Woodhead, G. Sims, professor of pathology, Lieut.Col. R.A.M.C. Wright, C. S., lecturer in surveying and cartography, 2nd Lieut. Royal Engineers. CARDIFF TECHNICAL SCHOOL. Collier, R. H., teacher of motor-car engineering (elementary), Lieut. Royal Flying Corps. Korner, L. J., teacher of oxy-acetylene welding and metal cutting, mechanic Royal Flying Corps. Thain, T. E., teacher of marine engineering, Lieut. Royal Engineers. Wiltshire, C. J., assistant-teacher of theoretical mathematics ii., private Royal Army Medical Corps. CHELMSFORD: EAST ANGLIAN INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURE. Hunter Smith, J., agriculturist, private London Scottish, 2nd Batt. Taylor, E. McK., analyst and lecturer in chemistry, Lieut. 5th Essex (T.F.). CHESHIRE HOLMES CHAPEL COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE. Gadd, C. H., lecturer in biology, Lance-Corporal Public School Batt. Royal Fusiliers. Mansfield, W. S., soil chemist, Lieut. 5th Dragoon Guards. Smith, F. Y., assistant in biology, 2nd Lieut. Royal Field Artillery. Steele, D., assistant in agriculture, Lieut. Denbigh Hussars. CIRENCESTER ROYAL AGRICULTURAL College. Duncan, A. C., prof. of vet. sci. and bac., Lieut. attached 1st Regt. Royal Glos. Regt. Hopkinson, A. D., lecturer in forestry, 2nd Lieut. 4th Batt. Gordon Highlanders (twice wounded). Kershaw, M., lect. in physics and asst. lect. in chemistry, 2nd Lieut. Special Reserve (Glos. Regt.). Saunders, C. B., lecturer in botany, 2nd Lieut. 9th Batt. the Buffs. CORK UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. Cummins, Dr. H. A., professor of botany and agriculture, Major. Harper, E. H., professor of applied mathematics, Lieut. Magner, W., demonstrator in pathology, Lieut. R.A.M.C. Pearson, C. B., demonstrator in surgery, Lieut. R.A.M.C. COVENTRY: MUNICIPAL TECHNICAL INSTITUTE. Morris, F., teacher of engineering, Lieut. Army Ordnance Corps. CROYDON: POLYTECHNIC. Baillie, Dr. T. C., principal, Lieut. Royal Garrison Artillery. Price, E. C., instructor in wireless telegraphy, Sergt.- EDINBURGH: EDINBURGH AND EAST OF SCOTLAND Bain, Dr. D., assistant-lecturer in chemistry, Sergt. Gray, M. W., research assistant in chemistry, 2nd Lieut. Scottish Horse. Macpherson, A., assistant-lecturer in biology, trooper Lothians and Border Horse. Steele, J. T., county lecturer in agriculture, 2nd Lieut. Scottish Horse. Walker, J., assistant county lecturer in agriculture, Corpl. Lothians and Border Horse. Wilson, A. F., county lecturer in agriculture, 2nd Lieut. Army Service Corps. EDINBURGH HERIOT-WATT COLLEGE. Aitken, J. E., lecturer on paper manufacture, Capt. Royal Scots. Bennet, G., demonstrator, mechanical engineering department, first-grade mechanic, R.N.A.S. Malpas, T. G., assistant-lecturer in physics department, Lieut. 14th Royal Scots. O'Connor, H., lecturer on gas manufacture and gas supply, Lieut.-Col. Royal Garrison Artillery (T.F.). Ogilvie, A., lecturer on electrical wiring, Major Royal Engineers (T.F.). White, J. L., lecturer on mechanics and mathematics, Private 'Lothians and Border Horse. Horne, R. J. M., assistant in physiology, Major Forth Royal Garrison Artillery. Lyon, D. M., assistant in pathology, Lieut. R.A.M.C., 5th Cavalry Field Ambulance. Mackenzie, Dr. J. E., lecturer in chemistry, Major Artillery Unit O.T.C., and Adjutant of Corps. Mackie, John, assistant in natural philosophy, 2nd Lieut. 8th Royal Scots. Mitchell, W. M., assistant in comparative anatomy, Lieut. Royal Army Veterinary Corps. Todd, J. B., lecturer in engineering, Capt. Artillery Unit O.T.C. Watson, J. A. S., lecturer in agriculture, QuarterMaster-Sergeant, Lothians and Border Horse. Exeter University College. Jervis, W. W., lecturer on mathematics and geography, 2nd Lieut. 4th Devon Regiment. GLASGOW ROYAL TECHNICAL COLLEGE. Agnew, J. W., lecturer in chemistry, 2nd Lieut. Highland Light Infantry (killed in action). Bourdon, E., professor of architectural design, StaffCapt. in French Army. Burns, W. S., demonstrator in natural philosophy, 2nd Lieut. R.E. Crawford, C. ML., technical instructor, mechanic Royal Naval Air Service. Duncan, T. B., assistant-lecturer and demonstrator in natural philosophy, 2nd Lieut. Scottish Rifles. Ellis, A., lecturer in navigation, Lieut. R.N.M.B.R. (drowned on service). Fraser, H., assistant-lecturer and demonstrator in mechanics, 2nd Lieut. South Wales Borderers. Gardham, H. C., lecturer in mechanics, Lieut. Royal Field Artillery. Gray, W. C., lecturer in metallurgy, 2nd Lieut. Highland Light Infantry. Hardie, A. G., lecturer in tanning, trooper Lothian and Border Horse. Heilbron, I. M., lecturer in chemistry, Capt. A.S.C. Hossack, J. M., technical instructor, Company Quarter-Master-Sergeant H.L.I. King, L. A. L., lecturer in zoology, Lieut. Royal Field Macdonald, A., signalling instructor, Chief Yeoman A.. lecturer in navigation, Lieut. M'Lellan, R. S., lecturer in navigation, Sub-Lieut. R.N.R. O'Connor, H., lecturer in gas engineering, Lieut.-Col. Royal Garrison Artillery. Agar, Dr. W. E., lecturer in zoology, Capt. and Adjt. 5th (Reserve) H.L.I. Drummond, J. M. F., lecturer in botany, Cadet Inns of Court O.T.C. Dunkerly, J. S., lecturer in protozoology, 2nd Lieut. 12th Scottish Rifles (Cameronians). Ferguson, D. R., assistant in engineering, private Royal Engineers. GLASGOW WEST OF SCOTLAND AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Fraser, J., lecturer on forestry and forest botany, private Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Gilliland, T., assistant at Dairy School, trooper Scottish Horse. King, L. A. L., lecturer in zoology, Lieut. Royal Field Artillery. Kirkpatrick, W., junior assistant in agriculture, Corpl. Scottish Horse. Kirkwood, J., assistant extension lecturer, despatch rider. Malcolm, J. F., lecturer on bacteriology, Lieut. Royal Field Artillery. McCall, J. R., professor and lecturer on veterinary science, Lieut. Royal Field Artillery. Murray, A., extension lecturer, 'Lieut. Scottish Horse. M'William, P.A., extension lecturer, Quarter-MasterSergt. Ayrshire Yeomanry. Perry, B. P., assistant in horticultural department, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Rifles. Smith, J. W., assistant-superintendent, Experiment Station, Sergt. Ayrshire Yeomanry. GLOUCESTER TECHNICAL SCHOOL. Lewin, K. R., protozoologist, 2nd Lieut. in Army. MacLennan, K., bacteriologist, Lieut. in Army. Martin, C. H., voluntary worker in protozoology, Lt. in Army (killed in action near Ypres on May 3). HUDDERSFIELD: TECHNICAL COLLEGE. Tetley, E. W., assistant-lecturer in weaving and designing, Lance-Corpl. HULL MUNICIPAL TECHNICAL COLLEGE. Dennis, W. E., demonstrator in physics department, 2nd Lieut. 9th East Yorks. Wolff, L., assistant-lecturer in chemistry, private in East Riding Yeomanry. LANCASTER: STOREY INSTITUTE. Ewan, R. F., lecturer in pure mathematics, Corpl. 5th King's Own Lancaster Regiment. Forshaw, W. S., lecturer in physics, Lieut. Manchester Regiment. Irving, R., lecturer in practical mathematics and engineering drawing, pte, 5th King's Own Lanes. LIVERPOOL UNIVERSITY. Allmand, A. J., assistant-lecturer in chemistry, 2nd Burfield, S. T., assistant-lecturer in zoology, 2nd Newberry, P. E., professor of archæology, special war service. Brown, A. D., teacher of physics and applied Newstead, R., professor of entomology, special sanimechanics, Sergt. HALIFAX: MUNICIPAL TECHNICAL COLLege. Blakey, E. V., assistant, chemistry department, 2nd Lieut. 3rd West Riding. Park, H. E., laboratory assistant, electrical engineering department, private, Electrical Section, R.E. Platt, B., assistant in mathematical department, 2nd Lieut. Royal Engineers. tation work in France. Turnbull, G. H., assistant-lecturer in education, 10th Scottish Batt. the King's Liverpool Regiment. Yorke, W., professor of parasitology, special Government work. LONDON: ALDGATE, E.C., THE SIR JOHN CASS TECHNICAL INSTITUTE. Ramsden, É., assistant, mechanical engineering de- Abbot, H., lecturer on fermentation industries, 2nd partment, 2nd Lieut. Sadd, J. A., head of civil and mechanical engineering department, private in Sanitary Corps. Smith, E. W., head of chemistry department, private in Sanitary Corps. HANDSWORTH TECHNICAL SCHOOL. Hilbourne, G. W., lecturer in mathematics, Lieut. in Army. Vallance, R. F., lecturer in chemistry, private in Army. HARPENDEN THE ROTHAMSTED LABORATORY. Bowden, A. H., laboratory assistant, private in Army. Clayton, J., bacteriologist, Lieut. in Army. Daish, A. J., organic chemist, Lieut. in Army (wounded on May 16). Gregory, E. H., voluntary assistant on Demonstration Farm, 2nd Lieut. attached 3rd Suffolk Regiment. Keen, B. A., soil physicist, 2nd Lieut. in Army. Lawrence, G., laboratory assistant, Sergt. in Army. Lieut. Royal Field Artillery. Hill, S. E., assistant-teacher of physics, 20th Batt. County of London (rank unknown). Kibble, A. W., lecturer on the fermentation industries, Sergt. Artists' Rifles. LONDON BATTERSEA POLYTECNIC. Brill, D., mechanical engineering workshop assistant, private. Curnock, W. E. M., head of department of mechanical and civil engineering, Lieut. in Army. Godsmark, A. E., electrical engineering steward, pri vate. Hall, H. H., chemistry steward, private. LONDON L.C.C. BEAUFOY TECHNICAL INSTITUTE. Mitchell, J., lecturer on applied mechanics, sapper Royal Garrison Artillery. LONDON BOROUGH POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE. 'LONDON: NEW CROSS, GOLDSMITHS' College. Chapman, E. H., assistant-lecturer in mathematical | Fitzgerald, E., science lecturer, Capt. 20th County of department, special meteorological work. Cooper, W. N., assistant-lecturer in engineering department, 2nd Lieut. the Buffs. LONDON BRIXTON, L.C.C. SCHOOL OF BUILDING. Bull, W. J. H., assistant science teacher, 2nd Lieut. North Staffordshire Regiment, R.M.C., Woolwich. Freeman, R. L., teacher of quantity and land surveying, Staff-Sergt.-Major, Army Service Corps. Murrell, H. F., teacher (assistant) of architecture, Lieut. Artists' Rifles (28th County of London). LONDON: CHELSEA, SOUTH-WESTERN POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE. Nicholas, T. C., lecturer in geology (at Alexandria engaged in map drawing). Scott, J. M., lecturer in building construction and drawing, London Scottish. LONDON EAST LONDON COLLEGE (UNIVERSITY OF LONDON). Cannan, R. K., demonstrator in chemical department, 2nd Lieut. (wounded at Hill 60). Lamb, E. H., University professor of civil and mechanical engineering, Lieut. Royal Marines. Thurston, Dr. A. P., lecturer, aeronautical department, private London Electricals (Royal Engineers). LONDON: GREENWICH, ROYAL OBSERVATORY. Baldwin, G. C., computer, private. Burkett, W. W., junior assistant, Lieut. Divers, S. T., computer, Quarter-Master-Sergt. Lambert, W. A., computer, private. Percival, W. G., computer, private. LONDON HACKNEY, L.C.C. INSTITUTE. LONDON: KING'S COllege. Boyd, Dr. S., lecturer in applied anatomy, 2nd Lieut. Ř.A.M.C. (T.F.). Brown, Dr. Wm., reader in psychology, Lieut. 17th General Hospital, 29th Div. B. Med. Exp. Force. Capper, D. S., professor of engineering, Lieut.-Col. Commanding University O.T.C. Charles, Rhys, lecturer in public health, Lieut.-Col. 2nd City of London Royal Fusiliers. de Souza, Dr. D. H., lecturer in physiology, Capt. R.A.M.C., 4th London General Hospital. Dixon, Dr. W. E., professor of pharmacology, special service. Hare, Dr. J. Gilbert, demonstrator in bacteriology, Red Cross Hospital. Morrell, W. P., tutor in mathematics, 'Lance-Corpl. 13th Batt. Yorks. and Lancs. Wright, T., demonstrator in chemistry, 2nd Lieut. 3rd Royal Berks. (killed in action). London Regiment. LONDON NORTHAMPTON POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE. Barlow, E., demonstrator, electrical engineering department, Sapper R.N. Division, Engineers. Boraston, C. A., demonstrator, electrical engineering department, 2nd Lieut. Divisional Engineers. Hayes, M. E., assistant, mechanical engineering department, private 4th Royal Fusiliers. Parnell, A. P., demonstrator, technical optics department, private 10th Royal Fusiliers. Simmons, G. S., assistant, technical optics department, private 7th Middlesex. Ware, W. J. K., assistant, technical chemistry department, private 4th West Surrey. LONDON NORTHERN POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE. LONDON NORWOOD, L.C.C. TECHNICAL INSTITUTE. Brown, W., lecturer in physics, Lieut. Clarke, R. Balfour, demonstrator in engineering, 2nd Lieut. Army Service Corps. Dearing, C., lecturer in physics and botany, private 'London Rifle Brigade. Fenning, R. W., lecturer in engineering, 2nd Lieut. Artists' Rifles. Freeman, R. L., lecturer in surveying, 2nd Lieut. Royal Engineers. Hough, H. W., laboratory assistant, electrical engineering and physics dept., sapper R.E. (Elec.). Morrow, H. E., lecturer in engineering, 'Lieut. Royal Naval Division. Norman, H., instructor in electrical engineering, mechanic, Royal Engineers (Elec.). Purser, W., instructor in engineering, Sergt. Royal Engineers. Snell, A., demonstrator in engineering, mechanic, Royal Engineers. LONDON: POPLAR, L.C.C. SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND NAVIGATION. Enness, F. C., chemical laboratory assistant, private Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. Gordon, D., pattern-making instructor, Lieut. Royal Naval Aircraft Service. Palmer, F. E., drawing office assistant, sapper Royal Engineers Unit Royal Naval Division. Pull, E., engineering workshop instructor, Warrant Engineer, Royal Navy. Steele, J. E., naval architecture lecturer, Lieut. Royal Naval Aircraft Service. Walker, C. A., engineering workship instructor, sapper Royal Engineers Unit Royal Naval Division. Witney, A. H., navigation teacher, Corpl. Royal Field Artillery. LONDON: ROYAL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY'S LABORA TORY. Page, H. J., chemist, Lieut. Royal Artillery. LONDON SOUTH KENSINGTON, CITY AND GUILDS (ENGINEERING) College. Box, R. L., assistant demonstrator in mechanical engineering, Lance-Corpl., London Elec. Engineers. Dickson, T. W., lecturer in mathematics and mechanics, 2nd Lieut. Jersey Militia. Fields-Clarke, P. C. E., assistant-demonstrator in civil eng. and surveying, 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lancs Regt. Hall, A. H., assistant-demonstrator in electrical engineering, Capt. Essex Regiment. Hatfield, M. B., assistant-demonstrator in mechanical engineering, private Seaforth Highlanders. Haworth, H. F., demonstrator in electrical engineering, Lieut. London Electrical Engineers (T.F.). Klugh, H., assistant-professor in mechanics and mathematics, Sub-Lieut. R.N.V.R. Newton, K., demonstrator in mechanical engineering, 2nd Lieut. Royal Garrison Artillery. Pottle, A. E., assistant-demonstrator in electrical engineering, private Hampshire Regiment. LONDON: UNIVERSITY COllege. Aveling, Rev. F., lecturer in synthetic psychology, Chaplain, 55th Division. Crymble, Dr. C. R., demonstrator in chemistry, assistant chemical physiology, 'Lieut. 3rd R. I. Fusiliers. Derry, D. E., demonstrator in anatomy, lecturer in physical anthropology, Lieut. R.A.M.Č. Filon, Prof. L. N. G., prof. of app. maths. and mech., Maj. 2nd Batt. 4th City of London Regt., R.F. Foulerton, A. R. G., lecturer, hygiene and public health, Capt. R.A.M.C. (Sanitation Commission). Goodbody, Dr. F. W., asst. prof. path. chemistry, Capt. R.A.M.C., attached 28th Co. of London Regt. Purser, J. W., assistant-professor of civil engineering Green, C. M., assistant in botany, 2nd Lieut. Royal and surveying, Sub-Lieut. R.N.V.R. Sproull, A. W., assistant-demonstrator in civil engineering and surveying, 2nd. Lieut. 127th Field Co., R.E. Tapster, A. G., assistant-demonstrator in mechanical eng. private, 2nd Batt. 13th Co. of London Regt. Whittaker, H., lecturer in mechanical engineering, 2nd Lieut. Royal Engineers. LONDON SOUTH KENSINGTON, ROYAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE. Curtis, W. E., demonstrator in physics, sapper Royal Naval Engineers. Finch, G., demonstrator in chemical technology, 2nd Lieut. Royal Garrison Artillery. Fox, H. M., lecturer in biology, 2nd Lieut. Army Service Corps. Gibbs, I. R., assistant-demonstrator in chemistry, 1st Jones, B. M., assistant-professor in chemistry, 1st LONDON SOUTH KENSINGTON, ROYAL SCHOOL OF Chapple, H. M., demonstrator in metallurgy, Motor Holman, B. W., demonstrator in mining, 2nd Lieut. Merrett, W. H., assistant-professor in metallurgy, Capt. London Electrical Engineers. LONDON SOUTH KENSINGTON, NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM. Austen, E. E., assistant, Capt. 28th (Artists' Rifles) London Regt. (attached to Army Sanitary Corps). Blair, K. G., assistant, private 4th Seaforth High landers. Dollman, J. G., assistant, private Inns of Court Officers Training Corps. Edwards, W. N., assistant, private R.A.M.C., 3rd East Anglian Field Ambulance. Riley, N. D., assistant, Lieut. Army Service Corps. Stammwitz, P., taxidermist, trooper 1st County of Lon- Treatt, C. C., assistant, Lieut. Royal Army Flying Wernham, H. F., assistant, private 28th (Artists' Rifles) London Regiment. Sussex Regiment (wounded). Gunn, J. W. C., assistant, pharmacology, Lieut. R.A.M.C. Hill, T. G., reader in plant physiology, Capt.-Adjt. University of London O.T.C. Jameson, Dr. W. W., assistant and lecturer, hygiene Spearman, Prof. C., Grote professor of philosophy of LONDON: WEST HAM TECHNICAL INSTITUTE. Clarke, F. C., lecturer in mathematics, Capt. London Electrical Engineers. Cresswell, W. T., lecturer in building construction and quantities, Major R.E. Martin, L. C., assistant-lecturer in physics department, private R.N.D., Deal Batt. Miller, C. P., demonstrator, civil and mechanical engineer. dept., 2nd Lieut. York. and Lancs. Regt. LONDON: WESTMINSTER, L.C.C. TECHNICAL INSTITUTE. Benslyn, W. T., architectural department, sapper Bevis, J., gas engineering department, Corpl. Cyclist Gough, H. J., civil engineering department (rank unknown). Webster, F. C., architectural department, Pioneer Sergt. London Scottish. LONDON: WOOLWICH POLYTECHNIC. Barry, P. L., chemical laboratory steward, rifleman (Q.V.R.). Dunger, H. C. physical laboratory steward and instru- Frier, G. D., engineering laboratory attendant, private 20th London Regiment. Honeybourne, H. C., assistant-teacher, physics, Capt. 20th London Regiment. Little, E., lecturer in mathematics, Capt. Army Service Corps. Otto, C. A., woodwork instructor and pattern-maker, sapper Royal Engineers. LOUGHBOROUGH TECHNICAL INSTITUTE. Dyche-Teague, D. R., lecturer in machine construction, engineer-artificer in Navy. Harris, J. W., lecturer in chemistry, 2nd Lieut. Yorks and Lancs. King, J., lecturer in chemistry, 2nd Lieut. Yorks and Lancs. MANCHESTER SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY. Gamble, C. W., director of photography and printing crafts department, Lieut. Royal Naval Volun. Res. Hoyle, B., demonstrator in the school of technology, Lance-Corpl. Royal Engineers. Lees, S., reader in applied thermodynamics, Eng. Lieut. Royal Navy. Wilson, S. P., demonstrator in the sch. of tech., 2nd Lieut. 10th (Service) Batt. South Lancs. Regt. MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY. Cook, G., junior demonstrator in engineering, 2nd Lieut. Royal Garrison Artillery. Edgar, E. Č., senior lecturer in chemistry, 2nd Lieut. Manchester Univ. O.T.C. (Unattached List T.F.). Florance, D. C. H., lecturer and demonstrator in physics, 2nd Lieut. 16th Div. Royal Field Artillery. Holland, Sir T. H., prof. of geol., C.O. of Manchester Univ. O.T.C., Major (Unattached List, T.F.). Jones, W. J., assistant-lecturer and demonstrator in chem., 2nd. Lieut. 12th (S.) Batt. Royal Welsh Fus. Partington, J. R., assist.-lect. and demon. in chem., 2nd Lieut. 12th (S.) Batt. Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Pring, J. A., demonstrator in electro-chemistry, Lieut. 8th (S.) Batt. Royal Fusiliers. Robinson, H., lecturer and demonstrator in physics, 2nd Lieut. Royal Garrison Artillery. Wardle, R. A., lecturer in economic zoology, private, Public Schools and Univ. Corps, Royal Fusiliers. NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE: ARMSTRONG College. Gallon, J., prize demonstrator in mining, etc., 2nd Lieut. Buxton, L. H. D., demonstrator in physical anthro- Dodds-Parker, A. P., Litchfield lecturer in surgery, Douglas, J. A., demonstrator in geology, 2nd Lieut. 3rd Gordon Highlanders. Dreyer, G., professor of pathology, hon. consulting R.A.M.C. Gill, W. B., demonstrator in physics, Lieut. R.G.A. Gunn, J. A., reader in pharmacology, Lieut. R.A.M.C. Hasell, E. W., demonstrator in rural economy, Lieut. Westmorland and Cumberland Yeomanry. Jenkin, C. F., professor of engineering science, Lieut. R.N.V.R. (Air Service). Jenkinson, Dr. J. W., lecturer in embryology, Capt. 12th Worcesters, attached 2nd Roy. Dub. Fusiliers (killed in action at Dardanelles, June 4, 1915). Ogilvie, A. G., demonstrator in geography, Lieut. 7th London Brigade, Royal Field Artillery. Osler, Sir W., regius prof. of medicine, Hon. Col. S. Midland Division R.A.M.C. Smith, G. W., demonstrator in comparative anatomy, Capt. 13th Rifle Brigade. Tizard, H. T., demonstrator in physics, 2nd Lieut. Royal Garrison Artillery, attached R.F.C. Townsend, J. S. E., Wykeham professor of physics, Lieut. R.N.V.R. (Air Service). Walker, Dr. E. W. A., lecturer in pathology, hon. consulting pathologist, 3rd Southern Gen. Hospital. PLYMOUTH TECHNICAL SCHOOL. Riley, T. N., lecturer in electrical engineering, Lieut. Naval Division (Engineers). PORTSMOUTH MUNICIPAL College. Davies, H., head of mathematical physics and elecGrant, L., demonstrator in physics, sapper, Hampshire trical engineering department, Capt. Royal Eng. Fortress, Royal Engineers. Howes, A., lecturer in mathematics, Sergt.-Instructor 12th Batt. Essex Regiment. Kerrison, A. V., lecturer in mathematics and physics, 2nd Lieut. Royal Garrison Artillery. Lineham, E., lecturer in mathematics, private MechanMaltby, O. B., lecturer in engineering, Lieut. Border ical Transport, Army Service Corps. Regiment. READING UNIVERSITY College. Auld, S. J. M., professor of agricultural chemistry, Bartlett, H. J., lecturer in geography, Sergt. 2nd Lieut. 4th Batt. Royal Berks. South Midland Brigade, Army Service Corps. Carter, R. H., agricultural analyst, private 1st London (City of London) Sanitary Company, R.A.M.C. Cole, F. J., professor of zoology, 2nd Lieut. O.T.C. Golding, J., research chemist in dairying, Lieut. R.A.M.C. Hart-Synnot, R. V. O., dean of agriculture, Capt. 2nd Batt. (Royal Guernsey) Channel Islands Militia. Hitchins, W. W., lecturer in building construction and surveying, sapper. Lewin, R. R., lecturer in agricultural botany, 2nd |