| CHARLES H. HOOLE, M.A. - 1870 - 258 strani
...by the Rev. TT Carter, MA, Rector of Clewer, Berks. Crown 8vo, limp cloth, is.; cloth extra, is. 6d. A Dominican Artist: a Sketch of the Life of the Rev....Kirkbeck," "The Life of Madame Louise de France," &c. Crown 8vo. 91. The Reformation of the Church of Englandjits History, Principles, and Results. AD... | |
| Henrietta Louisa Lear - 1870 - 372 strani
...Priest. Edited by the Rev. TT Carter, MA, Rector of Clewer, Berks. Crown 8vo, 1s. (xl. ; limp cloth, 1s. A Dominican Artist : a Sketch of the Life of the Rev....Kirkbeck," "The Life of Madame Louise de France," &c. Crown 8vo. y. The Reformation of the Church of England; its History, Principles, and Results. AD... | |
| Sextus Propertius - 1870 - 190 strani
...the Rev. TT Carter, MA, Rector of Clewer, Berks. Crown 8vo, limp cloth, is. ; cloth extra, is. 6d. A Dominican Artist : a Sketch of the Life of the Rev....Kirkbeck," "The Life of Madame Louise de France," &c. Crown 8vo. <)s. The Reformation of the Church of England; its History, Principles, and Results.... | |
| Isaac Williams - 1870 - 586 strani
...Priest. Edited by the Rev. TT Carter, MA, Rector of Clewer, Berks. Crown 8vo, 1s. 61f. ; limp cloth, u. A Dominican Artist : a Sketch of the Life of the Rev....Kirkbeck," "The Life of Madame Louise de France," &c. Crown 8vo. gs. The Reformation of the Church of England ; its History, Principles, and Results.... | |
| 1870 - 444 strani
...Alouzo Calkins, MD 12mo. $1.75. A Dominican Artist. A Sketch of tho Life of the Rev. Pero líesson, of the Order of St. Dominic. By the author of " Tales of Kirkhcck." 12mo. $1.75. Dictionary of Doctrinal and Historical Theology. By John Henry Blunt, MA 8vo.... | |
| 1871 - 388 strani
...Edited by the Rev. TT Carter, MA, Rector of Clewer, Berks. Crown 8vo, limp cloth, is. ; cloth extra, is. 6</. A DOMINICAN ARTIST: A Sketch of the Life of the...Kirkbeck,' ' The Life of Madame Louise de France,' etc. Crown 8vo. gs. THE REFORMATION OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND; Its History, Principles, and Results.... | |
| Christopher Wordsworth (bp. of Lincoln.) - 1871 - 136 strani
...the Rev. TT Carter, MA, Rector of Clewer, Berks. Crown Svo, limp clotk, is. ; cloth extra, is. 6d. A DOMINICAN ARTIST: A Sketch of the Life of the Rev....Kirkbeck,"' The Life of Madame Louise de France,' etc. Crown &vo. <)s. THE REFORMATION OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND; Its History, Principles, and Results.... | |
| 1871 - 324 strani
...the Rev. TT Carter, MA , Rector of Clewer, Berks. Crmun &uo, limp cloth, is. ; cloth extra, is. 6d. A DOMINICAN ARTIST: A Sketch of the Life of the Rev....Kirkbeck,' ' The Life of Madame Louise de France," etc. Crmon 8zv. qs. THE REFORMATION OF THE CHURCH ., OF ENGLAND; Its History, Principles, and Results.... | |
| Edward Henry Bickersteth - 1871 - 368 strani
...the Rev. TT Carter, MA, Rector of Clewer, Berks. Crown &vo, limp cloth, is. ; cloth extra, is. 6J. A DOMINICAN ARTIST: A Sketch of the Life of the Rev....Kirkbeck,' ' The Life of Madame Louise de France,' etc. Crown &vo. gs. THE REFORMATION OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND; Its History, Principles, and Results.... | |
| George Moberly - 1871 - 438 strani
...the Rev. TT Carter, MA, Rector of Clewer, Berks. Crown $>vo, limp doth, is. ; cloth extra, Is. 6i/. A DOMINICAN ARTIST: A Sketch of the Life of the Rev....Kirkbeck,' ' The Life of Madame Louise de France," etc. Crown Sve. qs. THE REFORMATION OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND; Its History, Principles, and Results.... | |
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