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DAISY ALFORD HETHERINGTON, Instructor in Physical Education in the Summer Session.

San Jose State Normal, 1892-94; teacher in elementary schools, 1894-96; teacher, Whittier State School, 1896-97; student, University of California Summer Session, 1897; student, Stanford University, 1897-98; teacher in public schools, 1898-99; teacher, high school, 1901-02; student, University of Missouri, 1902-04; student in Germany, 1904-05.

VINNIE CRANDALL HICKS, Clinical Psychologist, Oakland Public Schools. Graduate University of Chicago, 1897; teacher of English and mathematics, Hyde Park High School, Chicago, 1898-1900; graduate student, University of Chicago, 1908-10; private case work with feeble-minded children, 1908-10; clinical psychologist, Oakland Public Schools-.

ROYAL R. HILL, Research Associate in History, Carnegie Institution.

Graduate, Eureka College, Illinois; graduate student, University of Chicago, 1902; Instructor, Presbyterian School, Matanzas, Cuba, 1902-06; graduate student, University of Chicago, 1906-08; graduate student in American History, Columbia University, 1908-10; sent to Seville, Spain, as Agent of the Department of Historical Research of Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1911-13.

I. B. STOUGHTON HOLBURN, M.A., F.R.G.S., Lecturer for Oxford and Cambridge University Extension Systems.

M.A., Merton College, Oxford University; Lecturer for Oxford University Extension Delegacy, Cambridge University Extension Syndicate, London University Extension Board, Verein fur Neuere Philologie of Dresden and Leipzig, St. George's Classes, Edinburgh, and lecture courses in France, Switzerland, and America. Engaged in extension lecturing for England's three great universities, 1901-.

WILLIAM GRANDVILLE HUMMEL, M.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Education.

B.S., University of Illinois, 1907; M.S., University of California, 1912; Instructor, Colorado Agricultural College; Instructor, New Mexico Agricultural College; introduced agricultural work into Oxnard High School, 1909-10, into Fresno High School and Junior College; Instructor in Agricultural Education, University of California, 1911-12; Assistant Professor of Agricultural Education, University of California, 1912-.

OLIVE O. HUNT, Instructor in Story Telling in the Summer Session.

IRMA H. HUTCHINSON, Instructor in Physical Education in the Summer Session.

Graduate, State Normal School, Winona, Minnesota; student, Chicago Normal School; Chalif School of Dancing, New York; Gilbert School of Dancing, New York; Harvard University Summer Session; Instructor in Public Schools, Duluth, Minnesota; Instructor, Lachmund Private School, St. Louis, Missouri; Instructor, Public Schools, Minneapolis, Minnesota; Supervisor of Physical Training, Elementary Schools, Los Angeles.

MABEL ISH, Assistant in Physical Education.

HANS JAUCHEN, Instructor in Art Metal Work in the Summer Session.

Graduate, Kunstgewerbe Schule, Hamburg, 1902; apprentice in atelier of Johann Jauchen, Hamburg, 1896-99; designer, modeler, repousser and chaser with Royal Silversmiths and Goldsmiths in Fulda, Kiel and Dusseldorf, 1902-05; Instructor in Arts and Crafts, studio of Emil Jauchen, Hamburg, 1905-06; special commission under direction of Starkie Gardner, metal worker to the King and Curator of South Kensington Museum, London, 1908-09; manager Jarvie Art Metal Works, Chicago, 1909-10; independent craftsman, 1910-12; manager of Art Department, San Francisco Metal Stamping and Corrugating Company, 1913.

KATHERINE DAVIES JONES, Ph.B., Assistant in Agricultural Education. Ph.B., University of California, 1896; Assistant in Agricultural Education, 1911-.

JUANITA JUDY, Assistant in Graphic Art in the Summer Session.

OLLY J. KERN, Superintendent of Winnebago County Schools, Rockford, Illinois.

Ex-four years, De Pauw University; Principal, Cherry Valley Schools, 1888-91; Instructor, Rockford High School, 1891-98; County Superintendent, Winnebago County Schools, 1898-. Author "Among Country Schools," contributor to educational magazines; lecturer on problems of the country school in relation to the country life movement.

*HENRY J. KESNER, C.E., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, Instructor in the Summer School of Surveying.

A.B., University of Colorado, 1905; B.S., 1907; C.E., 1911; Secretary, University of Colorado, 1904-06; Instructor in Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota, 1907-08; Instructor in Civil Engineering, University of California, 1909-11; Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, 1911-.

LILLY KINCAID, Assistant in Physical Education.

ALFRED L. KROEBER, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Anthropology.

A.B., Columbia University, 1896; A.M., 1897; Ph.D., 1901; Instructor in Anthropology, 1901-06; Assistant Professor of Anthropology, and Curator, Museum of Anthropology, University of California, 1906-10; Associate Professor and Curator, 1910.

DERRICK NORMAN LEHMER, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Mathematics.

A.B., University of Nebraska, 1893; M.A., 1896; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1900; Instructor in Mathematics, University of California, 1900-03; Assistant Professor, 1905-10; Associate Professor, 1910-.

HAROLD LEWIS LEUPP, A.B., Associate Librarian.

A.B., Cornell University, 1902; student, New York State Library School, 1902-04; Assistant Reference Librarian, John Crerar Library, Chicago, 1904-06; Manager Library Department, University of Chicago Press, and Librarian of the Historical Group, 1906-10; Associate Librarian, University of California, 1910-.

* In the Summer School of Surveying, Camp California, Swanton, California.

CLARENCE IRVING LEWIS, Ph.D., Instructor in Philosophy.

A.B., Harvard University, 1906; Ph.D., 1910; Instructor in English Language, University of Colorado, 1906-08; Assistant in Philosophy and Education, 1907-08; Assistant in Philosophy, Harvard University, 1910-11; Assistant in Philosophy, Radcliffe College, 1910-11; Instructor in Philosophy, University of California, 1911-.

JOSEPH A. LONG, Ph.D., Instructor in Embryology.

B.S., Harvard University, 1904; M.A., 1905; Ph.D., 19083; Assistant in Zoology, Radcliffe College, 1901-04; Austin Teaching Fellow in Botany, Harvard University, 1904-05; Assistant in Zoology, Harvard University, 1905-08; Instructor in Zoology, University of California, 1908-12; Instructor in Embryology, 1912-.

ROYCE REED LONG, A.B., Director of Physical Training, Stanford University. A.B., Stanford University, 1908; Director of Physical Training, Vanderbilt University, 1904-06; Assistant Professor of Hygiene, Director of Physical Training, Stanford University, 1906-.

AZUBA MCCARTHY, Assistant in Home Economics in the Summer Session. EUGENE IRVING MCCORMAC, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of American History.

B.S., Upper Iowa University, 1896; Ph.D., Yale University, 1901; Principal of the Montour, Iowa, High School, 1896-97; Instructor in History, Northwestern University, 1901-02; Professor of History and Political Science, University of the Pacific, 1902-03; Instructor in American History, University of California, 1903-10; Assistant Professor, 1910-.

JOHN HECTOR MCDONALD, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mathematics.

A.B., University of Toronto, 1895; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1900; Instructor in Mathematics, University of California, 1901-07; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 1908-.

JANE MCKEAN, Assistant in Home Economics in the Summer Session.
ARTHUR PATCH MCKINLAY, Ph.D., Instructor in Latin and Greek.

A.B., University of Oregon, 1893; M.A., Harvard University, 1904; Ph.D., 1906; Assistant in Latin, High School, Portland, Oregon, 1894-1901; Assistant Professor of Latin, University of Oregon, 1902-03; Assistant Professor of Classics, University of Idaho, 1906-07; Head of Department of Classics, Lincoln High School, Portland, Oregon, 1907-12; Instructor in Latin and Greek, University of California, 1912-.

THEODORE S. MADSON, Supervisor of Manual Training, San Diego Public Schools.

Graduate of the San Jose State Normal School; Supervisor of Manual Training of the Riverside City Schools, 1907-12; Instructor in Manual Training, University of California Summer Session, 1912; Supervisor of Manual Training, San Diego Public Schools, 1912-.

ALBERT M. MEADS, B.S., M.D., Infirmary Physician.

B.S., University of California, 1905; M.D., 1908; St. Luke's Hospital, San Francisco, 1908-09; Bellevue Hospital, New York City, 1910-12.

GEORGE ABRAM MILLER, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics, University of Illinois.

A.B., Muhlenberg College, 1887; Ph.D., Cumberland University, 1893; Professor of Mathematics, Eureka College, 1888-93; Instructor in Mathematics, University of Michigan, 1893-95; Cornell University, 1897-1901; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Stanford University, 1901-03; Associate Professor, 1903-06; University of Illinois, 1906-07; Professor of Mathematics, University of Illinois, 1907-.

LOYE HOLMES MILLER, Ph.D., Head of Department of Biology, Los Angeles State Normal School.

B.S., University of California, 1898; M.S., 1904; Ph.D., 1912; Instructor in Oahu College, Honolulu, 1900-03; Assistant in Zoology, University of California, 1903-04; U. S. Fish Commission on board S. S. Albatross, 1904; Assistant in Zoology, Marine Biological Laboratory, San Diego, 190405; Assistant Professor, Comparative Anatomy, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Los Angeles, 1905-08; Instructor in Palaeontology, University of California, 1909; member of biological expeditions to Mexico, Arizona, Oregon, and to deserts of Southern California; Head of Department of Biology of Los Angeles State Normal School, 1910-.

SYDNEY BANCROFT MITCHELL, M.A., Head of Accessions Department in the Library.

A.B., McGill University, 1901; M.A., 1904; in charge of reading room, McGill University Library, 1902-03; student, New York State Library School, 1903-04; Classifier and Cataloguer, 1904-07; Instructor in reference, loan, bibliography and buildings, McGill University summer school for librarians, 1904-08; organizer, Macdonald College Library, Quebec, 1908; Head of order department, Stanford University Library, 1908-11; Head of Accessions department, University of California Library, 1911-; Instructor in library course, University of California Summer Session, 1912.

MARION R. MORGAN, Head of Girls' Physical Education Department, Manual Arts High School, Los Angeles.

GRISWOLD MORLEY, Ph.D., Instructor in Romance Languages, University of Colorado.

A.B., Tufts College, 1898; M.A., Harvard University, 1899; Ph.D., 1902; Instructor in Romance Languages, 1902-05; Acting Professor of Romance Languages, University of Colorado, 1910-11; Instructor in Romance Languages, 1911-.

WILLIAM ALFRED MORRIS, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English History.

A.B., Stanford University, 1901; Ph.D., Harvard University, 1907; teacher of Latin and History, Portland, Oregon, High School, 1901-04; Assistant in History, Harvard University and Radcliffe College, 1906-07; Instructor in European History, University of Washington, 1907-10; Assistant Professor, 1910-12; Instructor in University of California Summer Session, 1912; Assistant Professor of English History, University of California, 1912-.

MAUD I. MURCHIE, B.S., Director of Household Arts Department, San Jose Normal School.

B.S., Columbia University, 1909; Bachelor's Diploma in Domestić Science; Teacher Domestic Art and Science, Oakland Public Schools, 1909-10; Director of Household Arts Department, San Jose Normal School, 1910-.

PERHAM W. NAHL, Instructor in Drawing, California School of Arts and


Graduate San Francisco Institute of Art, San Francisco, 1906; Instructor of Pen and Ink Rendering in the Architectural Department of the University of California, 1906; student of Art in Munich and Paris, 1907-08; Instructor in Drawing, California School of Arts and Crafts, 1907; Assistant in Drawing, University of California, 1912-.

KARL EUGEN NEUHAUS, Instructor in Freehand Drawing.

Graduate Royal Art School, Kassel, Germany, 1899; graduate Royal Institute for Applied Arts, Berlin, 1903; Instructor in Historic Ornament, Municipal Art School, Charlottenburg, Berlin, 1903-04; Assistant Professor of Decorative Design, San Francisco Institute of Art, 1907-08; Instructor in Freehand Drawing, University of California, 1908-.

FRANCES H. NEY, Instructor in Education, Summer Session.

Graduate, Vineland, N. J., 1909; Special courses University of Buffalo; Sumer courses, Cornell, Columbia and Pennsylvania; Teacher in Buffalo Training School; organized first special class at Buffalo, 1909.

JUANITA NICHOLSON, Assistant in Graphic Art in the Summer Session.

Graduate, San Francisco Institute of Art, 1907; Instructor in Drawing, Lompoc High School, California, 1907-.

H. J. NORTON, Assistant Physical Director, University of Wisconsin.

Graduate, Lake George Training School, New York, 1909; Assistant Physical Director Y. M. C. A., Rochester, New York, 1907-09; Assistant Physical Instructor, University of Missouri, 1909-11; Director of Physical Education, Hull House, Chicago, 1911-12; Assistant Instructor in Physical Training, University of Wisconsin, 1912-13.

ROMILDA PARONI, B.S., M.D., Lecturer in Hygiene and Medical Examiner.

B.S., University of California, 1903; M.D., 1907; Lecturer in Hygiene, University of California, 1907-.

CLARENCE PASCHALL, M.A., Assistant Professor of German.

A.B., Wittenberg College, 1894; M.A., Harvard University, 1901; student, University of Chicago, summer sessions of 1895, 1896, 1899, 1900; student, Harvard University, 1900-02; Instructor in German, Tufts College, 1901-02; Instructor in German, University of California, 1902-10; Assistant Professor of German, 1910-.

FREDERICK LOGAN PAXSON, Ph.D., Professor of American History in the University of Wisconsin.

B.S., University of Pennsylvania, 1898; Ph.D., 1903; M.A., Harvard University, 1902; Professor of History in the Universities of Michigan and Colorado, 1903-06; Research Associate of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, working in the British archives in London, 1910; Lecturer in American History, University of Chicago, 1909; author of The Independence of the South-American Republics, The Last American Frontier, and The Civil War,

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