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Blades, Forks, Razors, Razor Blades, Scissors, Shears or any other
Cutlery articles whatsoever, Edge Tools or Hardware requiring a cutting
Edge, as shall be liable to be forfeited by virtue of this Act, to be seized,
and the same when seized to keep in safe custody, for the purpose of pro-
ducing the same in Evidence, upon any Prosecution or Action to be
instituted or commenced for the pecuniary Penalties incurred in respect
thereof; and when and as soon as the further production thereof in
Evidence shall become unnecessary, then the same shall, by order of such
Justices, be destroyed, or disposed of in any manner as the Court before
which such Articles shall be produced may direct.

time for In

Provided always, and it is hereby further Enacted, That no Information Limitation of
shall be exhibited or Action brought, for any of the Offences aforesaid, formations
unless within the space of
months after the commission of under the
such Offences respectively.


of the pecuniary Application

And be it further Enacted, That
Penalties to be recovered as aforesaid, shall be paid and payable to the of Penalties,
poor of the Parish Township or Place where the Offence shall be com-
mitted, and the other
of such Penalties to the Person or
Persons who shall inform or sue for the same.

Provided always, and be it further Enacted, That in all Actions, Suits, Informations, Trials and other Proceedings, in pursuance of this Act, or in relation to any matter or thing herein contained, any Inhabitant of the Parish Township or Place in which any offence or offences shall be committed, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this Act, shall be admitted to give Evidence, and shall be deemed competent Witnesses, notwithstanding his her or their being an Inhabitant or Inhabitants of the Parish Township or Place wherein any such offence or offences shall be supposed to have been committed.

To enable
to be Wit-


whose order

Provided always, and be it further Enacted, That in case any Person Persons dis-
or Persons who shall be liable to any of the Penalties aforesaid, by reason closing by
of any thing done by him her or them, under the order direction or pro- any thing
curement of any other Person or Persons, shall, before any Information punishable
or Complaint shall be laid or made against him her or them, discover to
or more Justices, the Name or Names of the Person
or Persons by whose order direction or procurement he she or they shall
have done such act, which shall have made him her or them liable to any
of the Penalties, so that the Person or Persons by whose order direction

21 or procurement he she or they shall have done such sct, shall be prosecuted
to Conviction for the same, then and in such case such Person or Persons
who shall give such Information, or make such Complaint, shall not be
liable to the Pains and Penalties aforesaid, but shall be entitled to
of the Penalty, as other Informers.

Act was done,
shall not be
liable to any
Penalty for
doing it.


And be it further Enacted, That if any Suit or Action shall be com- Limitation of
menced against any Person or Persons for any thing done in pursuance
of this Act, such Suit or Action shall be commenced within


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Months next after the Fact committed, and not afterwards, and shall be laid brought and tried in the County City or Place where the offence was committed, and not elsewhere; and the Defendant or Defendants in such Suit or Action, Suits or Actions, shall and may plead the General Issue, and give this Act and the Special Matter in Evidence; and if any Suit or Action shall be brought after the time before limited for bringing the same, or shall be brought in any other County City or Place than as aforesaid, then the Jury shall find for the Defendant or Defendants, and upon such Verdict, or if the Plaintiff or Prosecutor shall become nonsuit, or suffer discontinuance, or if a Verdict shall pass against him or her, or if upon Demurrer Judgment shall be given against the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, the Defendant or Defendants shall and may recover


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For regulating the Cutlery Trade in England.

Note.-The Figures in the Margin denote the Number of the Folios
in the written Cору.

WHEREAS Knives, Forks, Razors, Scissors, Shears and other Preamble.

Cutlery Wares, Edge Tools and Hardware requiring a cutting Edge, forged and formed of wrought Steel, and Iron and Steel, have for many years been a great, and until lately an increasing branch of Trade in England; and such Articles being esteemed in Foreign Countries for their superior quality, great quantities thereof have been sent to Foreign Markets: AND whereas a practice prevails of casting or forming in a mould from Cast Iron, Knives, Knife Blades, Forks, Razors, Razor Blades, Scissors, Shears and other articles of Cutlery, Edge Tools and Hardware requiring a cutting Edge, and some of such articles are, though in reality of an inferior quality, by a chemical process previous to the finishing and polishing thereof, made to resemble so nearly the like sort of articles wrought of Steel, and Iron and Steel, as scarcely to be distinguishable from wrought Steel, and Iron and Steel, until actually used, even by persons skilled in the manufactory of Cutlery, Edge Tools, and Hardware : AND whereas deceptions have been and continue to be practised on the Public, not only by the great resemblance which Knives, Knife Blades, Forks, Razors, Razor Blades, Scissors, Shears and other Cutlery Wares, Edge Tools and Hardware, so cast or made in a mould, have to the like sort of articles made and forged of the best wrought Steel, but also by the stamping or marking the words "Steel," "Shear Steel," "Cast Steel," and "Warranted," on some of such articles, words which have hitherto been used to denote wrought Steel articles only, and by offering such articles, so stamped or marked, for sale, and by selling them, both at home and abroad, as and for Steel-wrought Wares: AND whereas deceptions have also been and continue to be practised, by ınarking on Cutlery Wares, Edge Tools and Hardware requiring a cutting Edge, forged and wrought 316.



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