Preston's Reviews > 1776

1776 by David McCullough
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's review

it was amazing

An enlightening and informing history of a pivotal time in the birth of the U.S. Attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of key players are captured and expressed throughout.
I was surprised with the brutality of the weather in all seasons, the lack of martial ability and understanding on the U.S. side, and the intersection of two very different approaches to warfare. The British followed rules, procedures, and traditions that had evolved over centuries of warfare. The Americans were often unaware of these same things. In many cases, even when the Americans were aware of rules, traditions, and procedures; the tenuous state of their situation seemed to drive decisions to survive. Somehow, these decisions avoided total disaster or led to tactical or strategic surprise and victory.
Finally, I am struck by the importance of the written word. Inexperienced American leaders with the interest and access (wealth in this case) books learned much about warfare by reading long before the contest began. Information availability and access (bookstores and private libraries coupled with the ability to read, write, and discuss) are critical to the transformation of any society from oppression, poverty, etc. to freedom.
Great read!

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