Slike strani

Article XVI.

The two Governments shall make adequate provision by future agreement for the pursuit, capture, imprisonment, detention and delivery within said zone and auxiliary lands to the authorities of the Republic of Panama of persons charged with the commitment of crimes, felonies or misdemeanors without said zone and for the pursuit, capture, imprisonment, detention and delivery without said zone to the authorities of the United States of persons charged with the commitment of crimes, felonies and misdemeanors within said zone and auxiliary lands.

Article XVII.

The Republic of Panama grants to the United States the use of all the ports of the Republic open to commerce as places of refuge for any vessels employed in the Canal enterprise, and for all vessels passing or bound to pass through the Canal which may be in distress and be driven to seek refuge in said ports. Such vessels shall be exempt from anchorage and tonnage dues on the part of the Republic of Panama.

Article XVIII.

The Canal, when constructed, and the entrances thereto shall be neutral in perpetuity, and shall be opened upon the terms provided for by Section I of Article three of, and in conformity with all the stipulations of, the treaty entered into by the Governments of the United States and Great Britain on November 18, 1901.

Article XIX.

The Government of the Republic of Panama shall have the right to transport over the Canal its vessels and its troops and munitions of war in such vessels at all times without paying charges of any kind. The exemption is to be extended to the auxiliary railway for the transportation of persons in the service of the Republic of Panama, or of the police force charged with the preservation of public order outside of said zone, as well as to their baggage, munitions of war and supplies.

Article XX.

If by virtue of any existing treaty in relation to the territory of the Isthmus of Panama, whereof the obligations shall descend or be assumed by the Republic of Panama, there may be any privilege or concession in favor of the Government or the citizens and subjects of a third power relative to an interoceanic means of communication which in any

of its terms may be incompatible with the terms of the present convention, the Republic of Panama agrees to cancel or modify such treaty in due from, for which purpose it shall give to the said third power the requisite notification within the term of four months from the date of the present convention, and in case the existing treaty contains no clause permitting its modifications or annulment, the Republic of Panama agrees to procure its modification or annulment in such form that there shall not exist any conflict with the stipulations of the present convention.

Article XXI.

The rights and privileges granted by the Republic of Panama to the United States in the preceding Articles are understood to be free of all anterior debts, liens, trusts, or liabilities, or concessions or privileges to other Governments, corporations, syndicates or individuals, and consequently, if there should arise any claims on account of the present concessions and privileges or otherwise, the claimants shall resort to the Government of the Republic of Panama and not to the United States for any indemnity or compromise which may be required.

Article XXII.

The Republic of Panama ronounces and grants to the United States the participation to which it might be entitled in the future earnings of the Canal under Article XV of the concessionary contract with Lucien N. B. Wyse now owned by the New Panama Canal Company and any and all other rights or claims of a pecuniary nature arising under or relating to said concession, or arising under or relating to the concessions to the Panama Railroad Company or any extension or modification thereof; and it likewise renounces, confirms and grants to the United States, now and hereafter, all the rights and property reserved in the said concessions which otherwise would belong to Panama at or before the expiration of the terms of ninety-nine years of the concessions granted to or held by the above mentioned party and companies, and all right, title and interest which it now has or may hereafter have, in and to the lands, canal, works, property and rights held by the said companies under said concessions or otherwise, and acquired or to be acquired by the United States from or through the New Panama Canal Company, including any property and rights which might or may in the future either by lapse of time, forfeiture or otherwise, revert to the Republic of Panama under any contracts or concessions, with said Wyse, the Universal Panama Canal Company, the Panama Railroad Company and the New Panama

Staatsarchiv LXIX.


Canal Company. || The aforesaid rights and property shall be and are free and released from any present or reversionary interests in or claims of Panama and the title of the United States thereto upon consummation. of the contemplated purchase by the United States from the New Panama Canal Company, shall be absolute, so far as concerns the Republic of Panama, excepting always the rights of the Republic specifically secured under this treaty.

Article XXIII.

If it should become necessary at any time to employ armed forces for the safety or protection of the Canal, or of the ships that make use of the same, or the railways and auxiliary works, the United States shall have the right, at all times and in its discretion, to use its police and its land and naval forces or to establish fortifications for these purposes.

Article XXIV.

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No change either in the Government or in the laws and treaties of the Republic of Panama shall, without the consent of the United States, affect any right of the United States under the present convention, or under any treaty stipulation between the two countries that now exists or may hereafter exist touching to subject matter of this convention. If the Republic of Panama shall hereafter enter as a constituent into any other Government or into any union or confederation of states, SO as to merge her sovereignty or independence in such Government, union or confederation, the rights of the United States under this convention shall not be in any respect lessened or impaired.

Article XXV.

For the better performance of the engagements of this convention and to the end of the efficient protection of the Canal and the preservation of its neutrality, the Government of the Republic of Panama will sell or lease to the United States lands adequate and necessary for naval or coaling stations on the Pacific coat and on the western Caribbean coast of the Republic at certain points to be agreed upon with the President of the United States.

Article XXVI.

This convention when signed by the Plenipotentiaries of the Contracting Parties shall be ratified by the respective Governments and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Washington at the earliest date possible.

In faith whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the present convention in duplicate and have hereunto affixed their respective seals.

Done at the City of Washington the 18th day of November in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and three.

[seal] John Hay
[seal] P. Bunau Varilla.

And whereas the said Convention has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratifications of the two governments were exchanged in the City of Washington, on the twenty-sixth day of February, one thousand nine hundred and four;

Now, therefore, be it known that I, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Convention to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof, may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof.

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States of America to be affixed.

Done at the City of Washington, this twenty-sixth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and four, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-eighth. [seal] Theodore Roosevelt

By the President:

John Hay, Secretary of State.



27. März 1896.

Habiendo sido aceptada la mediación del Gobierno de El Salvador por los Excelentísimos señores Presidentes de Costa Rica y Nicaragua para arreglar el trazo de la línea divisoria de las dos Repúblicas, han nombrado, respectivamente, Enviados Extraordinarios y Ministros Plenipotenciarios, á sus Excelencias los señores Licenciados don Leonidas Pacheco y don Manuel C. Matus, quienes, después de varias conferencias tenidas en presencia del señor Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Doctor don Jacinto Castellanos, autorizado especialmente para representar al Gobierno de El Salvador, encontrándose en buena y debida forma sus Plenos Poderes, y con asistencia del Excelentísimo señor Presidente de la República. General don Rafael A. Gutiérrez, quien ha tenido la deferencia

de concurrir, para dar mayor solemnidad al acto, han celebrado el siguiente Convenio.

Artículo I.

Los Gobiernos contratantes se obligan á nombrar cada uns una comisión compuesta de dos ingenieros ó agrimensores, con el objeto de trazar y amojonar debidamente la línea divisoria entre las Repúblicas de Costa Rica y Nicaragua, según lo establece el Tratado de 15 de abril de 1858 y el Laudo arbitral del señor Presidente los de Estados Unidos de Norte América, Mr. Grover Cleveland.

Artículo II.

Las Comisiones que por el artículo anterior se crean, serán integradas por un ingeniero, cuyo nombramiento será solicitado por ambas Partes del señor Presidente de los Estados Unidos de América y cuyas funciones se concretan á lo siguiente: cuando en la práctica de las operaciones estuvieren en desacuerdo las Comisiones de Costa Rica y Nicaragua, se someterá el punto ó puntos discutidos al juicio del Ingeniero del señor Presidente de los Estados Unidos de América. El Ingeniero tendrá amplias facultades para decidir cualquier clase de dificultades que surjan, y conforme á su fallo se ejecutarán ineludiblemente las operaciones de que se trate.

Artículo III.

Dentro de los tres meses siguientes al canje de la presente Convención, ya debidamente ratificada por los respectivos Congresos, los Representantes en Washington, de ambos Gobiernos contratantes, procederán, de común acuerdo, á solicitar del señor Presidente de los Estados Unidos de Norte América que acceda á nombrar el Ingeniero á que antes se hizo referencia y que verifique su elección. Si por falta de Representante en Washington de cualquiera de los dos Gobiernos ó por cualquiera otro motivo que sea, dejare de hacerse la solictud conjuntamente, en el plazo enunciado, una vez vencido éste, podrá cualquiera de los Representantes de Costa Rica ó Nicaragua en Washington, hacer por separado tal solicitud, la cual surtirá todos sus efectos, como si hubiese sido presentada por ambas Partes.

Artículo IV.

Verificado el nombramiento del Ingeniero norteamericano, y dentro de los tres meses siguientes á la fecha de ese nombramiento, se procederá á la demarcación y amojonamiento de la línea fronteriza, lo cual

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