Liz's Reviews > 1776

1776 by David McCullough
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did not like it
bookshelves: have-dl, did-not-finish

This book is not as interesting as people led me to believe. It's basically a book about War....well duh, I hear you say, that's what the War of Independence was all about. However I thought it would be more analytical, why the war started, who the players were, give you the real story of political intrigue and all that jazz. Because war is never really about truth, justice and the American way. It's ALWAYS about a group of people that want the wealth and power of the current people who are in power, they just don't tell the people they lead to the slaughter that's what it's about.

The book starts smack bang into the lead in, no tension building just BOOM, the Americans are pissed and decide to start a fight and the British are indignant about the whole affair.....but who's going to say no to a bit of a war, we all know how much the British and Americans like a good scuffle.

I tried to get through the book but when the penny finally dropped that it would just be about war, I just had to call it quits.....I guess I wouldn't cut it as an American because real Americans DON'T QUIT! But I have to admire how they shook off the British.....200 years later and Australia still has Britain on it's back and their 'un-desirables' still flock down under to the 'colonies' and obviously complain about it all.
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Reading Progress

November 15, 2012 – Shelved
November 15, 2012 – Shelved as: have-dl
April 9, 2013 – Started Reading
April 14, 2013 –
page 100
April 14, 2013 – Shelved as: did-not-finish
April 14, 2013 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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message 1: by Lulu (last edited Apr 15, 2013 04:52AM) (new)

Lulu Who cares about the what fors and the whys.....I just wanna know about who copped it in the gullet, who lost the most number of abled bodied men and how red the river ran! I mean it was simple, the British were insisting the Americans drink tea and eat cucumber sandwiches without crusts, instead of coffee and cinabuns (the mega variety), so the Americans were like "oh no you don't honkies....BAM!!" And that was how the West was won, cue music!!

Lauren Restrepo Well the book is called 1776...and that's what it was about. That particular year of the war. It is meant as a companion book to John Adams.

Paul Brandel Well Liz,I gave it 4 stars and it's written by a 2 times winning historian.Plus it wasn't a doorstopper book like a couple of his other first rate books were.

(Abby) Enter the Phantom The book is only about one year in the war. Of course it won't analyse everything.

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