Book Frans, '['Crown Copyright Reserved. HERTSLET'S COMMERCIAL TREATIES. LAWS, DECREES, ORDERS IN COUNCIL, &c., CONCERNING THE SAME, SO FAR AS THEY RELATE TO COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION, SLAVERY, EXTRADITION AND TO THE PRIVILEGES AND INTERESTS OF THE SUBJECTS OF THE COMPILED FROM AUTHENTIC DOCUMENTS AND EDITED BY EDWARD PARKES, Esq., AND W. L. BERROW, Esq., I.S.O., OF THE FOREIGN OFFICE. VOL. XXVII. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. To be purchased through any Bookseller or directly from IMPERIAL HOUSE, KINGSWAY, LONDON, W.C., and 23, ABINGDON STREET, LONDON, S.W; or from E. PONSONBY, LTD., 116, GRAFTON STREET, Dublin; or from the Agencies in the British Colonies and Dependencies, 1917. Price Fifteen Shillings Net. Goth. (Cont.) 2 vols. 8-11-1922 میلو N.B.-Although assistance is given towards this compilation from public funds, on the ground of its general utility, it must be understood that it is not an official publication, and that the Editors are responsible for its contents. LIST OF VOLUMES. COMPILED BY LEWIS HERTSLET, ESQ. Vols. I to XI.............. Published 1820 to 1864 COMPILED BY SIR EDWARD HERTSLET, K.C.B. Vol. XII (with INDEX OF SUBJECTS, Vols. I to XII)......... Published 1872 ,, XIII (with CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX, Vols. I to XIII).. . XIV ..... XV (with CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX to Vols. XIV and XV) COMPILED BY SIR EDWARD HERTSLET, K.C.B. WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF SIR CECIL HERTSLET. 1885 Vol. XVII (with CHRONOLOGICAL and ANALYTICAL INDEX).... Published 1890 WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF FREDK. H. T. STREATFEILD, ESQ. Vol. XX (with CHRONOLOGICAL and ANALYTICAL INDEX)..... Published 1898 COMPILED BY SIR AUGUSTUS H. OAKES, C.B., WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF RICHARD W. BRANT, ESQ., C.M.G. Vol. XXI (with CHRONOLOGICAL and ANALYTICAL INDEX).... Published 1901 XXII GENERAL INDEX, arranged in order of Countries and Subjects, Vols. I to XXI ...... ........ „XXIII (with CHRONOLOGICAL and ANALYTICAL INDEX).... COMPILED BY RICHARD W. BRANT, ESQ., C.M.G., WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF GODFREY E. P. HERTSLET, ESQ. Vol. XXIV (with CHRONOLOGICAL and ANALYTICAL INDEX).... Published 1907 XXV COMPILED BY GODFREY E. P. HERTSLET, ESQ., 1910 WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF EDWARD PARKES, ESQ. Vol. XXVI (with CHRONOLOGICAL and ANALYTICAL INDEX).... Published 1913 VOL. XXVII. 404980 a 2 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. Notice. Existence of a State of War between Great Britain and Austria-Hungary. London, 12th August, 1914...... 56 Proclamation. Extending to Austria-Hungary Proclamations and an Order in Council connected with the War. London, 12th August, 1914...... Order in Council. Extending British Prize Court Jurisdiction to Austro-Hungarian Ships, &c. London, 20th August, 1914...... Notice. Contraband of War. German and Austro-Hungarian Lists. 57 58 London, 16th September, 1914...... 255 Notice. Capture and Detention, &c., of Austro-Hungarian Vessels clearing before the Declaration of War. London, 31st October, 1914...... 61 Regulations. Naval Prize Courts. 28th November, 1914...... 62 Notice. Contraband of War. Austro-Hungarian List. 66 BELGIUM. Law. Belgian Nationality. Laeken, 26th May, 1914...... 69 Order in Council. Applying Part 2 of British Medical Act, 1886. London, 7th January, 1915...... 70 |