Slike strani

States. The question then arises, publicly to denounce. He was satishas it not a tendency to retard the fied that the young gentleman's obprogress of the State governments, to servations must have been extremely make an outward pressure upon them? limited, or he would never have venWill it not in its consequences re-act tured upon such representations.upon the slave? Slavery was devolv- He also asserted that no paper had ed upon us by Great Britain. They dared to advocate the doctrine of were left here in such numbers that emancipation in the valley of the a regard for personal safety has in- Mississippi. This he could refute in duced the respective legislatures to his own person. So long ago as 1824, enact laws prohibiting emancipation, he had edited a religious paper in except upon the condition that the the city of Lexington, in which he freed man be removed. To violate strenuously advocated emancipation, these laws is not only to incur a pe- by the practice upon which doctrine nalty, but if the black man is not re- he had made himself poor by emanmoved, he is sold again into slavery. cipating all the slaves that had fallen The question then is, is it better for to his inheritance. He had also lecthem to emigrate abroad as freemen, tured constantly on that subject, both or to remain in slavery at home? If in Lexington and Baltimore, for a by preventing their emigration abroad long period and without molestation. they are retained at home, who keeps The gentleman does not know the them there?-on whom rests the re- state of Kentucky-(here the speaksponsibility? The Colonization So- er was interrupted by hisses from ciety has taken the alternative that some Abolitionists in the upper galit is better they should be free abroad lery, which caused deafening plau-the Abolitionists, that it is better dits from the respectable parts of the to keep them in slavery at home.audience.)

Let each one decide for himself on I am a Kentuckian, continued Mr. which side the guilt or preference B. My father fought against the lies. I personally know, said Mr. Indians, and I am not to be frightenB., the masters of thousands of slaves ed by hisses-for among the earliest who would gladly emancipate them lessons taught me by my mother was, if they could-but their poverty pre- next to the fear of God-not to fear cludes them from sending them away, the face of man. Mr. B. continued and the laws do not allow them to the discussion for some time in the remain free at home. Fifty thousand most happy vein, and among other per annum might be emancipated, if remarks, alluded to the fact, that the the means could be found to convey first founder of African Colonization them abroad. These are facts which, was Granville Sharp, at Sierra Leright or wrong in themselves, must one. He was supported by William be taken into the account, when test- Wilberforce, who at the close of life ing the question of Colonization. In the Abolitionists had attempted to regard to the influence of Coloniza- press into their service. But he too tion on the slave's interests, his free- was a strenuous advocate of Colonidom had been advanced by the ac- zation. tion of the Society. He regretted to find, yesterday, a youth from Kentucky, drawing his virgin blade to plunge it in the honor of his native State. He seemed like a fugitive from the ruins of Troy, recounting the perils he had escaped

quæque ipse misserrime vidi Et quorum pars magna fui. The South and West he described as a Sodom, which it was his duty

The resolution was adopted.

The Rev. Mr. Bethune, of Utica, next rose and submitted the following resolution:

Resolved, That this meeting regards the moral influence of the scheme of African Colonization, in promoting the voluntary and peaceful abolition of slavery, as among its chief advantages, and such as should commend it to the vigorous and persevering support of all the friends of the colored race.

After his arrival in town, he said,

where he expected to meet a friend tion has ever been regarded as the whom he had known for several seed of the church-and why do years, and whom he was anxious to they not go South of the Potomacmeet again, he was informed, to his sow the same seed-and watch for great grief and consternation, that he its fruits? It is not by extraneous was dead and buried-for that the fu- effort that emancipation can ever be neral obsequies of the American Colo- effected. We well know how the nization Society were attended yes- subject of slavery stands under the terday. But when I behold this nu- Constitution, and that it requires the merous audience, it seems as if there concurrence of two-thirds of the had been a resurrection-for it is a States to alter or amend it. collection of the most beautiful corpses I ever saw. They remind me of two lines of the poet:

On the cold cheek of death smiles and ro-
ses are blending,
And beauty immortal awakes from the


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Forth went the good lady to buy him a coffin,

And when she came back, she found him a-laughing.

If the whole North, therefore, were to unite to a man, in an attempt to alter the provisions of the Constitution on this subject, they could not effect it. Mr. B. dwelt at some length on the recklessness of those who were ready to jeopardize the Union, and that, too, for the accomplishment of an object that was utterly impracticable.

It took Granville Sharp and Wilberforce, and their philanthropic associates, forty years to accomplish, in the West Indies, what an Abolition print in this city has denominated the Triumph of Gradualism.'What hopes then are here, on their own principles, where no power can be exerted?

Mr. Bethune then proceeded to speak of his own satisfaction in After some further observations, preaching formerly among the slaves facetious and otherwise, Mr. B. pro- of the South, and of the great and ceeded to remark upon the attitude glorious efforts now making among assumed by the Abolitionists hostile men of the highest character in the to the Colonization Society. We remote South, to instruct the slaves would not depart, he said, from the in all the doctrines and duties of present system until they could show Christianity. He named the Rev. a better. They offer no plan by which to break the fetters of the slave. They talk much, and do nothing. They declaim loudly against the enormity of slavery-but too far off for their voice to be heard. Their declamation is all in the non-slaveholding States. But is this the way to produce a salutary effect in the South?

C. C. Jones of Georgia, as having under his pastoral care more than six thousand slaves. In all its relations, he deemed the Colonization Society worthy of the vigorous support of all the friends of the colored race.

The Rev. Mr. Plummer touched upon the causes which operated to create jealousies and dissentions between the South and the North.If you wish to convert England, They did not know each other, or would you preach to them in Scot- these jealousies and dissensions could land? When Paul sought to con- not exist. These causes were diververt the Romans, he did not remain sity of interests, geographical disin Judea, but he went to Rome-tinctions, the fact that bad specimens and why should not our Abolition- of northern character were exhibited ists follow the example? Persecu- at the South, and bad specimens of

He stated also, that when he was about to land near Cape Palmas, as many as three hundred children ran along the bank, and through the groves, as the vessel passed; their parents exceedingly anxious to have and gave them a hearty welcome. He found them taught; and in different villages he could with difficulty get away without giving the people, what they called "a book," some writing, "to show that he had promised to send them a teacher." Mr. W. contrasted the circumstances of the children before

southern character at the North. Hepared the way for the gospel to have free insisted we were brethren, and should course among the people. feel as brethren. On the subject of slavery, the South could not permit others than themselves to interfere. The good people of the South were anxiously and prayerfully engaged in improving the condition and raising the character of the people of colour. But they must look to the general safety and peace. Even a civil war would be better than a ser-him with those of the children whom he had vile one. He rejoiced in the firm belief that the influence of the Colonization Society allayed sectional jealousies and cemented the Union.

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lately seen in Africa; and endeavored thereby to excite in them gratitude to God, and a love for foreign missions.

The interesting report of this youthful Society, we expect to publish at another time.-Philadelphian.


Accounts of this expedition, up to the 5th of January, have been received. At that date, Lander was on board the Curlew ship of war, on his way to Cape Coast Castle for the purpose of procuring a particular species of goods for the markets in the interior, of which he had not previously taken a sufficient supply. If successful in this object, it was his intention to return to the mouth of the Nun: thence to re-ascend the Niger for the third time, and endeavor to penetrate as far up the river as Boussa. Previous to his last return to the coast, Lander and Lt. Allen had fortunately reached Rabbah, or Rabba, (a large Felatah town,) in the iron steam boat; and, for the space of thirteen or fourteen days, had maintained a friendly intercourse, and carried on an advantageous trade, with its inhabitants. The depth of the water at that place was between two and three fathoms, and as far as could be seen beyond it, the Niger was free from rocks and other obstructions, and assumed a majestic and very encouraging appearance.This important town is inhabited by Felatahs and negroes, and realizes the expectations that have been formed of it, as regards its extent, its wealth, and its population.


To the Am. Col. Society, in the month of April, 1834.
Gerrit Smith's first plan of subscription.

A few gentlemen near Oakhill, Fauquier county, Va.,

A friend in Virginia,

William Crane, Richmond,

Collections from Churches.

Chambersburg, Pa. Methodist Congregation, by Rev. Tobias Riley,
Monroe School-house, by Rev. D. Parker, Clermont county, Ohio,


do by do

Thomas Collard's subscription to African Repository, by do,

Auxiliary Societies.

Amherst, Massachusetts, by Hon. George Grennell,
Rockbridge, Female Society, by Mrs. Edmonia M. Preston,


for African Repository, from do,


Newton (Sussex county, N. J.) Library Company, by Thos. G. Rogerson,

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WHEN the Rev. JOHN B. PINNEY was appointed temporary Agent for the Colony at Liberia, the Board of Managers expected to make, very soon afterwards, a permanent appointment, and therefore particularly called Mr. PINNEY's attention to a few immediate subjects only. They hoped also to receive much aid in preparing suitable instructions, from the report which Mr. PINNEY would make, after arriving at the Colony, of the state of things there. In this hope, they have not been disappointed. After receiving Mr. PINNEY's letter, which was published in our April number, the Board elected that gentleman permanent Agent for the Colony; and by their order, the subjoined communications, which accompanied the transmittal of his commission, is now published.



Colonial Agent, &c.

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Rev. and Dear Sir:-In the absence of the Secretary, who has been for some weeks in the State of New York on business of the Society, I acknowledge the receipt of your letter to him under date of March 7. At the first meeting of the Board of Managers, after the arrival of this letter, it was submitted to them, and was received with lively satisfaction. I am instructed to communicate to you the following copies of three Resolutions adopted by the Board on the occasion referred to:

"1. Resolved, That the Rev. JOHN B. PINNEY be appointed the Agent of the American Colony at Liberia.

"2. Resolved, That a representation be made by this Board to the Board of Managers of the Western Foreign Missionary Society, stating to them that this Board have not succeeded in obtaining a suitable Agent for their Colony at Liberia, and that this Board earnestly request the permission of the Managers of said Missionary Society, that the Rev. JOHN B. PINNEY be authorized to accept the appointment of Colonial Agent of the American Colonization Society.

"3. Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to wait upon the Secretary of the Navy, and submit to his perusal the entire despatches this day received from the Colony of Liberia, and that the Committee respectfully request the Secretary that he appoint as the Government Agent, the Rev. JOHN B. PINNEY, the present Agent of the Society, for the time which he has acted, or may act, as Agent for this Society."

The proper means for effecting the purposes of the second and third of the foregoing resolutions, were promptly adopted. From the Managers of

the Western Foreign Missionary Society, no definitive answer has as yet been received; but it is hoped that one favourable to our wishes will arrive before this despatch shall have been closed. Herewith is transmitted a letter [marked A] from the Secretary of the Navy, appointing you the Agent of the Government at Liberia; but, for reasons stated in that communication, reducing your compensation from the United States to the sum of five hundred dollars. Those reasons being temporary in their nature, it is not improbable that a state of things may again exist, inducing the Government to restore the former salary paid by it: and therefore, and on account of the present pressure on the Colonization treasury, the Board have not made any specific arrangement to indemnify you for this unexpected diminution of the emoluments enjoyed by your predecessors. They will, however, be prepared at any time to do this, to whatever extent your interests may require, and their own ability may permit. Your compensation, meanwhile, from the Society, in addition to that from the United States, will be, as heretofore, eight hundred dollars a year, and your household ex'penses, from the period of your appointment as temporary Agent, until the first day of the present month; and from and after the last mentioned date, fourteen hundred dollars a year.

In the hope that you may determine to accept the offer of the Board, I herewith forward your Commission [marked B] as Agent of the American Colonization Society, resident in Liberia. In the expected contingency of a favourable response from the Board of Managers of the Western Foreign Missionary Society, the gratification of the wish of the Colonization Board will depend on your own consent. This, we trust, will not be withheld.The administration of Colonial affairs is proposed to be confided to you, under a deep conviction felt by our Board, that such a proceeding is better calculated than any other within their election, to advance the welfare of the Colony, and those high interests, religious and social, which are closely, though collaterally, connected with the scheme of which they are the organ. It is not doubted that you justly estimate the weighty considerations inviting you to the path of usefulness now indicated.

The general duties of Colonial Agent may be inferred from the "Constitution for the Government of the African Colony at Liberia," and "the Plan of Civil Government for the Colony of Liberia" contained in page 21-26 of the Seventeenth Annual Report of the Society, in the appendix to that Report, which is herewith transmitted to you. The fourth resolution of the Board, adopted on the 30th of January, 1834, and there published, has been since, in order to avoid the possibility of misconstruction, amended so as to read thus:

"4. Resolved, That from and after the first day of August next, the Colonial Agent, Physician, Assistant Physician, Colonial Secretary, and Storekeeper, only, shall derive support from the Society, that such support shall consist exclusively of the salaries here inafter mentioned; and such officers as the Colonial Council may deem necessary, shall be paid out of the funds raised in the Colony; and that from and after the first day of May next, the following salaries be allowed the said officers respectively, in full compensation for their services-that is to say,

"For the Agent, in addition to the amount allowed by the Government of the United States,

For the Physician,

For the Colonial Secretary,

For the Storekeeper,





The powers vested in the Colonial Agent are necessarily large, and though they may be occasionally abridged, as the Colony approximates to a capacity for self-government, will probably remain considerable during the continuance of its present relations to the Society. The confidence felt by the Board in your firmness and discretion, makes unnecessary any special suggestions to you, in this communication, as to the manner of exercising those powers.

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