R's Reviews > 1776

1776 by David McCullough
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1776 is an extremely detailed recounting of the events that took place during the first year of the American Revolution. Which means that, if you like history, you'll probably appreciate this book. As far as I could tell it was well researched and the information was presented in a way that wasn't overly academic in nature.

With that being said, this isn't exactly the most gripping retelling. It's a bit of an info dump that could easily leave a readers checking how many pages are left. This is mostly due to the fact that it's just a recounting of the American Revolution instead of a story that follows any one character. It's a style that's necessary to give a thorough overview of the events of that year, but it also makes this something that I wouldn't recommend reading in a single sitting. Instead, I'd recommend experiencing this book one of two ways:

1. A drawn out read - reading a section of this book every day over a month or so would be a pretty easy task because the sections of the novel tend to function as mini narratives in which the author focuses on certain battles or events. It'll also give readers a chance to digest the information they're being given because there's an almost overwhelming amount of data here and I'm saying that as someone who has spent a decent amount of time studying this time period.

2. Grab the audiobook - This is the method that I chose and I have to say that this is a really good novel to listen to while driving. It's interesting enough to keep you awake, but not interesting enough to distract you from the road.

So, if you want to learn a lot more about 1776 and the American Revolution, definitely look into this book. It's well worth the time.

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Reading Progress

January 11, 2016 – Started Reading
January 11, 2016 – Shelved
February 7, 2016 – Finished Reading

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