Office of Publication at the Boston Public Library, Boylston Street, Subscription, $1.50 a year. The numbers under 2110 will be found in Lower Hall. Boston. 6229a.39 la par ÂGE, L', du monde: rapport sur le concours ouvert en 1882 direction du journal "Lumière et liberté" à propos de trois questions de chronologie se rapportant à l'humanité. [Genève. Richter. 1882 ?] 63 pp. 12°. ALEXANDER, William, bishop of Derry and Raphoe. Primary convictions. 3435.107 N. Y. Harper. 1893. xvi, (1), 322 pp. [Columbia college. Lectures on the evidences of Christianity.] 8°. AMERICAN shipping and industrial league. 7641.29 American merchant marine. How to restore to it the foreign carrying trade. 7582.9 ANTI-SLAVERY CONFERENCE, The, and import duties in the Congo state. By a trader. (Trans. from the Dutch.) Liverpool. Turner, R. & co. 1890. APPRENTICES' library company, Phila. Finding list. 16 pp. 8°. 2140a.64 4312.158 Phila. 1892. (1), xii, 97 pp. 8°. ARCHIVO HISPALENSE, Seville. Curiosidades bibliográficas y documentos inéditos. Homenaje al cuarto centenario del descubrimiento del Nuevo Mundo. Sevilla. E. Rasco. 1892. xvii, 51, (3) pp. 8°. Contains a fac-simile of the 1493 edition of Dati's poem on the discovery of America, and documents relating to Diego and Fernando, the sons of Columbus. ARWAKER, Edmund, ed. & tr. 2979.91 Truth in fiction: or, morality in masquerade. A collection of 225 fables of Æsop, and other authors. Done into English verse. Lond. Churchill. 1708. (8), xvi, 326 pp. Sm. 8°. ASLAKSSON, Eystein, bishop of Oslo. *6825.10 Udgivet ved Biskop Eysteins Jordebog (den Röde Bog). Fortegnelse over det geistlige Gods i Oslo Bispedömme omkring Aar 1400 H. J. Huitfeldt. ... Christiania. Gundersen. 1879. xxiii, (1), 781 pp. Fac-similes. [Norsk historisk Kildeskriftfond.] 8°. ARLINGTON MILLS, Lawrence, Mass. 4455.231 A historical and descriptive sketch with some account of the worsted dress-goods manufacture in the U. S. Bost. 1891. ATKINSON, Stephen. 134 pp. Pls. 8°. *6513.114 The discoverie and historie of the gold mynes in Scotland. 1619. [Ed. by Gilbert Laing Meason.] Edin. Ballantyne. 1825. (3), 2, vii, 118 pp. [Bannatyne club.] 4°. AUFERMANN, William. 7999.32 Cornfibre and its uses. N. Y. 1865. 30 pp. 8°. *6686.62 AUSGABEN UND ABHANDLUNGEN aus dem Gebiete der romanischen Philologie. Veröffentlicht von E. Stengel. 1-90. Marburg. Elwert. 1882-92. 11 v. 8°. Each number is separately catalogued. BACKHOUSE, Edward. 3524.110 Early church history to the death of Constantine. Ed. and enl. by Charles Tylor. With a biographical preface by Dr. Hodgkin. 3d ed. Lond. Simpkin. 1892. xviii, (1), 333 pp. Illus. Portr. Pls. 8°. BADDELEY, Welbore St. Clair. Bedoueen legends and other poems. Lond. Robson & K. 1883. BALAGUER, Víctor. Cristóbal Colón. 3028.110 xv, 144 pp. Sm. 8°. 2747.73 Madrid, 1892. (5), 253 pp. 16°. 3920a.70 BALL, Sir Robert Stawell. BALLIN, Ada S. 2466.113 Holiday resorts on the east coast. Notes of a visit to Yarmouth, Lowestoft, Cromer. . . . 2d ed. [Lond.] 1892. 32 pp. Illus. 8°. Sermons to children. Lond. Skeffington 1879. xii, 210 pp. Sm. 8°. BARRIE, James Matthew. 14.119 An auld licht manse, and other sketches. Biographical and literary estimate by Elliott Henderson. N. Y. Knox. [1893.] 12°. BARRIÈRE, Théodore. 2674.120 Le feu au couvent. Comédie. Nouv. éd. 58 pp. 12o. 2674.123 Le jardinier et son seigneur. Opéra-comique. 12°. Words only. 2674.122 Un monsieur qui attend des témoins. Comédie. 12°. BARTER, Charles. 3058.140 The Dorp and the Veld; or, six months in Natal. Lond. Orr. 1852. vii, (1), 264 pp. S. 8°. 4520.109 BAYE, Joseph, baron de. The truth about "protection." N. Y. Webster. 1892. 35 pp. 8°. 3644.85 *3050a.121 De Tripoli à BERNARD, Marius. *6513.110 BERTEVILLE, Sir John. Edin. 1825. (3), 2, 2, (1), 18 pp. Plan. [Bannatyne club.] 4°. BEVERIDGE, William, bishop. *7449a.127 Resolutions on the most interesting and important subjects; abridged from bishop Beveridge. Phila. Willis. 1793. 144 pp. 24°. BIRKMAIER, Elizabeth G. 979.91 Poseidon's paradise. The romance of Atlantis. San Fran. Clemens pub. co. 1892. 305 pp. Map. BLAIKIE, John Arthur. 2568.130 BOQUET-LIANCOURT, E. 2677.152 Théâtre de famille: petites comédies et petits drames faciles à jouer Contents. Les gentillâtres.-Après le duel.-L'indécis.-Le retour d'Ulysse.-L'envers BORRER, William. 3903.80 BOURSIN, Elphège, and Augustin CHALLAMEL. Dictionnaire de la Révolution française, institutions, hommes & faits. 8°. |