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CHAP. XIV. Return to quiet Life-French and English

prepare for Hostilities-Plan of a Campaign-General

Braddock-His Character-Sir John St. Clair Quarter-

master-general-His Tour of Inspection - Projected

Roads-Arrival of Braddock-Military Consultations

and Plans-Commodore Keppel and his Seamen-Ships

and Troops at Alexandria-Excitement of Washington

-Invited to join the Staff of Braddock-A Mother's

Objections-Washington at Alexandria-Grand Council

of Governors-Military Arrangements-Colonel William

Johnson-Sir John St. Clair at Fort Cumberland-His

Explosions of Wrath-Their Effects-Indians to be e-

listed-Captain Jack and his Band of Bush-beaters, 52

CHAP. XV. Washington proclaimed Aide-de-camp--Dis-
appointments at Fredericktown-Berjamin Franklin and
Braddock Contracts Departure for Wills' Creck-
Rough Roads-The General in his Chariot-Camp at
Fort Cumberland-Hugh Mercer-Dr. Craik-Military
Tactics Camp Rules-Secretary Peters-Indians in
Camp-Indian Beauties-The Princess Bright Light-
ning-Errand to Williamsburg--Braddock's Opinion of
Contractors and Indians-Arrival of Conveyances,


CHAP. XVI. March from Fort Cumberland-The Great
Savage Mountain-Camp at the Little Meadows-Divi.

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CHAP. XXXIII. Lord North's Bill favoring the Exporta-

tion of Teas-Ships freighted with Tea to the Colo ies-

Sent back from some of the Ports-Tea destroyed at

Boston-Passage of the Boston Port Bill-Session of the

House of Burgesses-Splendid Opening-Burst of In-

dignation at the Port Bill-House Dissolved-Resolu-

tions at the Raleigh Tavern-Project of a Ge: eral Con-

gress-Washington and Lord Dunmore-The Port Bal

goes into Effect-General Gage at Boston-League a d



CHAP. XXXIV. Washington Chairman of a Political
Meeting Correspondence with Bryan Fairfax-Patri.
otic Resolutions-Washington's Opinions on Public Af
fairs-Non-importation Scheme-Convention at Wil-
liamsburg-Washington appointed a Delegate to the
General Congress-Letter from Bryan Fairfax-Perplex-
ities of General Gage at Boston,

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Measures-Debates about the Army-Question as to

Commander-in-chief-Appointment of Washington-

Other Appointments-Leiters of Washington to his

Wife and Brother-Preparations for Departure, 146

CHAP. XL. More Troops arrive at Boston-Generals
Howe, Burgoyne, and Clinton-Proclamation of Gage-
Nature of the American Army-Scornful Conduct of
the British Officers-Project of the Americans to seize
upon Breed's Hill-Putuam's Opinion of it-Sanctioned
by Prescott-Nocturnal March of the Detachment-For-
tifying of Bunker's Hill-Break of Day, and Astonish-
ment of the Enemy,

CHAP. XLI. Battle of Bunker's Hill,

CHAP. XLII. Departure from Philadelphia-Anecdotes
of General Schuyler-of Lee-Tidings of Bunker's Hill
-Military Councils-Population of New York-The
Johnson Family-Governor Tryon -Arrival at New
York-Military Instructions to Schuyler-Arrival at the

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CHAP. V. A Challenge declined-A Blow meditated-A
cautious Council of War-Preparations for the Quebec
Expedition-Benedict Arnold the Leader-Advice and
Instructions-Departure-General Schuyler on the Sorel
-Reconnoitres St. Johns-Camp at Isle aux Noix-III- {
ness of Schuyler-Returns to Ticonderoga-Expedition
of Montgomery against St. Johns-Letter of Ethan Al-
len-His Dash against Montreal-Its Catastrophe-A
Hero in Irons-Correspondence of Washington with
Schuyler and Arnold-His Anxiety about them, .

CHAP. VI. British in Boston send out Cruisers-Depre-

dations of Captain Wallace along the Coast-Treason in

the Camp-Arrest of Dr. Church-His Trial and Fate-

Conflagration of Falmouth-Irritation throughout the

Country-Fitting out of Vessels of War-Embarkation

of General Gage for England-Committee from Con-

gress-Conferences with Washington-Resolutions of

Congress to carry on the War-Return of Secretary

Reed to Philadelphia,

CHAP. VIII. Affairs in Canada-Capture of Fort Cham-

blee-Siege of St. Johns-Maclean and his Highlanders

-Montgomery on the Treatment of Ethan Allen-Re-

pulse of Carleton-Capitulation of the Garrison of St.

Johns-Generous Conduct of Montgomery-Maclean re-

embarks for Quebec-Weary Struggle of Arnold through

the Wilderness-Defection of Colonel Enos-Arnold inf

the Valley of the Chaudiere-His Arrival opposite Que-

bec- Surrender of Montreal-Escape of Carleton-

Home-sickness of the American Troops,


CHAP. IX. Washington's Anticipations of Success at Que-

bec-His Eulogium of Arnold-Schuyler and Montgom-

ery talk of resigning-Expostulations of Washington-

Their Effect-Schuyler's Conduct to a Captive Foe, 195

CHAP. X. Difficulties in filling up the Army-The Con-
necticut Troops persist in going Home-Their reception
there-Timely Arrival of Spoils in the Camp-Putnam
and the Prize Mortar-A Maraud by Americans-Re-
buked by Washington-Correspondence of Washington
with General Howe about the treatment of Ethan Allen
-Fraternal Zeal of Levi Allen-Treatment of General
Prescott-Preparations to bombard Boston-Battery at
Lechmere's Point-Prayer of Putnam for Powder,

CHAP. XI. Mount Vernon in Danger-Mrs. Washington

invited to the Camp-Lund Washington, the General's

Agent-Terms on which he serves-Instructed to keep

up the Hospitality of the House--Journey of Mrs. Wash-

ington to Camp-Her Equipage and Liveries-Arrival

at Camp-Domestic Affairs at Head Quarters-Gayetics

in Camp-A Brawl between Round-Jackets and Rifle-


CHAP. XVI. Correspondence of Washington and Schuy-
ler on the Disasters in Canada-Reinforcements required
from New England-Dangers in the Interior of New
York-Johnson Hall beleaguered-Sir John capitulates
-Generous Conduct of Schuyler-Governor Tryon and
the Tories-Tory Machinations-Lee at New York-Sir
Henry Clinton in the Harbor-Menaces of Lee-The
City a d River fortified-Lee's Treatment of the Tories
-I's Plans of Fortification-Ordered to the Command
in Canada-Ilis Speculations on Titles of Dignity,

CHAP. XVII. Monotonous State of Affairs before Boston

-Washington anxious for Action-Exploit of Putnam-

Its Dramatic Consequences-The Farce of the Blockade

of Boston-An Alarming Interruption-Distresses of the

Besieged-Washington's Irksome Predicament - His

Bold Proposition-Demur of the Council of War-Ar-

rival of Knox with Artillery-Dorchester Heights to be

seized and fortified-Preparations for the Attempt, 218

CHAP. XVIII. The Affair of Dorchester Heights-Amer-

ican and English Letters respecting it-A Laborious

Night-Revelations at Daybreak-Howe in a Perplexity

-A Night Attack meditated-Stormy Weather-The

Town to be evacuated--Negotiations and Arrangements

-Preparations to Embark-Excesses of the Troops-Bos-

ton evacuated-Speech of the Duke of Manchester on the

subject-A Medal voted by Congress,


CHAP. XIX. Destination of the Fleet-Commission of the
two Howes-Character of Lord Howe-The Colonies
divided into Departments-Lee assigned to the Southern

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CHAP. XXVI. Arrival of more Ships-Movements of the
Phoenix and the Rose-Panic in the City-Host le Ships
up the Hudson-Stir of War along the River-General
George Clinton, and the Militia of Ulster County-Fresh
Agitation of New York-Arrival of Lord Howe,
CHAP. XXVII. Precautions against Tories-Secret Com-
mittees Declaration of Lord Howe-His Letter to the
Colonial Governors-His Letter to Washington rejected
-Interview between the British Adjutant-General and
Colonel Reed-Reception of the Adjutant-General_by
Washington-The Phoenix and Rose in the Tappan Sea,
and Haverstraw Bay-Arming of the River Yeomanry
-George Clinton at the Gates of the Highlands,

CHAP. XXVIII. Question of Command between Gates

and Schuyler-Condition of the Army at Crown Point-

Discontent and Departure of Sullivan-Fortifications at

Ticonderoga-The Question of Command adjusted-Se-

cret Discontents-Sectional Jealousies in the Army-

Southern Troops-Smallwood's Macaroni Battalion-

Connecticut Light-Horse,

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CHAP. XXXVIII. Conjectures as to the Intentions of the
Enemy-Consequent Precautions-Correspondence with
Greene respecting Fort Washington-Distribution of
the Army-Lee left in Command at Northcastle-In-
structions to him-Washington at Peekskill-Visits to
the Posts in the Highlands,

CHAP. XXXIX. Affairs on Lake Champlain-Gates at

Ticonderoga-Arnold's Flotilla-Military Preparations

of Sir Guy Carleton at St. Johns-Nautical Encounters

-Gallant Conduct of Arnold and Waterbury-Carleton

in Possession of Crown Point-His return to Canada

and Winter Quarters,


CHAP. XL. Washington crosses the Hudson-Arrives at

Fort Lee-Affairs at Fort Washington -Question about

its Abandonment-Movements of Howe-The Fort sum-

moned to Surrender-Refusal of Colonel McGaw-The

Fort attacked-Capture of the Fort and Garrison-

Comments of Washington on the State of Affairs, . 295

CHAP. XLI. The Enemy cross the Hudson-Retreat of

the Garrison from Fort Lee-The Crossing of the Hack-

ensack-Lee ordered to move to the West Side of the

River-Reed's Letter to him-Second move of the Army

-Beyond the Passaic-Assistance sought from various

quarters-Correspondence and Schemes of Lee-Heath

stanch to his Instructions-Anxiety of George Clinton

for the Safety of the Hudson-Critical Situation of the

Army-Disparaging Correspondence between Lee and

Reed-Washington retreats across the Raritan-Artives

at Trenton-Removes his Baggage across the Delaware

-Dismay ad Despondency of the Country-Procla

mation of Lord Howe-Exultation of the Enemy-

Washington's Resolve in case of Extremity,


CHAP. XLII. Lee at Peekskill-Stanch adherence of

Heath to Orders-Lee crosses the Hudson-Washing-

ton at Trenton-Lee at the Heels of the Enemy-His

Speculations on Military Greatness-Forced March of

Cornwallis-Washington crosses the Delaware-Put-

Lam in Command at Philadelphia-Baffling Letters of

Lee-Hopes to reconquer the Jerseys-Gates on the

March--Lee quartered at Baskingridge-Surprised and

Captured--Speculations on his Conduct,

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