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Sidney, Algernon (1622-83). English statesman; author, Discourse Concerning Government.

Sieyes, Emmanuel Joseph, Count (1748-1836). French statesman; Ambassador to Germany.

Sikorsky, Igor I. (1889- ). Naturalized American aircraft designer, born in Russia.

Smith, Alfred Emanuel (1873

). American statesman; Governor of New

York; Democratic candidate for President 1928; editor, New Outlook. Socrates (469-399 B. C.). Greek philosopher; president of the Prytanes; condemned for impiety and sentenced to death, 399 B. C.

Spencer, Herbert (1820-1903). English philosopher and writer.

Stone, Melville Elijah (1848–1929). American journalist; founder, Chicago Daily News; general manager of the Associated Press.

Sumner, Charles (1811-74). American statesman; Senator from Massachusetts. Swift, Jonathan (1667-1745). Irish author, Gulliver's Travels.

Taft, Robert Alphonso (1889- ). American statesman; Senator from Ohio. Taylor, Bayard (1825-78). American author; Ambassador to Germany. Theodosius I, The Great (346-395). Roman emperor; foe of paganism; imposed Christianity.

Thompson, Floyd Eugene (1887- ). Chief Justice Supreme Court of Illinois.

Thoreau, Henry David (1817-62). American writer and philosopher.

Traubel, Horace (1858-1919). American writer and editor.

Vandenburg, Arthur Hendrick (1884- ). American statesman; Senator from Michigan; author, If Hamilton Were Here Today.

Volney, Constantin Francois (1757-1820). French philosopher; author, Meditations on Revolutions.

Voltaire, Francois (1694-1778). French poet and reformer.

Wallace, Henry Agard (1888

). American statesman; Secretary, U. S.

Department of Agriculture; Vice President; author, New Frontiers.

Washington, Booker Taliaferro (1856-1915). American Negro author, Up From Slavery; president Tuskegee Institute.

Washington, George (1732-99). American soldier and statesman; Commander in Chief of the Continental forces; President of the Constitutional Convention; President, 1789-97.

Webster, Daniel (1782-1852). American statesman; Congressman; Secretary of State; Senator from Massachusetts.

Wentworth, Peter (1530-96). English statesman; member of Parliament; sent to Tower of London for speeches on Parliamentary privileges; died in prison. Wesley, Charles Harris (1891- ). American Negro educator; author, The Collapse of the Confederacy.

Wheeler, Burton Kendall (1882

). American statesman; Senator from Montana; Progressive candidate for Vice President, 1924.

White, William Allen (1868- ). American journalist; editor, Emporia Gazette. The long quotation is from his 1922 Pulitzer Prize editorial.

Whitman, Walt (1819–92). American poet, Leaves of Grass.

Wilkes, John (1727-97). English statesman; member of Parliament; denied seat on several occasions for persisting in his fight for a free press; Lord Mayor of London.

Willkie, Wendell L. (1892- ). American lawyer; president of Commonwealth and Southern Corporation; Republican candidate for President, 1940. Wilson, Woodrow (1856-1924). American statesman; president of Princeton University; Governor of New Jersey; President, 1913-21; awarded Nobel Peace Prize, 1920.

Wordsworth, William (1770-1850). English poet laureate.

Wortman, Tunis (?-1822). American orator and journalist; leader in fight for freedom of press and speech during pre-Jeffersonian era.

Books for Further Reading

The American Faith.

Ernest Sutherland Bates. New York, N. Y., W. W. Norton & Co., 1940. 479 p.

Deals with religious backgrounds in America. Simply written; many specific documentary stories. Divided into four sections covering our European heritage; the American reformation; relation of religion to politics; and the story of faith romanticized.

American Government; a Consideration of the Problems of Democracy. Frank Abbott Magruder. Boston, Mass., and New York, N. Y., Allyn and Bacon,

1939. 758 p. illus., maps, diagrs.

A discussion of politics and government. A chapter on transportation, communication, and power has been added to include recent developments, 1939.

American Saga. Marjorie Barstow Greenbie. New York, N. Y., Whittlesey House McGraw Hill, 1939. 682 p.

A human interest approach through authentic stories of history. Simply written; colorful, informative, and documentary. Useful for dramatizations. Covers the Colonial and Revolutionary periods and the nineteenth century.

Apology, Crito and Phaedo of Socrates. Plato. New York, N. Y., Translation Publishing Co., Inc. 1929. 123 p.

A literal translation by Henry Cary. Contains a detailed story of the trial of Socrates; the challenge to his accusers; his rejection of compromise; and the story of his death.

Are American Teachers Free?

Charles Scribner's Sons, 1936.

Howard Kennedy Beale. New York, N. Y., 856 p.

An analysis of the restraints upon freedom of teaching in American schools. A detailed report by the Commission on the Social Studies.

The Battle of the Press. Theophila Carlile Campbell. London, Eng., A. & H. B. Bonner, 1899. 319 p.

The fight for a free press, as told in the story of the life of Richard Carlile, by his daughter.

A Book of Americans. Stephen and Rosemary Benet. New York, N. Y., Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., 1933. 114 p. illus.

Beginning with Christopher Columbus and ending with Woodrow Wilson, the authors tell the story of pioneers in America and of leaders who contributed to the growth of the United States. Contains good material for dramatizations.

Builders of the Republic. Frederic A. Ogg. New Haven, Conn., Yale University Press, 1927. 352 p. illus.

The Revolutionary and Constitutional periods; a profusely illustrated story taking us up to the War Between the States. One of the Pageant of America Series. Can These Things Be? George Seldes. New York, N. Y., Brewer, Warren & Putnam, 1931. 433 p.

Dealing with terrorism in Europe; the censorship of the press under dictators. The Capture and Execution of John Brown, a Tale of Martyrdom. Elijah Avey. Chicago, Ill., The Hyde Park Bindery, 1906. 144 p. illus., plates, ports.

A first-hand story of John Brown's crusade, imprisonment, and last hours. Elijah Avey was an eye witness.

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