Recueil Des Traités, Kolièine 13–14Harrison & Sons, 1922 |
Iz vsebine knjige
Zadetki 6–10 od 44
Stran 151
... Ordinary grey , White or coloured , Ground or not ground , Slag cement ( Trass ) and other kinds of building cement Building - bricks : Ordinary , unglazed ( including porous ) and bricks of sand and lime ... Bricks of all kinds not ...
... Ordinary grey , White or coloured , Ground or not ground , Slag cement ( Trass ) and other kinds of building cement Building - bricks : Ordinary , unglazed ( including porous ) and bricks of sand and lime ... Bricks of all kinds not ...
Stran 189
... ordinary calls . For Government department calls , the charge made shall be the same as for ordinary private calls . Telegraph and telephone service calls shall be free of charge . For a private urgent call , the charge shall be three ...
... ordinary calls . For Government department calls , the charge made shall be the same as for ordinary private calls . Telegraph and telephone service calls shall be free of charge . For a private urgent call , the charge shall be three ...
Stran 246
... ordinary mail if separable , and if the communications be inseparably attached the whole package containing them will be rejected . If , however , any such should be inadvertently forwarded , the country of destination may collect on ...
... ordinary mail if separable , and if the communications be inseparably attached the whole package containing them will be rejected . If , however , any such should be inadvertently forwarded , the country of destination may collect on ...
Stran 248
... ordinary mail sacks marked " parcel post " and securely sealed with wax or otherwise , as may be mutually provided . ( 2 ) Each country shall return empty to the despatching office , by next mail , all such boxes or sacks . ( 3 ) ...
... ordinary mail sacks marked " parcel post " and securely sealed with wax or otherwise , as may be mutually provided . ( 2 ) Each country shall return empty to the despatching office , by next mail , all such boxes or sacks . ( 3 ) ...
Stran 250
... ordinary parcels , they may be advised simply by the total number of such parcels sent in the despatch . This list shall be enclosed in one of the boxes or sacks of such despatch ( Form 2 annexed hereto ) . Article 9 . Exchanges of ...
... ordinary parcels , they may be advised simply by the total number of such parcels sent in the despatch . This list shall be enclosed in one of the boxes or sacks of such despatch ( Form 2 annexed hereto ) . Article 9 . Exchanges of ...
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Accord administrations des télégraphes Afghanistan Agreement almindelige anden andra angående Aremark Article Artikel avgift befordres cables Christiania communications Consuls contractantes Convention country customs Danish Danmark danske December Eesti eller ENGSET esthonien Etats Ex Item Ex pos exchange Finland following för fördragsslutande Foreign goods Gouvernement Government Helsingfors hvert ilma imellem Indes orientales néerlandaises kohd kohta kontraherende Kristiania land landet League of Nations ledning Ministre nämnda Netherlands Nimikk Norge norske Norvège Norway Norwegian official ordinary øre overenskomst parcel parterna pays period pood Post Office postaux présent press telegrams provided purpose puudalta ratifications regarding reindeer renens Royaume-Uni samtal series calls seront Sign signed skal skola slag Société des Nations Soome staterna stations Stockholm Straits Settlements Suède svenske Svinesund Sweden Swedish tarif taxe telefon telegrafstyre Telegrafstyrelse télégrammes telegrams telegraph administrations telephone téléphoniques terminal territory traffic Treaty two countries ühes üle United vedkommende zone دولت که