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Lamar T. Beman. New York, N. Y., The

Censorship of Speech and the Press.

H. W. Wilson Co., 1930. 507 p.

Selected articles on censorship of speech and press; a cross section of what leaders think should be the limitations of this freedom.

Civil Liberty. Edith M. Phelps. New York, N. Y., The H. W. Wilson Co., 1927. 194 p.

This volume contains material on the freedom of expression of opinion from the viewpoint of the arguments for and against restrictions upon it.

Constitutional Free Speech. Theodore A. Schroeder. New York, N. Y., Free Speech League, 1919. 456 p.

Constitutional free speech defined and defended. Interesting cases from the files of the Free Speech League.

Constitutional Problems Under Lincoln, 1809-1865. James G. Randall. New York, N. Y., and London, Eng., D. Appleton & So., 1926. 580 p. illus..

Covers the war years in detail. Takes up the problems of the suspension of habeas corpus, the military and civil trials, and the closing of newspapers which attacked the Government.

Defender of Democracy. Emil Ludwig. New York, N. Y., Robert M. McBride & Co., 1936.

278 p.

The life of Masaryk of Czechoslovakia, with dramatic scenes in the Mid-European countries.

Democracy. Thomas Jefferson. New York, N. Y., D. Appleton-Century Co., 1939. 291 p.

A compilation of Jefferson's writings, arranged by Saul K. Padover. Reveals Jefferson as a commentator and political thinker. Quotations are arranged topically.

Documentary Source Book of American History, 1606-1926. William MacDonald. New York, N. Y., The Macmillan Co., 1937. 713 p.

Includes the charters of Virginia, Massachusetts, Maryland, Connecticut, the Carolinas, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania and Georgia, as well as important national documents.

The Dreyfus Case. Alfred and Pierre Dreyfus. New Haven, Conn., Yale University Press, 1937. 303 p. plates, ports.

The memoirs of Alfred Dreyfus, including letters he wrote to his wife while he was in prison. A chronological story of the case by Pierre Dreyfus, son of the prisoner. The Early Persecutions of the Christians. Leon H. Canfield. New York,

N. Y., Columbia University, 1913. 215 p.

The story of how Christianity thrived on persecution; includes episodes suitable for dramatization.

Elijah Parish Lovejoy as a Christian. Melvin Jameson. Rochester, N. Y., Scrantom, Wetmore, and Co., 1910. 115 p. illus.

Early stories of Lovejoy's life, his defense of liberty of the press, and his death at Alton, Ill., in his final fight for this freedom.

The Enemies of Books. William Blades. New York, N. Y., A. C. Armstrong & Son, 1888. 165 p. illus.

A story of the attempted suppression of freedom of the press, accenting European


England's Voice of Freedom; an Anthology of Liberty. Henry W. Nevinson. London, Eng., V. Gollancz, Ltd., 1929. 304 p.

The story of the growth of liberty in England, which is a chronicle of liberty in itself. Nevinson gives due credit to continental predecessors in each case.

The English Revolution, 1688-89.

George Macaulay Trevelyan. New York,

N. Y., Henry Holt & Co., 1939. 281 p.

Trevelyan claims these years were not only the turning point in English history, but really the heart of the story of democracy. He studies the causes behind the revolution, as well as the forces which grew out of it.

The Epic of America.

Co., 1931. 433 p.

James Truslow Adams.

Boston, Mass., Little, Brown &

Adams views the story of America as a moving pageant in which the characters appear on the stage, act their parts, and retire.

Epoch-Making Liberty Documents.

1936. 174 p.

David Wuntch.. Tyler, Tex., D. Wuntch,

Contains copies of the Ten Commandments, Magna Carta, Petition of Right, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and many other documents, with introductory historical sketches giving the setting for each document.

Eternal Vigilance. American Civil Liberties Union.

can Civil Liberties Union, 1938. 96 p.

New York, N. Y., Ameri

Suggestions on what we must do to guard our civil liberties.

The Evolution of Modern Liberty. George L. Scherger. New York, N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1904. 284 p.

The history and development of natural law and growth of the sovereignty of the people; the story of the American Bill of Rights and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.

Fair Trial. Chester S. Williams. Evanston, Ill., Row, Peterson and Co., 1941. 72 p. illus.

A story of the long struggle of mankind to escape from the law of vengeance and to establish justice under impartial judges and the trial by jury.

The Fathers of the Constitution. Max Farrand. New Haven, Conn., Yale University Press, 1921. 246 p. front.

The story of the men behind the writing, rewriting, and ratification of the Constitution. Bibliographical notes on each. One of the Chronicles of America Series.

The Federalist, a Commentary on the Constitution of the United States. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay. Washington, D. C., National Home Library Foundation, 1938. 618 p.

A collection of essays written in support of the Constitution agreed upon September 17, 1787, by the Federal Convention. From the original text of the authors.

The First Americans, 1607-1690.

N. Y., The Macmillan Co., 1938.
Pioneers in the early struggles to

Thomas Jefferson Wertenbaker. New York, 358 p. plates, ports., map, plan.

establish a haven of refuge for the persecuted.

Formation of the Union, 1750-1829. Albert Bushnell Hart. New York, N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1925. 301 p. maps.

An account of the drawing together of the Colonies in a common cause, the wars with England, and final union.

Foundations of America. New York, N. Y., Sun Dial Press, 1938. 421 p.

A collection of famous documents that have determined the course of history in America. Starts with the Mayflower Compact and includes many Presidential proclamations of the present day.

The Framing of the Constitution of the United States. Max Farrand. New Haven, Conn., Yale University Press; London, Eng., Oxford University Press, 1936. 281 p.

This book is founded upon the records of the Federal Convention, many of which were not collected until recent years. Indexed.

Free Speech and a Free Press. Giles J. Patterson. Boston, Mass., Little,
Brown & Co., 1939. 261 p.

Written by a member of the American Bar, but not from a legal viewpoint. A running story of the struggle through the ages.

Free Speech and Plain Language.

row & Co., 1937. 343 p.

Albert Jay Nock. New York, N. Y., W. Mor

A recent book telling of the curbs that have been placed upon the right of free speech. Accents the American story.

Freedom of Inquiry and Expression. Edward Potts Cheyney. Philadelphia,
Pa., American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1938.
365 p.

A detailed story of the opposition to free speech and free press, with new side lights on the characters involved.

Freedom of Speech. Zechariah Chafee, Jr. New York, N. Y., Harcourt, Brace & Howe, 1920. 431 p.

How to obtain freedom of speech and how to preserve it. Freedom of Speech. Julia E. Johnsen.

Co., 1936. 317 p.

Contains a bibliography.

New York, N. Y., The H. W. Wilson

Arguments for and against unlimited speech. Interesting insight into minds of leading historical characters who were opposed to free expression.

Freedom of the Mind in History. Henry Osborn Taylor. New York, N. Y.

and London, Eng., Macmillan & Co., 1923. 297 p.

Covers cases of persecution from the earliest days through the First World War.
William Boulting. New

Giordano Bruno; His Life, Thought and Martyrdom.

York, N. Y., E. P. Dutton & Co., 1916. 315 p.

One of the later biographies, containing many new facts in Bruno's battle for free thought. Tries to record his thoughts in the order he declared them.

Great Moments in Freedom. Marion Fiorence Lansing. Garden City, N. Y..
Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1930. 326 p. illus., plates.

Pictures historic procession of famous people in search of liberty and interprets the manner in which each found the key to freedom. A book for young readers.

Haven of the Spirit. Merrill Denison. New York, N. Y., Dramatist's Play
Service, 1939. 36 p.

A play depicting the struggle of Roger Williams for religious freedom. One of the
America In Action Series.

Heritage of America. Henry Steele Commager. Boston, Mass., Little, Brown & Co., 1939. 1152 p.


Sharp, concise, and detailed history of our country in the words of eyewitnesses of great events. Good source of story material on freedom and democracy.

Historic Americans. Elbridge S. Brooks. New York, N. Y. and Boston, Mass.,
T. Y. Crowell & Co., 1899. 384 p. illus., plates.

Sketches of the lives and characters of certain famous Americans. Written for young people.

Historical Development of the Jury System. Maximus Lesser. Rochester,
N. Y., The Lawyer's Co-operative Publishing Co., 1894. 274 p.

Traces the story of how we came to have juries, from the time a man was tried by 12 neighborhood gossips to the present day.

The History and Development of the Fourth Amendment to the U. S. Constitution.. Nelson B. Lasson. Baltimore, Md., The Johns Hopkins Press, 1937.

154 p.

Begins with the early Colonial period; shows how the writs of assistance trials stamped upon the minds of the founding fathers a need for this amendment.


A History of English Law. W. S. Holdsworth. London, Eng., Methuen & Co., Limited, 1937. 4 vols.

The story of the development of common law in the British Isles; where early customs originated; and evolution of modern justice.

A History of Freedom of Thought.

Henry Holt & Co., 1913. 256 p.

John Bagnell Bury. New York, N. Y.,

Begins with the story of free reason in Greece and Rome and ends with the American struggle. Bibliography and index.

History of Journalism in the United States. George S. Payne. New York, N. Y., and London, Eng., D., Appleton & Co., 1920. 453 p.

Valuable because of detailed accounts of such men as Franklin and Freneau. A story of men rather than newspapers.

History of Trial by Jury.

Co., 1878. 388 p.

William Forsyth. New York, N. Y., Cockcroft &

The author describes early forms of justice and injustice, and traces the emergence of the modern jury of peers.

Horace Mann and Religion in the Massachusetts Public Schools. Raymond B. Culver. New Haven, Conn., Yale University Press, 1929. 301 p.

A detailed account of Mann's battle to keep religion out of the public schools, and his controversy with the American Sunday School Union regarding school libraries. How We Got Our Liberties. Lucius B. Swift. Indianapolis, Ind., The Bobbs

Merrill Co., 1928. 304 p.

A history of the foundations of political and religious liberty, containing many colorful incidents. Good material for dramatizations.

In Defense of Liberty. William Wood and Ralph H. Gabriel. New Haven, Conn., Yale University Press, 1928. 370 p. illus.

Stories of America's wars for freedom after she became a united Nation. Profusely illustrated. One of the Pageant of America Series.

The Inquiring Mind.

& Co., 1928. 276 p.

Zechariah Chafee. New York, N. Y., Harcourt, Brace

A collection of essays on liberty and other constitutional problems, including contemporaneous reviews of judicial decisions on free speech and industrial relations. It is Later Than You think. Max Lerner. New York, N. Y., The Viking Press, 1939. 260 p.

Shows how battle cries of personal freedom and minority rights have been drowned out by new slogans. Inquires into what might be done to save democracy.

Jefferson and Hamilton; the Struggle for Democracy in America. Claude G. Bowers. Boston, Mass., and New York, N. Y., Houghton, Mifflin Co., 1929. 531 p. plates, ports.

Two men representing different schools of thought battled in the open, and thus democracy grew. Good insight into the characters of both.

Jefferson and His Colleagues.

versity Press, 1921. 343 p.

Allen Johnson. New Haven, Conn., Yale Uni

Gives a picture of the men associated with Jefferson during his Presidency. One of the Chronicles of America Series.

The Jeffersonian Cyclopedia. John P. Foley. New York, N. Y., and London, Eng., Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1900. 1009 p. plates, ports.

A comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson, classified by title and subject.


John Brown's Body.

Stephen Vincent Benét. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, 376 p. plates, illus.

Doran & Co., Inc., 1930.

A narrative poem telling of the man who led the uprising at Harpers Ferry.

John Bunyan, His Life, Times and Work.
Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1886. 515 p.

John Brown. Cambridge, Mass.,

illus., plates, ports.

A biography by a minister who for more than 20 years preached at the same church at which Bunyan presided and was official guardian of Bunyan's personal relics and memorials.

John Huss. D. S. Schaff. New York, N. Y., C. Scribner's Sons, 1915. 349 p. A biography which judges the man in the light of what has happened during the five centuries following his death.

John Peter Zenger. Charles F. Heartman. Highland Park, N. J., H. B. Weiss, 1934. 60 p. illus.

The author presents a character sketch of this liberal journalist and tells of his struggle for freedom of the American press. Contains a specimen page of the New York Weekly Journal printed by Zenger.

The Key of Libberty.2 William Manning. Billerica, Mass., The Manning Association, 1922.

71 p.

Showing the reasons why free governments had always failed, and suggesting a way to make them succeed. Written in the year 1798; a remarkable document for that day.

The King Fish. Carleton Beals. Philadelphia, Pa. and London, Eng., J. B. Lippincott, 1935. 414 p.

A biography of Huey P. Long, Louisiana dictator, his curtailment of civil liberties, and his battle with the press.

KKK-Invisible Empire.

Co., 1939. 422 p.

Stanley F. Horn. Boston, Mass., Houghton Mifflin

The story of the Ku Klux Klan during its most active years, 1866-71. A study of law deficiency.

Land of the Free. Herbert Agar. Boston, Mass., Houghton Mifflin Co., 1935. 305 p. illus.

How to understand our liberty; want it; fight for it; and grow conscious of its possibilities.

Legal Status of Church-State Relationship in the United States. Alvin W. Johnson. Minneapolis, Minn., University of Minnesota Press, 1934. 332 p.

Laws and court decisions affecting the teaching of religion in the public schools. Contains a study of Sunday legislation.

Lest Freedom Fall. Nathan Ayer Smith. New York, N. Y., Dodd Mead & Co., 1940.

138 p.

The author shows that the keystone of liberty is the voluntary performance of the social obligations which control the exercise of our civil rights.

Let Freedom Ring.

Arthur G. Hayes. New York, N. Y., Boni and Liveright,

1928. 341 p.

Describes cases concerning freedom of education, speech, assemblage, press, residence, stage, and opinion with which the writer, a lawyer, happened to be connected during 1922-27.

2 Original spelling.

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