5M. Course for Teachers. Mrs. GREENLEAF. The elements of phonetics in their application to French; phonetic transcription of ordinary texts and transcription from dictation; study of French pronunciation with much practice. 1 unit. MWF, 3. 15B North Hall. 6M. Syntax of the French Verb. Assistant Professor FAUCHEUX. Intended for teachers; based chiefly on Professor E. C. Armstrong's Syntax of the French Verb. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 9. 16B North Hall. SPANISH. CARLOS BRANSBY, M.A., Litt.D., Instructor in Spanish. 1. Elementary Spanish. Dr. BRANSBY. For beginners as well as for those who may desire to review the rudiments of the language. The essentials of grammar; drill in pronunciation; exercises in composition and conversation. Text-books: Spanish Grammar, by Chas. P. Wagner; Worman's First and Second Spanish Books. Satisfactory completion of this course will give credit for matriculation subject 15c1 or for Spanish A in the regular session. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 2. 15 North Hall. 2. Advanced Spanish. Dr. BRANSBY. For those who have had at least one year of Spanish. Rapid reading; translating from Spanish into English; drill on the verb and in the use of prefixes and suffixes; exercises in conversation. Text-books: Bramsby's Progressive Spanish Reader; Larra's Partir á Tiempo; Hills and Ford's Spanish Grammar. 1 unit. MWF, 3. 15 North Hall. 3. Spanish Composition. Dr. BRANSBY. Translation from English into Spanish; original composition in Spanish. Text-book: Umphrey's Spanish Prose Composition. 1 unit. Tu Th, 3. 15 North Hall. MATHEMATICS. FRANK P. BRACKETT, M.A., Professor of Mathematics, Pomona College. ALFRED J. CHAMPREUX, B.S., Instructor in Mathematics. BENJAMIN A. BERNSTEIN, A.B., Instructor in Mathematics. LOWER DIVISION COURSES. 1. Plane Trigonometry. Mr. BERNSTEIN. The development of the general formulae of plane trigonometry, with application to the solution of triangles and practice in the use of logarithmic tables. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 10. 21 North Hall. This course is equivalent to Course Cor to matriculation subject 12a2. 2. Plane Analytic Geometry. Professor BRACKETT. Introduction to the methods of plane analytic geometry. The straight line and circle, elementary properties of the conic sections, problems in loci, application of graphical methods in the solution of equations. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 9. 18B North Hall. This course is equivalent to Course D or to matriculation subject 12a3. 3. Differential Calculus. Mr. CHAMPREUX. The fundamental principles and formulae of the differential calculus, with applications to various problems of geometry, analysis, and mechanics. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 8. 14 North Hall. While this course will not be fully equivalent to course 9A, it may be possible in individual cases for students conditioned in differential calculus to remove that condition by satisfactory completion of this course. 4M. Integral Calculus. UPPER DIVISION COURSES. Mr. CHAMPREUX. The fundamental principles and formulae of the integral calculus, with applications to geometry. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 9. 14 North Hall, While this course will not be fully equivalent to Course 9BM, it may be possible in individual cases for students conditioned in integral calculus to remove that condition by satisfactory completion of this course. 5M. Analytic Geometry of Three Dimensions. Professor BRACKETт. The elementary analytic geometry of the straight line in space, the plane, the sphere, and the conicoids. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 10. 18B North Hall. Mr. BERNSTEIN. 6M. The Foundations of Algebra. Analysis of the assumptions underlying algebra and logic. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 11. 21 North Hall. GENERAL SCIENCE. WILLIAM C. MORGAN, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry. CYRIL A. STEBBINS, Instructor in Nature-Study in the Summer Session. 1M. General Science for Secondary Schools. Assistant Professor MORGAN and Mr. STEBBINS. This course is intended for actual or prospective teachers in this comparatively new field of instruction. To this end there will be offered for consideration outlines of courses with suggestions as to material for illustration. The endeavor will be made to show how by the simplest kind of experiments which may usually be performed at home, the student may be lead to answer his own questions and thus become familiar with the methods and fundamental principles of science. In connection with this course there will be lectures by representatives of the different sciences. These lecturers will present those phases of the separate sciences which, because of their humanistic significance, should be included in a course of General Science. 2 or 3 units. M Tu W Th F, 10. 210 Chemistry Building. The Trees of California. Assistant Professor JEPSON. Organic Evolution, its Facts, Principles, and Problems. Professor KELLOGG. The Birds, Mammals, and Reptiles of California. Mr. GRINNELL. A History of Vertebrate Life in the Pacific Coast Region. Palaeontology 1м. Apicultural Nature-Study. Entomology 3. Associate Professor MERRIAM. Mr. BENTON. Fundamentals of Plant and Animal Physiology. Mr. MILLER. |