Kevin McMullen's Reviews > 1776

1776 by David McCullough
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it was amazing

1776 is an insightful and thoroughly researched book detailing the events that transpired beginning in the dawn of the fight for American independence. The setting is the King’s speech to Parliament two months after the Battle of Bunker Hill and almost simultaneous Olive Branch Petition, which sent conflicting signals as to the intent of the American people. And in that time, the intent of the American people was very conflicted, as there were almost as many people loyal to the British throne as opposed it.

The book follows Washington’s Continental Army as well as General Howe’s “peace coalition” in their movements and battles throughout 1776. The book does a splendid job illustrating how ostensibly dire the fight for independence was. No one knew this better than General George Washington, and David McCullough did a marvelous job highlighting the tribulations of their cause. Further highlighted were Washington's human qualities: his imperturbability, political savvy, ability to learn, as well as his indecisiveness that almost had him replaced as Commander in Chief after an almost entire year of loss and retreat. Captivated the whole way through, I now want nothing more than a book titled 1777.

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Reading Progress

July 4, 2015 – Started Reading
July 4, 2015 – Shelved
July 23, 2015 – Finished Reading

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