Conner Koldewyn's Reviews > 1776

1776 by David McCullough
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it was amazing

1776 is a book about the first and most important year of our nation's birth, the conflict that lead by George Washington on one side, and Lord Howe on the opposing side. Almost all of the war takes place on American soil; the Americans did raid a few British supply ships.

I read this book because my parents recommended it to me, and it was my grandfather's favorite book. Also, I do have a love of reading History, especially American history.

McCullough masterfully laces all of the 1776 events together that makes the book exciting, and surprisingly enough, his style makes it suspenseful. I really loved the fact that I learned about two generals-Greene and Knox, I had never heard of either one of them, and this book taught me that they were both fundamental and necessary for America's victory over the greatest power in the world.

Despite all of this, I was disappointed when the book ended after the battles of Princeton and Trenton, it got me so excited that I wanted to keep reading, but this book is a record of only one year of the civil war, not all 6 years. All I can do is hope that McCullough will write a sequel including the rest of the war.

Overall, 1776 is an amazing work of literature, it taught me a lot about the revolutionary war in a way that I loved.

Although I love this book, I doubt that it is for everyone. If you can't read a book unless there is a lot of action involved, this won't be as easy of a read for you as it was for me. If you love reading history, or just love reading in general, then this is for you to enjoy.

I do caution you, this is a war book, and that being said, there is a lot of blood and death.

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Reading Progress

September 10, 2014 – Started Reading
September 10, 2014 – Shelved
October 20, 2014 – Finished Reading

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Conner Koldewyn Thanks :) I wrote it for my English class.

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