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Let Freedom Ring! Harold G. and Dorothy Calhoun. Washington, D. C., U. S. Government Printing Office, 1937. 379 p. illus.

A series of 13 radio scripts dramatizing important episodes in the growth of freedom. Contains production notes and lesson aids.

Liberty and the News. Walter Lippmann. New York, N. Y, Harcourt, Brace and Howe, 1920. 104 p.

What modern liberty means, how it should be interpreted in the newspapers, and how it often suffers at the hands of special privilege.

Liberty Documents. Mabel Hill. New York, N. Y., and London, Eng., Longmans, Green & Co., 1907. 458 p.

A contemporary exposition, with critical comments on documents which had a bearing on the evolution of liberty.

Liberty of the Press. Chester S. Williams. Evanston, Ill., Row, Peterson and Co., 1940. 72 p. illus.

A story of the struggle to win freedom to write, print, and publish without undue censorship of government.

The Life and Letters of John Hay. William Roscoe Thayer. Boston, Mass., Houghton Mifflin Co., 1929. 2 vols.

These letters of Lincoln's secretary give a new insight into the constitutional problems faced by the President during the war years, especially when dealing with a recalcitrant press.

Life of George Mason, 1725-1792. Kate M. Rowland. New York, N. Y. and London, Eng., G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1892. 2 vols.

A biography of the man who most influenced Jefferson in writing the Declaration of Independence. Published a century after his death.

The Life of James Madison.

Gaillard Hunt. New York, N. Y., Doubleday,

Page & Co., 1902. 402 p.

An analysis of the man as statesman and President.

Life of John Wilkes. Horace Bleackley. New York, N. Y., John Lane Co., 1917. 464 p.

One of the leading exponents of free speech and free press in England is analyzed for his effect upon following generations.

Main Currents in American Thought, 1620-1920.

New York, N. Y., Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1927. 3 vols.

Vernon L. Parrington.

One of the best historical sources of human interest material for writers and speakers. Interestingly written.

The Making of the Constitution.

Brown & Co., 1937. 832 p.

Charles Warren. Boston, Mass., Little,

Conditions and sentiments which influenced the framers of the Constitution, political history behind each clause of the document, and many letters to and from the delegates.

The March of Democracy, a History of the United States. James Truslow Adams. New York, N. Y., Charles Scribner's Sons, 1933. 5 vols.

Tracing the growth of democracy on this continent, with references to our European heritage. Detailed account of each forward step and the forces behind it.


Hilaire Belloc. Philadelphia, Pa., and London, Eng., J. B. Lippincott Co., 1935. 312 p.

A recent book on Milton, with much hitherto unpublished material on his struggle for the freedoms.

Modern Jury Trials and Advocates.

Judge Joseph W. Donovan. New York,

N. Y., G. A. Jennings Co., Inc., 1929. 740 p.

Contains synopses of cases which have contributed to democracy, with sketches and speeches of leading American advocates of freedom.

Mr. Pitt and America's Birthright.

A. Stokes & Co., 1940. 576 p.

J. C. Long. New York., N. Y., Frederick


The man who, with Burke, defended the American Colonies in England. biographer believes him to be one of the greatest defenders of the democratic ideal of all time.

New Adventures in Democracy. Ordway Tead. New York, N. Y., Whittlese House, 1939. 229 p.

Practical applications of the democratic idea, and how to focus our attention upon making organized relations to social groups democratic.

A New Birth of Freedom. Nicholas Roosevelt. New York, N. Y., Charles Scribner's Sons, 1938. 274 p.

A new interpretaion of America's future in the light of America's past, setting forth a case for federalism, and answering the challenge of dictators.

The Newspaper and Authority. Lucy M. Salmon. New York, N. Y., Oxford University Press, 1923. 505 p. plates.

The story of the power newspapers had until radio became a factor. Opinions of famous libertarians on freedom of the press.

On Liberty; Representative Government; the Subjection of Women. John Stuart Mill. London, Eng., Oxford University Press, H. Milford, 1933. 548 p.

Three of the best-known essays by the great English economist.

Our Ancient Liberties. Leon Whipple. New York, N. Y., The H. W. Wilson Co., 1927. 153 p.

An account of the history of civil liberties in the United States, subdivided according to basic classifications.

Popular Progress in England. James Routledge. London, Eng., Macmillan and Co., 1876. 631 p.

Chapters in the history of popular progress, considered chiefly in relation to freedom of the press and trial by jury, 1620-1820, with an application to later years. The Press and a Changing Civilization. Arthur John Cummings. London, Eng., John Lane, 1936. 139 p.

Studis the problems of liberty of the press today; newspaper propaganda; the role played by radio; and censorship of press and radio.

The Racial Myth. Paul Radin. New York, N. Y., Whittlesey House, McGrawHill Book Co., Inc., 1934. 141 p.

The idea of superior races is not compatible with liberty, or the survival of civilization, says the author, and he cites cases in which this belief has ruined civilizations. Readings From Lincoln. Alfred A. Wright. New York, N. Y., Henry Holt & Co., 1929. 287 p. illus.

Lincoln's best speeches and papers edited, with a brief version of the Lincoln story.

The Record of America. James Truslow Adams and Charles Garrett Vannest. New York, N. Y., and Chicago, Ill., Charles Scribner's Sons, 1935. 941 p. illus., maps, diagrs., and color plates.

A history written merely as a record, with little comment on the causes or effects of the incidents chronicled.

Religious Liberty.

Co., 1941. 72 p.

Chester S. Williams. Evanston, Ill., Row, Peterson and illus.

The story of the struggle to win freedom of conscience, to end religious persecution, and to separate church and state.

Right of Free Speech.
Co., 1940. 84 p.

Chester S. Williams. Evanston, Ill., Row, Peterson and illus.

Highlights in the battle to win the rights of free speech and assembly, and to maintain those rights.

The Rights We Defend. Chester S. Williams. Evanston, Ill., Row, Peterson and Co., 1940. 72 p. illus.

The story of the struggle of mankind for governmental policies and documents guaranteeing personal liberty.

The Rise of Religious Liberty in America. Sanford H. Cobb. New York, N. Y., The Macmillan Co., 1902. 541 p.

Beginning with a description of Old World ideas which were brought to America, this book shows the effect of these on the Colonies and the subsequent changes which came about. The work is political rather than religious.

Roger Williams, New England Firebrand.

The Macmillan Co., 1932. 538 p.

James E. Ernst. New York, N. Y.,

Te story of the man who founded a colony for religious freedom and the persecutions he suffered in America before he founded that colony.

Roots of American Civilization. Curtis P. Nettels. New York, N. Y., F. S. Crofts and Co., 1938. 748 p. illus.

A history of American Colonial life, with an index and a bibliography.

Samuel Adams, Promoter of the American Revolution; a Study in Psychology and Politics. Ralph Volney Harlow. New York, N. Y., H Holt & Co., 1932. 363 p.

The complex causes behind the Revolutionary War; England's trade relations vex the Colonies; Adams leads them in showing resentment, which flares into war. Samuel Gorton: A Forgotten Founder of Our Liberties.

Providence, R. I., Preston & Rounds, 1896. 141 p.

Lewis G. Janes.


An account of the life of Samuel Gorton, the first settler of Warwick, R. I. author believes Gorton has not been given his rightful place in American history. Seed of Liberty: The Story of the American Colonies. E. Keble Chatterton. Indianapolis, Ind., The Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1929. 356 p. illus.

The emergence and development of the American Colonies, the seeds of discontent, and the final freedom.

Select Documents of English Constitutional History. George Burton Adams and H. Morse Stephens. New York, N. Y., The Macmillan Co.; London, Eng., Macmillan Co., Ltd., 1918. 555 p.

A collction of the main documents and papers that have contributed to the growth of constitutional democracy in England.

Ships for Every Sailing.

Service, 1939. 36 p.

Stanley Young. New York, N. Y., Dramatist's Play

A play depicting the signing of the Mayflower Compact, first democratic document of America. One of the America In Action Series.

Sketches of the Progress of Freedom.

Frederick May Holland. Boston, Mass.,

Boston Investigation Co., 1900. 75 p.

Begins with an account of movements for freedom during the fifteenth century and carries the story to the beginning of the twentieth.

A Source Book in American History to 1787. Willis Mason West. Norwood, Mass., J. S. Cushing Co., 1913. 586 p.

The imperfect nature of democracy in the Colonies; the evolution of political institutions; the breakdown of the Confederation; and the making of the Constitution. Sources of the Constitution of the United States Considered in Relation to Colonial and English History. Charles Ellis Stevens. New York, N. Y., and London, Eng., Macmillan & Co., 1927. 313 p.

The documents and experiences the writers of the Constitution drew upon for guidance.

The Story of Civil Liberty in the United States. Leon Whipple. New York, N. Y., Vanguard Press, 1927. 329 p.

Deals with the struggle for civil liberty from the time of the early abolitionists to post-World War times.

The Story of Cooperstown. Ralph Birdsall. Cooperstown, N. Y., The Arthur H. Crist Co., 1917. 425 p. illus.

The story of one of the most influential towns in the history of America, since it was here that Judge Cooper, Jedediah Peck, and other leaders lived and worked. The Story of Liberty. James Baldwin. New York, N. Y., American Book Co., 1919. 240 p. illus.

An account of how we won our liberties, with stories of the leading characters involved.

The Story of My Life. Clarence Darrow.

Charles Scribner's Sons, 1932. 405 p.

New York, N. Y., and London, Eng., ports., illus. from photographs.

The great liberal lawyer tells of his trials in defense of academic freedom, persecuted races, religious tolerance, and freedom of speech and press.

The Story of the Constitution. Sol Bloom. Washington, D. C., Constitution Sesquicentennial Commission, 1937. 192 p. illus.

Special book on the constitutional history of the United States, published on the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the Convention.

Story of the Declaration of Independence. Mabel Mason Carlton and Henry Fisk Carlton. New York, N. Y., Charles Scribner's Sons, 1926. 113 p. illus. How the Declaration of Independence was written and given to the world; short stories about the men behind it. For young readers.

The Story of the Woman's Party. Inez Haynes Irwin. New York, N. Y., Har court, Brace & Co., 1921. 486 p. illus. from photographs.

Written in the first flush of victory after the Woman Suffrage Amendment to the Constitution was passed. The leading characters behind the battle for the ballot.

The Suffrage Franchise in the Thirteen English Colonies in America. Albert E. McKinley. Boston, Mass., Ginn & Co., 1905. 518 p.

A brief outline of the franchise or lack of it possessed by the people who came to the Colonies, and a detailed chapter on the suffrage requirements of each colony.

This Constitution of Ours.

Sons, 1940. 198 p.

Florence E. Allen. New York, N. Y., G. P. Putnam's

Revives the Jeffersonian doctrine that our national charter is an instrument of freedom. Written by a leading American woman jurist.

Thomas Jefferson and Education in a Republic. Charles Flinn Arrowood. New York, N. Y. and London, Eng., McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1930.

184 p.

Tells of Jefferson's theory of education and of his efforts to make education available to the common man.

Tolerance. Hendrick William Van Loon. New York, N. Y., Boni & Liveright, 1925. 399 p.

The author covers all types of struggles for freedom from the tyranny of ignorance in the pre-Greek era to the years following the First World War.

Tom Paine-Friend of Mankind. Hesketh Pearson.

and Brothers, 1937. 293 p. lllus.

New York, N. Y., Harper

A recent biography of Paine, stressing points which prove his faith and belief in the ultimate good of the great masses.

Tragedy of Lynching. Arthur F. Raper. Chapel Hill., N. C., The University of North Carolina Press, 1933. 499 p.

A report presented by the Southern Commission on the Study of Lynching, showing that lack of a fair trial not only deprives a citizen of his rights but may condemn innocent persons.

The Tree of Liberty. Elizabeth Page. New York, N. Y. and Toronto, Canada, Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., 1939. 985 p.

A novelized form of the story of America's fight for freedom, on which a motion picture entitled The Howards of Virginia was based.

Trial by Prejudice. Arthur G. Hayes. New York, N. Y., Covici-Friede, 1933. 369 p. plates, ports.

A great trial lawyer tells of the cases in which the newspapers and public opinion convicted men before they came to trial.

The Tryal of William Penn and William Mead. William Penn.
Marshall Jones Co., 1919. 37 p.

Boston, Mass.,

A reprint of the story of Penn's trial in England. A jury refuses to bring in a verdict of guilty when instructed to do so, and the case goes down in history as one of the great forward steps in the story of fair trial.

We'd Never Be Happy Otherwise.

Play Service, 1939.

36 p.

E. P. Conkle. New York, N. Y., Dramatist's

A play depicting the story of Elijah Lovejoy and his fight for freedom of the press, which ended in his death. One of the America In Action Series.

The Wellsprings of Liberty. Edouard Herriot. New York, N. Y., Funk and Wagnalls Co., 1939. 279 p.

Written for the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the French Republic; Herriot tells of the intellectual debt France owes America and Great Britain.

What's Democracy to You? Joseph Gollomb. New York, N. Y., The Macmillan Co., 1940. 118 p.

Scrutinizes democracy from the viewpoint of a layman; asks him what use he makes of it; and if this is consistent with what he expects of democracy in the future. William Lloyd Garrison. By His Children. New York, N. Y., The Century Co., 1889. 4 vols. illus.

A detailed account of his life and work, including a history of the abolition movement and its effect on politics; and the beginnings of the woman suffrage movement. The Writings of Thomas Jefferson. Andrew A. Lipscomb, Editor. Washington, D. C., The Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association, 1903-04. 20 vols. plates, maps.

Contains his autobiography, notes on Virginia, official papers, messages, addresses, private letters, and manuscripts which were deposited in the Department of State. You Can't Print That! George Seldes. New York, N. Y., Payson & Clarke, Ltd., 1929. 465 p.

The truth behind the news, 1918-28. An attempt to illustrate the foreign situation by incident and adventure; reasons behind the failure of the American press to present the whole truth about Europe in the 10 years following the World War.

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