETTER-A Gentleman, residing in London, and intimately connected with Parliamentary and Political Life is prepared to SUPPLY & WEEKLY LETTER to a High-Class Stuspaper. The Writer has exceptional facilities for obtaining exdusive and reliable information about Political, Social, and Religious Movements.-Apply, in the first instance, to ARUNDELL, care of Adams & Praacis, 59. Fleet-street, B C. TO TO PUBLISHERS. -Successful Author desires appointment as EDITOR, SUB-EDITOR, or READER. Age 28.Address AUTHов, 55, Scarsdale-villas, Kensington, W. EDITOR WANTED for the LICENSED VIC MIRROR, an Illustrated Sporting Paper pu published a good on Tuesday. Must be a thoroughly capable Journalist, with knowledge of London and London Life, and capable of taking the entire Literary Management. No personal applications will be entertained, and letters, with full particulars, must be addressed Mr. Cox, care of Messrs. Goeden & Co., 17, Tavistock-street, Covent-garden, W.C. A GENTLEMAN, accustomed to Literary Study and Production, desires to REVIEW BOOKS for a High-class Journal, or to Assist Publisher in Reading M88.-Address C. E. H., 2, Denzil-avenue Southampton. JUNIOR CLERK and ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN WANTED in the Offices of a Public Institution. Commencing salary 50L State qualification, age, and experience.-L C. T., Charles Tayler & Co.'s Advertisement Offices, 154 to 157, Fleet-street, E.C. WANTED for a House in Paris a thoroughly competent ASSISTANT with knowledge of both New and Second-hand Trades, and good Salesman. Must speak and write French aently-Applv by letter, B., care B. F. STEVENS, 4, Trafalgar-square, Charing Cross, W. C. TO BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, and PRINTERS -Advertiser seeks an ENGAGEMENT as MANAGING ASSISTANT in a Country Town with view to PARTNERSHIP. Well up in all branches of the Trade, thorough knowledge of all classes of Literature, Practical Knowledge of Printing, &c. Churchman and abstainer.-Address ALPHA, 12, Tachbrook-street, Pimlico, London, S. W. NEWSPAPER PARTNERSHIP.-WANTED, experience) DESIRES more WORK. Moderate Terms.-TRANSLATOR, 72, New Bond-street, W. TO LITTÉRATEURS, M.P.S, CLERGY, &c. RESEARCH at British Museum, Somerset House, Record Office, CORRECTIONS and TRANSCRIPTIONS for Press. Copying from Latie, Spanish, Italian, French Clear, accurate, prompt. References.Или ВТЕРІЮ, 10. Park-place, N.W. ENGLISH NGLISH LANGUAGE and LITERATURE, ✓ COMPOSITION and ELOCUTION. - Miss LOUISA DREWRY eracious her Courses of Lectures, Readings, and Lessons in Schools and where to Private Pupils and Teachers.-143, King Henry's-road, London, N.W. A HEAD MASTER is WANTED for the MADRAS COLLEGE, St. Andrews. Hemust be a Graduate of some University of the United Kingdom. He will have a yearly fixed salary of 250l, with a house and capitation grant of 5s. per pupil. The College is a Secondary School with an Elementary Department attached to it. Applications, with fifteen copies of testimonials, to be sent to Messrs S. and C S. GRACE. St. Andrews, Secretaries to the Governors, before 16th February, 1889. QUEEN'S COLLEGES, IRELAND. The PROFESSORSHIP of LATIN in the Queen's College, Galway, being now VACANT, Candidates for that Office are requested to forward their testimonials to the UNDER SECRETARY, Dublin Castle, en or before the 1st day of February, 1889, In order that the same may be submitted to his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant. The Candidate who may be selected for the above Profossorship will have to enter upon his duties on the 1st day of March, 1889. Dublin Castle, 8th January, 1889. HENSELT PIANOFORTE METHOD. BERTINA, Honorary Associate of the St. Cecilian Academy of Rome, and Diplomés Pupil of Henselt, gives LESSONS in the method and technique of the latter. 25, York-place, Portman-square. STUDENT of LADY MARGARET HALL COACHES in ENGLISH and MODERN LANGUAGES for the Oxford and Cambridge Local and Higher Women Examinations or gives Lessons in Schools. Oxford Sen., Cambridge Higher, Dist. Hist. and Lit., Oxford Final Hon. School of Eng. Lit., 1st class.-2, St. Bartholomew-road, Tufnell Park, Ν. LAUSANNE. -Miss ANDREAE offers comfortable HOME, with educational advantages, to YOUNG LADIES. Special care of delicate Girls. Highest references. Apply 8, Avenue de la Gare, Lausanne; or Bell House, Clapham Common, London. PRICE THREEPENCE REGISTERED AS A NEWSPAPER ECONOMICS and HISTORY will be given by Miss CE. COLLET, M.A., and Miss L. MACDONALD, M.A., at Westbourne Park Institute, Porchester-road, W. SIX LECTURES on the WAGES QUESTION, by CE COLLET, M.A., on TUESDAY, February 5th, and Following TUESDAYS, at 3 30 Р.М. SIX LECTURES on the ROMAN EMPIRE. from AUGUSTUS to JUSTINIAN, bv L. MACDONALD, M.A., on FRIDAY, February 8th, and Following FRIDAYS, at 330 р.м. Fee for each Course, 11. 18. Single Lectures, 4s. Special arrangements for Schools. Apply by letter to THE PRINCIPAL, College Hall, Byng-place, W C. Military Superintendent-Col. W. W. KNOLLYS, P.S C. F.R.G.S., Principal-R. H. THOMPSON, M.A. F.R.G.S F. C. Chisho'm, A. F. Dalzel, C. D Field, Lieut. F. H. Jones, Lieut- G. R. M. Mathew Lannowe, J. A. Rogers. C. D. Field, 7,673 marks; E. W. Green, 7,316 marks; L. T. Hay, 7,500 marks. MILITIA LITERARY. Lieut. F. N. Jones, 4,661 marks (top score in Geometrical Drawing, within 17 of full marks); Lieut. G. R. M. Lannowe, 4,055 marks. MILITARY COMPETITIVE. Lieut. A. Phelps, 1,467 marks. ART CLASSES for LADIES and CHILDREN THE IMPERIAL COLLEGE WAS OPENED for EVERY DAY. Model sits on WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS. Drawing, Pastel, Paintings, Practical Perspective (Street Views), from the window. Object Lessons for Young Children.-SOPHIA BEALE, Pupil of M. E. Bellay, Inspector of Drawing, France, 35, Albany street, N. W. TUDOR UDOR HALL COLLEGE (for LADIES), Professors-Seeley, Churton Collins, Garcia, Diehl, Loman, Dulcken, ROYAL INDIAN ENGINEERING COLLEGE, fit an Engineer for Employment in Europe, India, or the Colonies. About Fifty Students will be admitted in September, 1889. For Competition the Secretary of State will offer Ten Appointments in the Indian Public Works Department, and Two in the Indian Telegraph Department.---For particulars apply to the SECRETARY, at the College. BEDFORD COLLEGE, LONDON. - ART B. SHADWELL, Hon. Sec. COLLEGE. Head Master, the Rev. W. BELL, M.Α. Preparation for the Universities, Indian Civil Service, Woolwich, Sandhurst, Army Preliminary, Navy, London University, Matriculation, Cambridge Local, &c. Several Open Scholarships and Exhibitions at Oxford or Cambridge have been gained, the first, second (twice), and many other places for Woolwich, and several entrances to Sandhurst. At the last March Army Preliminary, seventeen out of eighteen passed in all subjects. Special Army Classes. Junior School and separate Playground for Younger Boys. Laboratory, Workshop, Gymnasium. Each Boy has a separate Bedroom. Boarders are taken by the HEAD MASTER, by C. E SPARKE, M.A., and by E. THORNTON LITTLEWOOD, M.A. Apply to the HEAD MASTER, or to the Hon. Sec., E. W. KNOCKER, Esq. WEYBRIDGE SCHOOL, SURREY. Head Master-Rev. G. E. COTTERILL, M.A., St John's Coll, Cambridge, formerly Master of the Lower School, Brighton College. Boys between 8 and 15 Prepared for the Public Schools Entrance and Schol. Exams, and the Royal Navy. Inclusive Terms, 96% a year. Since last Easter Five Boys have been sent up for Scholarships, of whom Four were successful, viz.: and of students up to the present has been under 12, the percentage of success has consequently been very high. Pupils of Mr. R. H. Thompson, before the opening of the College, obtaining among other distinctions 2nd place for Woolwich, and 6th place for Sandhurst, Gentlemen are RECEIVED to PREPARE for Sandhurst, Woolwich, Indian Civil Service, Militia (Qualifying and Competitive) &c. Small Classes ensuring individual attention and moderate terms. N.B. Work for forthcoming Examinations now in progress. For further particulars apply to the SECRETARY. SCHOLARSHIPS. THE IMPERIAL COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS for the year 1888 were awarded to J. A. Rogers, L. T. Hay, C. D. Field, and E W. B. Green-the last two being equal One free education Scholarship is awarded in every class. Conditions on application. GOVERNESS and TUTORS' AGENCY. AGENCY for GOVERNESSES, TUTORS, AMANUENSES, and COMPANIONS, English and Foreign. Apply for particulars, Mrs DOSSETOR, The Library, Old Bedford House, Streatham, S.W. THE GIRTON GOVERNESS and SCHOOL AGENCY.-Madame AUBERT introduces English and Foreign Resident and Daily Governesses (Finishing, Junior, Nursery). Class, Music, Art, and Visiting Teachers. Companions, &c Schools recommended -MADAME AUBERT'S GOVERNESS LIST, published weekly, price 3d.; by post. 34d. Interviews eleven to four, Saturdays to one.166, Regent-street, W. TYPE-WRITER. AUTHORS' MSS., Plays, Re views, Lectures, Legal or other Articles, COPIED with accuracy and despatch. Terms moderate. Duplicate Copies.-Address E. TIGAR, 27, Maitland Park-road, Haverstock-hill, N. W. Established 1884. TYPE-WRITING. - MSS., Legal Documents, Specifications, Plays (Prompt Books and Parts), Copied with speed and accuracy. DICTATIONS taken in SHORTHAND or TYPE-WRITING. Pupils Taught. Terms moderate.-MISSES E. B. and I. FARRAN, 34, Southampton-street, Strand. TYPE-WRITING. - Authors' MS., &c., carefully Terms moderate.-Address LESLIE, Victoria Library, St. Leonards-on-Sea. TYPE-WRITING, in best style, at 1d. per folio. Shorthand Notes taken. References to Authors.-MISS GLADDING, 1, Loughborough-road, Brixton, 8. W. MSS., LECTURES, DOCUMENTS, REPORTS TYPE-WRITTEN (Remington). 1s. ld per 1,000 words. Duplicate copies. Copying and Searching at British Museum. Miss ST. JOHN, 11 in 3, Russell Chambers, Bury-street, Bloomsbury, W.C. TO AUTHORS and OTHERS.---TYPE-WRITER copfes by Specialists experienced in Authors' Manuscript, and accustomed to Authors' Proofs. (One kind of machine only is suitable to this work) Translations undertaken, reliable opinions obtained, advice given, and negotiations entered into with Publishers. Searches made and excerpts taken. Shorthand writers sent out Terms moderate.Messrs. LYD LYDDON & Co., 64, Chancery-lane, London, W.C. SHORTHAND and TYPE-WRITING... English and Foreign MSS. Copied. French and German Translations made. Lectures and Sermons Reported. Highest t stimonials from eminent physicians and scientific men. -Miss LETHBRIDGE, 11, Oxford Circusavenue (opposite Great Portland-street). AUTHORS' MS., PLAYS, &c., TYPE-WRITTEN. Dictation received by swift operators. Shorthand writers sent out. Terms moderate - MISS MCLACHLAN, Manageress of Type-Writing Department, Metropolitan School of Shorthand, 27, Chancery lane, W.C. C. MITCHELL & CO., Agents for the Sale and Purchase of Newspaper Properties, undertake Valuations for Probate or Purchase, Investigations, and Audit of Accounts, &c. Card of Terms on application. 12 and 13, Red Lion-court, Fleet-street, B.C. MR. A. M. BURGHES, AUTHOR'S AGENT and ACCOUNTANT. Advice given as to the best mode of Publishing. Publishers' Estimates examined on behalf of Authors, Transfer of Literary Property carefully conducted. Safe Opinions obtained. Twenty years' experience. Highest references. Consultations free. 14, Paternoster-row, E C. SWIFT & CO., Music, Letterpress, and Litho graphic Printers, Newton-street, High Holborn, W.C. All kinds of Machining expeditiously done in the best style at moderate charges. NEWSPAPER, &c., PRINTING and PUBLISH. ING.-Messrs. KING, SELL & RAILTON, I.D., High-Class Printers and Publishers, 12, Gough-square, and 4, Bolt-court, Fleet-street, E. C., are prepared to undertake the PRINTING and PUBLISHING of first-class NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, BOOKS, CATALOGUES, PAMPHLETS, PROSPECTUSES, ARTICLES of ASSOCIATION. MINUTES of EVIDENCE, &c., in the best style. Their Offices are fitted with the latest improvements in Machinery, the most modern English and Foreign Type, and they employ none but first-class workmen. Facilities are offered upon the Premises for Private Editorial and Advertising Offices. Arrangements can also be made to undertake the Advertising Department. THE REPARATION of PAINTINGS, or any WORK necessary to their PRESERVATION, effected with every regard to the safest and most cautious treatment, by M. R. THOMPSON, Studio, 41, George-street, Portman-square, W. 'O SHELLEY COLLECTORS. TO FIRST EDI TIONS FOR SALE -Queen Mab, with Title and Imprint, red morocco, uncut, by Bedford; Rosalind and Helen and Prometheus Unbound, ditto; Hellas, green morocco, gilt edges, by Bedford; Laon and Cythna, red morocco, uncut, by Rivière; The Cenci, ditto. All in perfect condition. Price 50 Guineas.-Apply to Messrs. TALBOT & QUAYLE, 27, Chancery-lane. MEMORY. LOISETTE'S SYSTEM is "original and of great value." This was testified by D. GREENLEAF THOMPSON (A System of Psychology, Longmans), Dr. WM. A. HAMMOND, and others. First Lecture at 3, on MONDAY; at 8, TUESDAY. Private or postal lessons at any time. S Y P E. AUTOTYPE BOOK ILLUSTRATIONS (SAWYER'S COLLOTYPE) are printed direct on the paper with suitable margins, any size up to Demy, 22 inches by 17 inches. This process is noted for its excellence in COPIES OF ANCIENT MANUSCRIPTS; COPIES OF COINS, SEALS, MEDALLIONS; and is employed by the Trustees of the British Museum, the Paleographical, Numismatical, Antiquarian, and other Learned Societies, and by the Leading Publishers. Among the WORK RECENTLY DONE may be cited Wyon's 'Great Seals of England'; Dr. Crookshank's Micro-Photographs of Bacteria'; Famous Monuments of Central India,' for Sir Lepel Griffin, K.C.S.I.; Facsimiles of Early Italian Engravings,' for the Trustees of the British Museum; 'The Palæographical Society's Fasciculus for 1888'; 'Illustrations for the Journal of the Hellenic Society'; Lindt's 'New Guinea,' &c. For specimens, prices, and full particulars, apply to the MANAGER, AUTOTYPE FINE-ART GALLERY, 74, New Oxford-street, London, W.C. Miscellaneous and Modern Books, Selection from the Library of an Editor, Framed Prints, &c. MESSRS. HODGSON will SELL by AUCTION, at their Rooms. 115. Chancery-lane, W.C., on WEDNESDAY, January 23. and Following Dav, at 1 o'clock, MISCELLANEOUS and MODERN BOOKS, comprising Mitra's Antiquities of Orissa, 2 vols 4to. -Pugin and Lekeux's Architecture of Normandy, &c., 3 vols -Ruskin's Seven Lamps of Architecture, first edition-Burton's Arabian Nights, 16 vols. Villon Society's Boccaccio, 3 vols. - Stevens's Historical Nuggets -American Books in the British Museum, &c., 9 vols. Dickens's Christmas Books, 5 vols. Cruikshank's Omnibus, and others, with Illustrations by G. C.-Spirit of Don Quixote-100 Mayhew's Horse Management, &c., 2 vols. 10 Morris's Birds, 8 vols. (31.)-10 Knight's Pictorial Shakspere, 8 vols. (21. 88.)-10 Family Crest Book (31.)-150 Challoner's Catholic Martyrs, 4to -480 vols of Antiquarian Magazine-1,250 vols. of Groombridge's Half-Crown Series-50 Bright's Life and Speeches, 2 vols. -19 Scott Burn's Modern Building, atias folio (31. 38.) and other Modern Publications-Framed Engravings, &c. To be viewed, and Catalogues had. MONDAY NEXT.-Surplus Stock of first-class Optical Instruments. MR. J. C. STEVENS will SELL by AUCTION, at his Great Rooms. 38, King-street, Covent-garden, on MONDAY NEXT, January 21, at half-past 12 o'clock precisely, about 300 TELESCOPES of all sorts and sizes, including 10 with Stands, and some equatorially mounted-300 Opera and Race Glasses mostly of the finest make-Spectacles, Folders, Pince-Nez, and other Eyeglasses-Drawing Instruments - Barometers and Thermometers - Microscopes- Stereoscopes and Slides-and a large assortinent of other Optical Goods, being an accumulation of surplus Stock and Articies taken in exchange. By order of Messrs. C. W. DIXEY & SON, of 3. New Bond-street. On view 11 till 5 the Saturday prior and morning of Sale, and Catalogues had. FRIDAY NEXT.-Miscellaneous Property. M On view the day prior from 2 till 5 and morning of Sale, and Catalogues had. MONDAY, January 28.-Natural History Specimens. MR. J. C. STEVENS will SELL by AUCTION, at his Great Rooms. 38, King-street, Covent-garden, on MONDAY, January 28. at half-past 12 precisely, "The DEATH of RANGER," a fine Group of Leopards and Dog, mounted in black wood case and plate glass, by Ward, la ely exhibited in Colonial Exhibition by the late Mr. Donnal also a Tiger in a similar case, and two handsome cases of Pheasants and other Indian Birds-also choice Minerals -Shells-Birds well set up in glass cases-Heads and Horns of Animals -Skins-British and Foreign Insects, and other Natural History Specimens Bookcases-Cabinets, &c. On view the Saturday prior from 10 till 4 and morning of Sale, and Catalogues had. Valuable Musical Instruments. MESSRS. PUTTICK & SIMPSON will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, 47. Leicester-square, W.C, on TUESDAY, January 22, at half-past 12 o'clock precisely. extensive COLLECTION of MUSICAL PROPERTY, comprising Grand and Cottage a very fine Full-Compass Grand Square, by DeckerPianofortes American Organs and Harmoniums- several Private Collections of Violins, Violas, Violoncellos, and Double Basses, including a number of desirable Instruments, together with Bows, Cases, and Fittings, Concertinas, Guitars, Banjos, Brass and Wood Wind Instruments, solid Silver and other Flutes, Music. &c. Library of Scottish Literature, &c., removed from MESSRS. PUTTICK & SIMPSON Will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, 47, Leicester-square, WC., on WEDNESDAY January 29 and Two Following Days, at ten minutes past 1 o'clock precisely, a LIBRARY of VALUABLE BOOKS, removed from Greenock. N B., consisting of a number of Valuable Works in Scottish Topography, Poetry, Antiquities, Genealogy, Ecclesiastical and Political History-Privately printed Reprints a large number of Books on Angling, and General Modern History, Memoirs, Voyages and Travels Science, Poetry, and Fiction, amongst which will be found. Burns's Poems. First Edition-Stirling's Artists of Spain-Galerie du Musée de France-Borrow's Works-Kay's Scottish Portraits-Laop in Italian, 1479-Daniell's Great Britain-Watts's Dictionary of Chemistry -Dalyell's Remarkable Animals of Scotland, and other Works-Sibbald's Works on Scotland Scott's Border Antiquities-Adamson's Muses Welcome-Zachary Boyd's Works-Leighton's Clyde Views, india proofs Watts's Bibliotheca Britannica-Paton's Modern Athenians -Early Popular Poetry of Scotland-Barbour's Bruce-Greville's SeotLish Cryptogamic Fiora-Morris's British Birds-Couch's British Fishes -Percy's Metallurgy-Thackeray's Works-Skene's Celtic ScotlandWilson's Prehistoric Scotland-Ortus Sanitatis, 1517-Ruskin's Arrows of the Chase-Billing's Baronial Antiquities-Analecta Scotica, &c. Catalogues on receipt of two stamps. Library of a Dublin Classical Scholar-Small Library of Heraldic, Genealogical, and Privately Printed Books, &c. MESSRS. PUTTICK & SIMPSON will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, 47, Leicester-square. W.C., on WEDNESDAY, February 13. and Following Days, at ten minutes past 1 o'clock precisely, a COLLECTION of BOOKS in all the Various Branches of Literature. English and Foreign-Searce Old English Books and Tracts-Privately Printed Books on Heraldry, Family History, &c.Topographical Works-Valuable Standard Books, &c. Catalogues in preparation. SECOND PORTION of the Famous Library of the late MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13, Wellington-street, Strand, WC, on TUESDAY, January 22, and Two Following Days, at 1 o'clock precisely, the SECOND PORTION of the Famous LIBRARY of the late SIR THOMAS PHILLIPPS. Bart, F.R.S, &c., of Middle Hiil, Worcestershire, and Thiristaine House, Cheltenham, incinding many of the Publications Privately Printed by him at Middie Hill-Important Heraldic and Genealogical Works-Topographical and Antiquarian Publications - Works relating to America-History-Voyages and Travels-Various Club Books and Public Records-and Standard Literature. May be viewed. Catalogues may be had; if by post, on receipt of four stamps. The Valuable Library of the late ALEXANDER RUSSELL POLLOCK, Esq., of Greenhill, Paisley. MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13, Wellingtonstreet, Strand, W.C., on MONDAY, January 28, and Five Following Days at 1 o'clock precisely, the Valuable Library of the late ALEXANDER RUSSELL POLLOCK, Esq., of Greenhill, Paisley, comprising Important Works by Scottish Writers or relating to Scotland-Barly and Kare Editions of the Scriptures-Publications of the Abbotsford, Bassatyne, Mauland, Roxburghie, and other Literary Clubs-Writings of Eminent Divines. Historians, and Topographers-a Large Collection of Privately Printed Books and Tracts-Valuable Works on Genealogy. Bibitography, the Fine Arts, &c. -Remarkable Trials and Peerage Cases -First and other Early amd Rare Editions of Popular Authors-Spech mens of Early Printers-Standard Books in General English and Foreign Literature-Portraits-Topographical Prints, &c. May be viewed two days prior. Catalogues may be had; if by post, on receipt of six stamps, Valuable Books and Manuscripts, including the Library of the late R. D. DYNELEY, Esq., of Bramhope, Yorkshire; the Collection of Books relating to Devonshire and Cornwall formed by the Rev. R. H. BARNES, Prebendary of Exeter Cathe dral; and other Properties. MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13, Wellington street, Strand, W.C., on MONDAY, February 4, and Five Following Days, at 1 o'clock precisely, valuable BOOKS and MANUSCRIPTS, consisting of the LIBRARY of the late R. D. DYNELEY, Beq, of Bramhope, Yorkshire; the Collection of Books relating to Devon and Cornwall formed by the Rev. R. H. BARNES, Prebendary of Exeter Cathedral; and other Properties, the whole comprising important Works in the various Branches of English and Foreign Literature. including Audubon's Birds of America-Nash's History of Worcestershire-Burton's Arabian Nights, 16 vois. a Collection of Original Manuscripts relating to the Town of Sandwich-Surtees and Raine's Durham, Large Paper-Hasted's Kent. folio-Palæontographical Society's Publ cations Smith's History of Virginia-Bewick's Birds and Quadrupeds, and other Works illustrated by the same-Whitaker and Thoresbys Leeds-Annals and Magazine of Natural History-Lord Saltoun's The Frasers of Philorth-Homeri Ilias, Gr., first edition-G. Tory. Champ Fleury, 1529-Holland, Heroologia Anglica-W. Penn's Account of the Province of Pennsylvania-Fraser's Chiefs of Colqunoun and Red Book of Menteith-Rare Books relating to America-First Editions of the Works of Dickens, Thackeray, L. Hunt, Browning, Tennyson, Ruskin, and other Popular Authors-Autograph Letters-Engravings, &c. May be viewed two days prior. Catalogues may be had; if by post, on receipt of six stamps. A choice Collection of Books from the Library of a Nobleman, and a Selection from the Library of an Amateur. MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13, WellingtonDays, at 1 o'clock precisely, a valuable and choice COLLECTION of street, Strand, W C., on TUESDAY, February 12, and Two FollowIDE BOOKS from the Library of a NOBLEMAN, mostly in fine old French morocco bindings; a selection from the LIBRARY of an AMATEUR and a few Beautiful Books from the Library of a Collector and other private sources; including Stockdale Edition of Esop's Fables, uncut Ashmole's Order of the Garter, Large Paper, 1672-Bewick's Birds and Supplements, first editions. Large Paper, uncut, 1797-1804-1821-Bocca Decamerone, 5 vols, with the rare Estampes Galantes, 1757-Decamerone 3 vols Large Paper, Stothard's proof plates, only twelve sets printed 1825-Sturt's Book of Common Prayer, Liese Paper, in old tooled rec morocco, 1717-Books of Costumes-Heures à l'Usage de Constáces, printec on velium, 150-Heures à l'Usage de Rome, 1514-Pine's Horace (postes edition), 1733-37-La Borde's Chansons, original edition, in splendi binding, 1773 La Fontaine (Fermier Généraux edition), 2 vols. in re morocco, by Derome, 1762 and several other rare editions-Margaret de Valois, Contes et Nouvelles, 2 vols. 1698, and Heptameron, 3 vole 1780-1-Milton's Paradise Lost, first edition, 1669-Temple de Guide original edition, 1772-Metamorphoses d'Ovide, brilliant impressions o the beautiful plates, 1767-Paradyse of Dainty Devises, first edition unique, 1576-large Collection of Retif de la Bretone's Works. in fin condition, including les Contemporaines, 42 vols. Les Nuits de Paris 16 vols complete-Shakespeare's Works, 3 vols. printed on India paper Swift's Gulliver's Travels, reTrials for Adultery Catalogue on application. receipt of four stamps. |