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Knjige Knjige
" Sept. 5, 1793, a copy of which is annexed to this treaty; the complaints of the parties shall be and hereby are referred to the commissioners to be appointed by virtue of this article, who are hereby authorized and required to proceed in the like manner... "
Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, Between His Britannick Majesty ... - Stran 9
avtor: Great Britain - 1795 - 33 strani
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Treaties and Conventions Concluded Between the United States of America and ...

United States - 1871 - 918 strani
...hereby authorized and required to proceed in the like manner relative to these as to the other cases committed to them ; and the United States undertake to pay to the complainants or claimants iu specie, without deduction, the amount of such sums as shall be awarded to them respectively by the...
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The Counter Case of Great Britain as Laid Before the Tribunal of Arbitration ...

Great Britain - 1872 - 1140 strani
...this treaty, the complaints of the parties shall be, and hereby are, referred to the commissioners to be appointed by virtue, of this article, who are hereby authorized and required to proceed in like manner relative to these as to the other cases committed to them," «Sec. such casts "where restitution...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

Treaties and Conventions Concluded Between the United States of America ...

United States - 1873 - 1186 strani this treaty; the complaints of the parties shall be and hereby are referred to the commissioners to be appointed by virtue of this article, who are...required to proceed in the like manner relative to these as to the other cases committed to them ; and the United States undertake to pay to the complainants...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

Treaties and Conventions Concluded Between the United States of America ...

United States - 1873 - 1180 strani this treaty ; the complaints of the parties shall be and hereby are referred to the commissioners to be appointed by virtue of this article, who are hereby authorized ami required to proceed in the like manner relative to these as to the other cases committed to them...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

North-American Review and Miscellaneous Journal

1878 - 588 strani
...this treaty, the complaints of the parties shall be, and hereby are, referred to the commissioners to be appointed by virtue of this article, who are hereby authorized and required to proceed in like manner relative to these as to the other cases committed to them " (United States Statutes at...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

History and Digest of the International Arbitrations to which the United ...

John Bassett Moore - 1898 - 860 strani this treaty; the complaints of the parties shall be and hereby are refenvd to the Commissioners to be appointed by virtue of this article, who are...required to proceed in the like manner relative to these as to the other cases committed to them ; and the United States undertake to pay to the complainants...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

History and Digest of the International Arbitrations to which the United ...

John Bassett Moore - 1898 - 864 strani
...this treaty; the complaints of the parties shall be and hereby are referred to the CominisHionersto be appointed by virtue of this article, who are hereby...required to proceed in the like manner relative to these as to the other oases committed to them ; and the United States undertake to pay to the complainants...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi


John Bassett Moore - 1898 - 884 strani this treaty; the complaints of the parties shall be and hereby are referred to the Commissioners to be appointed by virtue of this article, who are...authorized and required to proceed in the like manner relativo to these as to the other cases committed to them ; and the United States undertake to pay...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

History and Digest of the International Arbitrations to which ..., Količina 4

John Bassett Moore - 1898 - 1186 strani
...this treaty, the complaints of the parties shall be and hereby are referred to the commissioners to bo appointed by virtue of this article, who are hereby...required to proceed in the like manner relative to these as to the other cases committed to them, and the United States undertakes to pay to the com plainants...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

History and Digest of the International Arbitrations to which ..., Količina 5

John Bassett Moore - 1898 - 860 strani
...the complaints of the parties shall be and hereby are referred to the Commissioners to beappoiuted by virtue of this article, who are hereby authorized...required to proceed in the like manner relative to these as to the other cases committed to them ; and the United States undertake to pay to the complainants...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

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