Keira's Reviews > 1776

1776 by David McCullough
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did not like it

I have wanted to read this book for several years, finally one of my book clubs chose it to read. But I couldn't even make it beyond the first chapter!! I found it too dry and boring...I'm sure it's a wonderful historical text but it reads too much like a textbook for me! Bummer!

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August 12, 2008 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-2 of 2 (2 new)

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message 1: by Kate (new)

Kate Oh darn! We're doing that for bookclub next month! :( I know if you can't get through it, I won't.

message 2: by Kate (new)

Kate OK, so my bookclub decided against doing this book, so I won't know if I liked it or not, but I have a feeling I would have not.

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